Plane Merchant

Chapter 832 Ancient Mural Painting Ancient God

Chapter 832 Ancient Mural Painting Ancient God
"It feels pretty good, the thickness of the atmosphere is moderate, the oxygen content in the air is comparable to that of the earth, and other trace elements are also in line. The growth of plants has accelerated a lot, the animals are huge, and there is plenty of water... Generally speaking, it is suitable for human life. From some From the traces, at least three civilizations once existed here.”

The Mechanic Emperor observed the composition of the planet and found that it was indeed a place suitable for human life, and the images sent back by the spy robots sent out showed that there were traces of human life here, and the wreckage of several life scenes were also photographed.

"Although it looks like it's been a long time, it seems to be well preserved without any signs of destruction. It seems to have collapsed naturally. It's strange that the three civilizations disappeared together? Something must have happened. This is it!"

The Mechanic Emperor saw a pyramid-like building, and immediately thought that the final destination recorded in the diary was here, and the diary was launched from the rescue capsule found here.

"I found a location, and there is still an altar that I can't find, but I think I will see it soon! But let's go into the pyramid to see what's going on inside." The Mechanic Emperor looked at the highest floating mountain .

After sending two spy robots to fly to the mountain, the Mechatron himself led people into the pyramid.

The Mechanic Emperor sent the image to the biological battleship through his own eyes. As he entered deeper and deeper, he found the traces of the battle. From the traces, it was fresh, which meant that there had been a battle here, and it was very intense. .

After entering the inside, the Mechanic Emperor found a large hall, in which he saw the two sides of the battle, one fell on the side of the broken spaceship, it seemed that he died after activating the rescue capsule, and the rest fell on the ground. Under the high platform, each skeleton has a wooden or iron javelin stuck in it.

"It looks like a very fierce battle, good combat power, ability users like telekinetic power, the level is above average, and the residual fluctuation can still be felt, let's see what level the spaceship is! Well, it doesn't seem to be a high level, However, it is indeed a high-level technology in the earth world, slightly inferior to the technology in the galaxy world, and the logo should be a symbol of a civilization or organization, as for collecting it."

The Mechanic Emperor collected the wreckage of the spaceship and handed it to one of his subordinates behind him, and then looked at the mural behind him that recorded some things about this civilization.

From the beginning, a few people are attacking some huge beasts with what should be stone weapons. From here, we can see that this is a primitive society, but the second painting changes everything. A large spaceship descends from the sky. , and the suspended mountain peak of the altar also fell from the sky.

The two sides seemed to be rivals. After the two sides met, they immediately started a frenzied battle. The murals depicted a battle between a group of people in combat uniforms and a group of wild beasts.

The fire-breathing stick in the hands of the fierce fighter should be a flamethrower, right?This alien force still uses its own stuff?The Mechanic Emperor expressed doubts, how could a civilization that can develop spaceships not even have laser weapons?
The Mechanic Emperor continued to look at it with doubts, and the beasts looked much more ferocious. There were fire-breathing beasts on it, and there were also beasts directing thunder and lightning. It seemed that the primitive people here were much more afraid of wild beasts, but in their hearts they were more Get up close and personal with human civilizations that look more alike.

The third mural is about the internal affairs of the primitive tribe. The three people confronted each other with their own people. They seemed to be arguing about something, and then they broke up. One team followed the alien forces, and the other team lived the original life. The other team tremblingly ran to the ground of the floating mountain, kowtowed and prayed.

It seems that this primitive society is divided here. One has embarked on the road of science and technology, and the other is self-development, and the other is a slave to those wild beasts. No abuse but opted for remodeling.

I don’t know how the owner here knows, but it seems that this place does not belong to the alien technology force, nor does it belong to the floating mountain force. It should be the self-developed force. It seems that because of its special status, it has become special. After all, it is their true portrayal that they can be both right and left.

After a very long period of evolution, the three forces have all changed, and the evolution of science and technology has begun to evolve towards the image of humans, while the floating mountain is a variety of monsters transforming people and the like, and the human city-state is It's still the same as before, but their physical potential seems to be stimulated, and they can practice various abilities like magic.
The fourth mural confirms the speculation of the Mechanic Great. It shows that this force built a fortress. It was just a small dirt bag at first, and then it gradually became huge under the cooperation and support of both sides, becoming a huge city-state .

This pyramid appeared at this time. It was originally built as the resting place of the patriarch, but it seemed that the two forces became more and more impatient. After all, the first thing you need is your own strength. Otherwise it is easy to play crash.

When it came to the fifth mural, things really changed. The power of the floating mountain began to grow, and more and more monsters appeared on the planet. Some of them were powerful, and some could fly. There are also all kinds of terrifying energy rays that can be emitted, which are extremely powerful.

Both sides failed, the huge red mirror, like a huge energy circle, kept coming out of it, and then under a bloody sunset, the floating mountain launched an attack, although with the help of another force, the city-state blocked it The first attack, but they found their own casualties are huge.

The red mirror continues to transmit more monsters. Technicians wanted to escape, but something happened when they flew into the sky. The huge monster in the sky finally made a move. A huge device like a spaceship even got a claw. If it couldn't hold it, it turned into countless fragments.

The human beings inside couldn't survive, and the people in the city-state finally collapsed after their allies betrayed them and became slaves of monsters, and the king surrendered.

When it came to the sixth mural, the Mechanic Emperor saw a picture. A huge statue of a puppet appeared on the floating mountain. The ground was full of those primitive people and other monsters prostrating. The statue with blood-red eyes seemed to be smiling. .

But the Mechanic Emperor knows that this is not the end of this matter, but just the beginning.
Sure enough, when it came to the seventh mural, the flower style changed. The king's ignorance with all his heart finally moved the gods represented by the statues. Human beings began to be stupid beasts and became more dependent assistants of the gods.

On this animation, the king whispered in the ear of the gods, and then the human beings threw away the items they carried on their backs. On the contrary, the wild beasts that had just shown off their might turned into animal power carrying goods, and then the rights of human beings became more and more important. The pyramid is here Time to build.

After merging all the technology of human beings with science and technology, and with the support of gods behind them, the development of human beings finally began a huge transformation. Wars inevitably appeared, and successive victories in foreign wars made human greed more and more inflated.

On the seventh mural, an inflated king looked greedily at the statue of the god, as if he was thinking of replacing him as the most powerful person in power, and then the god was furious, a huge meteorite fell, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption and other natural disasters Happened frequently.

No matter how far human beings have developed technology, the mighty power of nature is unmatched after all. At the last moment, the king finally woke up and came to the altar alone, holding a dagger to his heart.

It seems that he is praying for the forgiveness of the gods in the way of atonement, in order to spare his people, but the shaking of the head of the gods made the king despair, and the disappointed king finally returned to his graveyard, and the remaining humans seemed to know what would happen What, all face death.

Technological humans left behind not only technology, but also destructive weapons. How could the technological people not prepare something for their own rivals?

And this weapon has also entered the hands of human beings. It was originally not intended to be used, because after it is used, the planet will be destroyed, and any life will be killed in an instant. Unless it has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years, it will not be good. up.

The final scene also freezes on the king pressing the huge red button.

Invisible energy fluctuations, everyone died bleeding from the seven orifices, and the last one was the king. With special equipment, he finally went to see the situation on the floating mountain, and found that the blood-colored mirror had dimmed, and all the monsters were also dead. He died unexpectedly, and after returning to his cemetery, he chose to end his life with a dagger.

"It's really a tragic history of mankind! It seems that things from outsiders are not so easy to get." The Mechanic Emperor sighed, and then left. After reading all the murals, he really didn't see anything, so He had the murals taken down and sent back.

"Floating mountain? Here I come!" The Mechanic Emperor looked at the sky, and the spy robot came back. The picture above showed that there were many bones and fossils on it, and then a huge blood-red mirror stood alone on it.

"It seems that this is the mirror. It looks similar to what the owner is looking for. Do you want to take it back? Judging from the situation on the mural, this mirror is very dangerous!" The mechanical emperor hesitated. Not a good thing.

Just when the Mechanic Emperor was hesitating, Li Youran in the city that never sleeps connected to the video of the ancient god. He wanted to know the function of the mirror.

Although he knew that the ancient god would not tell him the truth, Li Youran was willing to give it a try, and after the connection was made, the face of the ancient god appeared in the video.

"Hello little guy, can I help you with anything? I really like helping others!" The smiling ancient god, if Chen Chen hadn't warned Li Youran in advance, Li Youran would never have known the danger of this person sex.

After so many years, the ancient god has put away the arrogance of the past, changed his clothes and kind face, a smile is the best weapon, and the ancient god now agrees with this sentence.

"It's nothing, it's just that I want to make a deal with you, what do you have?" Li Youran casually found an excuse to open up the situation.

"Trading? My favorite is trading! Let's see what children you need, weapons or supplies, or all kinds of rare treasures, or biological resources! I have all of these! Look, this is a dragon in a fantasy world , very nice pet." Ancient God enthusiastically recommended it.

"Thank you, but I don't really need this. By the way, do you know what this is?" Li Youran took out a tablet of fate and said tentatively, he wanted to know what the goal of the ancient god was!
"This thing. I remembered. I also have a piece. It's not a good thing. There are some obscure runes on it. Although it is helpful for cultivation, it is not very effective for the gods outside. The belief that the gods need " The ancient god took out a piece without hesitation, Li Youran saw his casual appearance and confirmed that he was not pretending!But really don't care.

"You know what it is?"

"Of course, it says on it, Fate Stone, Fate is very useful for ordinary creatures, but what is the use for a god? It doesn't make any sense to me, but if it is integrated, it may be a good treasure, but broken It's too serious, it's hard to gather, what's the matter, you want this?" The ancient god rolled his eyes and said.

"Yes, I still want to give my wife a gift, but other rare treasures are not eye-catching. Only such ancient relics are my wife's favorite, so I want to give her a surprise!" Li Youran Cleverly using his wife as an excuse.

Although the ancient god may not believe it, but in exchange for Li Youran's trust with this thing that he has not researched for many years, the ancient god thinks it is a good deal. Of course, in order to prevent Li Youran from seeing that he has other purposes, the deal is To be carried out.

"Of course buddy, if you want it, then let's talk about it. Although it is not a complete treasure, it can at least be sure to be an ancient relic. In this case, it must have its value. What do you plan to produce? to buy?"

The ancient god was just pretending that he didn't actually intend to ask for any good things. He had already decided that as long as Li Youran could bring something out, he would exchange it.

"Thank you so much, Ancient God, please look at this, this is a kind of energy spar produced by my plane, if possible, I hope to exchange it!" Li Youran happily took out the energy gold bead and said .

(End of this chapter)

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