Plane Merchant

Chapter 831 The Great World

Chapter 831 The Great World

"Crazy, I never knew there would be such a possibility!" After all, Alice still couldn't understand Li Youran's thoughts, but just because she didn't understand didn't mean that no one could understand.

"The boy's brain is very flexible! It's not bad to think of this feasible method!" A three-legged crow appeared in the temple, and said with great interest looking at the moving starry sky cloud map.

"Is it?" Li Youran asked in surprise after seeing this crow. You must know that this is the Temple of Time and Space. Except for the owner, it is impossible for anyone to enter without consent.

"I've been thinking about this question for a long time, boy, but I still haven't got an answer, but I think you will find it out for me." The crow said stinkingly. Recently, his headaches have gradually disappeared. The thought of who he was gave him a splitting headache, but he still didn't know who he was.

"Don't pay attention to him, he was transformed from the godhead obtained from the earth, remember that ancestor spirit? What we got from him in the end!" Alice was already used to the crow's way of speaking.

It's good to have a talking partner in the temple, so Alice didn't discipline him, but no matter how Alice asked about the crow's identity, she didn't know or didn't know. Although the white tiger knew something, it was always hiding in the temple. It doesn't mean to communicate at all.

Li Youran nodded and didn't pay too much attention to it. There are things like the transformation of the godhead. Stones can be psychic after a long time, let alone a magical item like the godhead.

"You said the method was good just now? How did you see that the method was good?" Li Youran asked, the time of the godhead on earth is very long, maybe you can know something.

"Of course I can see it. Although I don't know who I am, I still have some previous memories in my memory. Although most of them are incomplete, I know that this universe is just a corner of the original world.

If you find enough world fragments, then you can reorganize the world, and then the previous big world can reappear, even if you can't find all of them, you can connect as many as you find, don't worry about this aspect.In addition to the world, there are also some other worlds, which can actually be used to expand the world to achieve seamless connection. "

Crow proudly said that Li Youran's inquiry finally gave him something to confide in. Alice, a woman, would never discuss those memory fragments with him, and this woman had no interest in these at all.

"Oh! Fragments of the world? By the way, do you know this? You also know the world beyond the sky, what kind of world is that?" Unexpectedly, it was just a temporary question, but there was a big harvest. Li Youran took out the tablet of fate and asked road.

"World Fragments, as the name suggests, are broken worlds that have become countless fragments, and these fragments have gradually evolved into small worlds. This world has received more inheritance, so relatively speaking, it has developed more comprehensively. Don't ask me why the big world is broken, I don't know, I don't have any memory of it.

As for the thing you took out, the Book of Destiny used to be the treasure of the West, but it was also destroyed after the Great World was shattered. It is said that it has the ability to determine the fate of anyone, including gods, but it is seriously incomplete!Moreover, the chapter on the power to change the rules is missing, so it would be useful to find it back.

I can only say that the Outer Worlds are rare. They are derived from artifacts. There may be nothing special about them, but they are a world of their own, and can connect with any world. It is very useful for mending the world and suppressing luck , I remember I used to have something like this, but I can't remember what it is, so distressed!Who am I?Why am I like this... "

As he talked, the three-legged crow said that Bianfei flew away, and he kept muttering when he left, and it seemed that his mind was not clear again.

In the temple, Li Youran was planning his own affairs, and in the universe where the earth is located, the Mechanic King brought his own fleet and finally got the soul memory crystal from Professor Jin, and the memory fragments were finally recovered by Professor Jin. , as expected, someone cast a spell to hide something. The map was obtained from memory fragments, and he recorded it in the crystal
Not only got the map, but also got more information about this organization. It turned out that these people were controlled by means, and the black hands behind the scenes were still outside the distant star field.

"How long will it take for us to arrive?" The Mechanic Emperor asked the biological battleship, and said that it was Li Youran's order to bring the biological battleship. There are some things that the biological battleship is more convenient to do than the Mechanical Emperor. For example, in terms of activating the mirror, the biochemical man is also people.

"According to the blueprint, we have almost arrived now. If you read it correctly, it is the star field ahead. It's just why we didn't encounter the turbulence in the diary. I don't know if it will affect it." The biological battleship checked the diary Said after the circuit with the memory crystal.

According to the diary, it should encounter space turbulence and appear on which planet, but there is no record of this in the memory crystal, only the complete circuit.

"Space turbulence doesn't appear every day, who can encounter it every day? Just go there!" The mechanical emperor said indifferently, and the facts proved that what he did was right. According to the route, they really came to the end of this planet. above.

"I've scanned it, and there are no traces of humans on it. It seems that what is recorded in the diary is true. In the end, he destroyed the last humans on this planet." He said after being scanned by the biological warfare ship's heat-sensing radar.

Looking at the various animals on the heat sensor, there were indeed no humanoid creatures. The Mechanic Emperor was silent for a while and said, "Have you found the temple and the altar written in the diary?"

"Thermal induction is not omnipotent. There is no satellite observation. We need to go to the planet to see this."

"Then let's go, what are you waiting for?" The Mechanic Emperor urged.

"Are you sure you don't want me to support you? If the two of us go down together and encounter force majeure, we won't run away." The biological battleship rejected the mechanical emperor's suggestion.

"You're right. According to that person's memory, there should still be members of this organization. Then you wait on it. If there are still people coming here. Don't intercept, turn on stealth mode and follow him. We need to find their stronghold. But now I'm going to investigate first!" After speaking, the mechanical emperor got out of the battleship and rushed into the planet with his men.

(End of this chapter)

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