Plane Merchant

Chapter 833 The First Transaction with the Ancient God

Chapter 833 The first transaction with the ancient god

When Li Youran took out the energy golden bead, the expression of the ancient god on the opposite side changed immediately. In fact, energy is indispensable to any civilization, whether it is plant civilization, mechanical civilization or gods. All civilizations are like this.

Not all civilizations have their own complete and recyclable energy source like Li Youran and Chen Chen. Most civilization leaders are running for energy, including the ancient gods.

As a fairly powerful god, he still can't violate all the rules. He will never do things that disrupt the energy system. Maybe it's the rhythm of destroying the world. The reason why he tried every means to invade other In this world, although the most important thing is to obtain faith to ensure one's powerful strength and immortal state, obtaining energy is also an important reason.

"Okay, although this thing doesn't look very valuable, but I can accept it, so how much can you give?" Asked pretending to be very casual, the ancient god is not an idiot. Emotions will be noticed by Li Youran.

But would Li Youran be an idiot?Of course not, he had already received the information from the ancient god from Chen Chen, so he naturally wouldn't believe that the ancient god was a good character to get along with.

"What is worthless?? Do you know that this thing is the source of power that supports the advancement of the entire civilization. Only with it can one's civilization get rid of the shackles of lack of energy. This thing is very difficult to make, and I don't have much. , Do you want it, I'll take it away!"

Li Youran's reaction was more exaggerated, as if he was taking something and was about to leave. The Ancient God was a little panicked when he saw Li Youran was about to leave. In his heart, the slate of fate was just a stone, and at most it was a little older. But the energy golden bead is an important factor that can make his power develop rapidly. With this, he can give more sweetness to those strong people who cooperate with him, and it will naturally make them more loyal to him.

The word caring is chaotic is used to describe the current ancient god. After seeing Li Youran raised his foot, he immediately shouted: "Wait..." After shouting, he knew that he had lost.

"Okay, you won, let's see how much you can take out, after all, isn't it a strange thing?" The ancient god said helplessly.

"Yes, it is indeed a strange item, but I have one in my hand, and you have one in your hand, but it is still incomplete. God knows how long it will take me to get the complete one? Maybe never , so the value is too insignificant, so let me give you ten energy gold beads, which can be recycled! It is enough for a planet to be used continuously for ten years!"

Li Youran opened ten of them, and his warehouse is already full of these energy gold beads. After all, in terms of energy development, in addition to the energy gold beads developed by Wenbo, there are also sunflowers developed by Morton and Professor Jin.

The source of inspiration is that Morton was playing Plants vs. Zombies one day. Don’t ask why Morton is so boring. After the inspiration came, Morton immediately became interested in alchemy. After communicating with Professor Jin for a long time, a machine that automatically absorbs solar and wind energy plants appeared.

Extracting energy from sunlight and wind energy is clean and pollution-free, which is more direct than energy gold beads that need to be stored.

So now most of Li Youran's subordinates have replaced their energy systems, and most of them plant a large sunflower on the roof. Even if there is no sun, there is still wind to generate energy, and the energy conversion rate is as high as [-]%. One hundred and two strengths.

Of course, Li Youran would never give such a sharp energy weapon to anyone except his own subordinates.

The ancient god who didn't know all this naturally attached great importance to the energy gold beads, but although the number of ten is not small, if it is used for research, it is too small, so the ancient god is very unhappy.

"Ten? That's too few. I don't have only one planet. Should I use it separately? One planet for a year? This is too troublesome, at least a hundred!" The ancient god is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It increased tenfold.

"One hundred? Why don't you grab it? Do you know how precious it is? I broke through dozens of planetary cores, and it's very precious anyway! Do you understand! Don't forget about twenty, anyway I don't have time to collect this thing either!"

Li Youran covered up something with his coughing sound, but the ancient god obviously noticed, but he would not say it out, one of the two wanted to reveal something, and the other pretended not to hear, just like this quietly, each with his own heart. The ghostly two continued to trade.

"Twenty is too little, really, I need a lot, I don't want to do just one transaction, how about this, I can help you pay attention to the Fate Slate, as long as you give me fifty, it sounds like it can't be less, otherwise I will I would rather not exchange it." The Ancient God finally reduced his request, as if you did not agree and I would not exchange.

Li Youran lowered her head and pretended to be thinking hard, then raised her head and said, "Okay, fifty, but you have to promise me that if you find the Tablet of Destiny in the future, you will give it to me unconditionally!"

"No problem, I promise you!" The ancient god naturally agreed without hesitation.

"You swear by your own godhood!" Li Youran came up with a sharper killing move, and the ancient god's face turned red when he suppressed it, obviously very angry.

"You don't believe me?" He looked at Li Youran viciously and said, it's possible that if you don't explain to me, I will go crazy, but Li Youran is not afraid of him. There is a way to call.

"Of course, let's be a villain first and then a gentleman. Let's talk about it. If you promise to swear an oath, I will believe you. Otherwise, I don't know if it is possible to collect all the things in my lifetime, and there is another thing that can promote the progress of civilization and make the gods stronger. , You should understand better than me what is more important than something with stronger belief."

Li Youran's words left the ancient god speechless, why did he agree to exchange?Isn't it because the effect of this tablet of fate is unknown, and it is a defective product, and what's more, there is no clue at all.

"Okay! I swear by my godhead of the ancient god, if I get the tablet of fate and not give it to you." The ancient god suddenly realized that he didn't know what Li Youran's priesthood was.
"I am the God of Time and Space!" Of course Li Youran would not be so stupid as to say his real name, which is also very important to the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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