Plane Merchant

Chapter 834 Mirror

Chapter 834 Mirror
"If I don't hand it over to the God of Time and Space, I will wither my godhead and collapse my faith! Anyway, it's okay." After the ancient god finished speaking, he looked at Li Youran angrily. If it wasn't for his reputation as an ancient god among the manor owners It stinks, you can't buy energy items at all, so will you be coerced by Li Youran?

"No problem, don't mind, I'm just for more insurance, this is your energy gold bead, let's trade!" Li Youran took out her own energy gold bead, put it in a box and put it on the transaction transmission array .

In the manor master trading system of the artifact, Li Youran found that the teleportation array was not controlled by the power of the rules of his time-space god king, and seemed to be a separate rule.

"The transaction is complete, I'm leaving first!" The ancient god flashed immediately after completing the transaction. When meeting newcomers, he was always the one who took advantage of him. How do you think and feel aggrieved.

"Huh, the core of the planet? Since you said that you slipped your mouth, then I will not be polite. Wait until I get everything done and I find the coordinates of your space."

On this side, the ancient god secretly swore in his heart that he would torture Li Youran by making him look like a hundred and eight, while on the other side, Li Youran burst out laughing, and got another broken page. One step closer.

"Unexpectedly, you are quite talented in acting!" Li Youran's side is naturally Heywood, as Li Youran's first personal bodyguard, as long as Li Youran is in the city that never sleeps, he will be the guard.

Now that Elena is pregnant, the guards on the third floor and the third floor in the city that never sleeps make everyone feel shuddering, but this news also makes many people excited. Maybe it makes people feel disappointed that they can't be the core of Li Youran's power, but the heir The appearance gave them hope.

The power core of the first term is without their share, but the hope of the second term is in front of us. Compared with the God King of Time and Space, the second term is obviously closer to the people of the Evernight Continent, and it is indeed the Evernight Continent. After Li Youran took control of almost all the businesses, people in this world found that no matter what they did, they would end up intersecting with the city that never sleeps.

Even though there are still many countries and city-states on the mainland, they all have a common master, that is the God King of Time and Space. Every city has a business house from the Space-Time Chamber of Commerce and a temple of the Space-Time God Sect.

The succession of the Emperor of the Great Empire basically needs to be recognized by the Pope of the Time and Space God Sect, which is now the Pope Oak, otherwise he will not have credibility and will be replaced by this excuse at any time.

Now the second generation of gods has not yet appeared, but the competition between the great empires has already occurred, and those who have not yet been born are counted. Those boys and girls who are only one or two years old have been selected. All the talented children were searched up.

As for the purpose of sending them to the academy in the city that never sleeps for further training and assessment, it is naturally the successor of the never-night continent that is still in Elena's stomach.

In the original Griffin Empire and now the Nightless Dynasty, the Duke of Griffin is still his own title, and the family is also very annoying. Naturally, some people think of such things as saving the country with curves. As the natal family of the Queen of Night, they can be called It's pain and joy, not only they themselves are stuffed with money and treasures by women, even the juniors are beaten dizzy by the sugar-coated bullets from the outside world.

Fortunately, with the old duke in charge, no one dared to mess around, otherwise the city that never sleeps would probably be full of imperial families who came to marry.
Some time ago, Lord Fielder, the common idol of the knights, the dark horse prince comparable to Morton, now not only has his own heart, but also used the matter of becoming a god to hand in a perfect answer.

The most perfect female anchor in the hearts of people in the city that never sleeps, and another Queen of the world of high martial arts, has already agreed to Field's marriage proposal. As the guardian of the Queen, and Field's spear teacher who has become a god, Cai Boyan is very satisfied with his About apprentices and daughters.

She had already submitted her marriage intention to Li Youran as the master, and after receiving the marriage application, Li Youran naturally stamped her consent with a big wave of her hand.

As something agreed by Li Youran, and also being Field's divine master, the effect of this paper agreement is many times stronger than the legal effect in the mortal world.

In other words, unless Mo Shulin committed suicide and made Li Youran unhappy, Field would not even be able to get a divorce. Not only that, Mo Shulin's power in some aspects had even reached its peak, even if Field wanted to stop It's impossible.

However, Field is a very dedicated person. After learning about this right, he immediately agreed. Anyway, he also planned to open a harem. This kind of right just prevented him from making mistakes. As the Lord of the Nether, he Try not to make mistakes if you can.

The wedding was held in the world of high martial arts. After all, Mo Shulin was a queen, and the specifications were indeed not low, and Field is now a god. Naturally, a god wants to marry a wife with as much pomp and pomp, and the preparatory work took as long as possible One year, fortunately, neither of them are tired of crooked people, so they can afford to wait.

Li Youran felt that it would be a good arrangement to wait for the child's arrival in the city that never sleeps and the earth, and then go to his subordinate's wedding, so he sat down with peace of mind. Now that nothing major happened, he can also rest quietly.

While Li Youran was resting quietly, outside the distant star field of the earth, the Mechanic Emperor and the biological battleship were all looking at this huge blood-red mirror.

"What should we do now? Should we open it and have a look, or take it back and talk about it?" the biological warfare ship said uncertainly.

"Can you stop running home as soon as something happens, you will make us look incompetent? Don't you realize that now the two of us don't even have a place to stand in front of the master? It's not easy for us to do something big, but in the end Go back as soon as something goes wrong, what should we do?"

The machine emperor taught the righteous words to build a biological battleship. It is impossible to think that the two of them were the main force in foreign wars back then, but with the rise of Morton and the others, the role of the machine emperor and the others became weaker and weaker. The weakness of the machine clan There is no such thing as a god.

Although the mechanical emperor has the seed of time and space that is the basis of becoming a god, he himself cannot become a god, because he has no soul, which has become his fatal injury. Although the mechanical body makes him immortal, it cannot give him the status of a god.

(End of this chapter)

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