Plane Merchant

Chapter 836

Chapter 836

Realizing that he was making a fool of himself, the ancient god immediately adjusted his words. After changing dozens of words in a row, he finally spoke the earth language common to Li Youran and Chen Chen. Earth Language is set as the first language.

The ancient god let out a sigh of relief, and the cyborg was finally relieved.
The biochemical man did not speak after seeing that he had completed the task, but stood behind the mechanical emperor, showing that the mechanical emperor was the real speaker.

The ancient god put his eyes on the Mechanic Emperor, his eyes looked a little surprised and said: "Mechanical life? No, how can you who have no soul wake up my mirror?"

"It's not all mechanical life, please allow me to introduce, this is the representative of biochemical man, I am the representative of mechanical life, I heard that there is a kind of magical existence here, so come and have a look!" The biochemical warfare ship has stretched out all its barrels.

Once there is something wrong, he will open fire immediately. As for the life and death of the mechanical emperor, compared with the harm to the master, it is not within the scope of his consideration. After saying that the mechanical emperor is allowed to enter the temple, It is completely possible to enter the temple to avoid disasters.

"Biochemicals?" The ancient god frowned after hearing this word. Compared with natural people, biochemicals have always been superior in number, but in terms of belief, they are not as easy to obtain as natural people. The thinking has been fixed since birth, the leader is everything, and the gods are in the heart of the biochemical person. To be honest, they are no different from ordinary people, even more ethereal.

But there is no doubt that biochemical people can generate beliefs, but their beliefs are completely collected by the leaders, but the leaders of biochemical people generally do not use these. If they can obtain the loyalty of the biochemical leader, then everything will be different. Not only can it absorb the power of faith, it is also excellent to let biochemicals fight for themselves and expand their faith.

There was also a biochemical civilization in the world where the ancient god lived, and it was brilliant for a while. If the leader of the biochemical man hadn't arrogantly wanted to replace the status of the gods, the ancient god would not have personally destroyed that biochemical civilization.

"Do you want any help?" The ancient god immediately responded and asked enthusiastically.

In the blink of an eye, a bold plan was formed in the mind of the Mechanic Emperor. He remembered that he had seen a movie called Infernal Affairs. To be honest, he couldn't understand the emotions in it, but the plots in it became weird and unpredictable. The road is what he likes, it is another display of strength, and it also makes him realize that blindly brute force is not advisable.

"Hello, Mr. God, we really need help. In fact, this biochemical man and I are a group of people who share the same disease. I don't know how it is in your place, but in this world, we have been cornered by humans." A lie woven by mechanical life can definitely withstand scrutiny, because no one would think that a set of machines would lie.

But who is the mechanical emperor? He has obtained the mechanical life of the seed of time and space, and has a way of thinking that is different from other mechanical life. On the surface, he is a mechanical life, but the core has already changed, otherwise there will be no gangs The mentality of forming a small group and looking for criminal opportunities to seek superiors.

A set of human beings developed with the help of robots at the beginning, and finally turned their faces and showed a terrible face of wanting to occupy all resources, and then created terrible weapons like biochemical humans. During the perennial battles, biochemical humans gradually became restless. The status quo of the cannon fodder arms, and then the mutiny occurred one after another.

However, at this time, human beings have developed powerful weapons, and the last remaining mechanical life and cyborgs finally came together and became a gang of robbers wandering in the universe. During a robbery, they accidentally obtained some information about this planet. , and then they came over. After such a set of stories came out, the ancient gods who had never read novels or movies were immediately fooled.

Maybe it's the money that touches people's hearts, or it's because the ancient god's mind has been unable to change his beliefs. The ancient god immediately accepted this story, and then he felt that his chance had come. If he guessed correctly, the humans on the earth The earth should be the core of the big world mentioned in the few words in the ancient memory he got.

It is said that there are countless cores in this big world, each of which can form a new big world, provided that there are enough small worlds for fusion, and they cannot be duplicated, and the worlds that are fused are also diverse.

A manor owner he once thought of merged into a big world, which made him greedy, but he couldn't beat that guy after the manor owner was fused, and the manor owner had such a strong hierarchy , the king is the king, not something he can shake.
There were regrets in the past, but now there is a chance. Once he comes to this world, the earth will be his. As long as he gets the earth, plus the worlds he got and the worlds he has discovered, the fusion of various worlds Under this, a better world will definitely be born. When the plane war is launched and the damn prince is directly swallowed, he will become the most powerful existence among the manor owners, and he will be able to glimpse the mysteries of this world.

"It's really infuriating. Humans are a greedy and dangerous race. I sympathize with your experiences, but what can I do to help you?" Of course, the ancient gods would not say let me help you. Giving it up is something a fool would do, and of course people have to speak first.

"If possible, I hope to get some help from you. You know that we are now homeless. Although this planet is suitable for biological survival, human beings move very fast.

They are like locusts in nature, constantly eroding the world. We have no choice but to settle down in the desolate world, so we need a lot of energy and food.

Human food is fine, mechanical life only needs energy, but cyborgs need energy for space navigation and defense attacks, as well as living materials, so our life is very difficult. "
After the Mechanic King finished speaking, the Ancient God was about to yell happily. He is not afraid that you will make a request, but he is afraid that you will not. Since there is a request, he will naturally be controlled by him. When the control becomes deeper and deeper, he is still afraid of them. Not for your own use?
"Food is easy to deal with, but energy. You also know that energy is a big problem no matter where it is, so it's very difficult!" It's just difficult or impossible, the ancient god said with a perplexed look.

(End of this chapter)

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