Plane Merchant

Chapter 837 Mutual Computation

Chapter 837 Mutual Computation
"Old fox, it's up for sale, but we are just trying to lie to you, so what if we give you a little sweetness!" The mechanical emperor couldn't help cursing inwardly. Otherwise, it is really possible to be manipulated by others.

"Please do help, we are willing to pay any price!" This time the Mech King learned from the people of the island country in the movie. No matter how you say it, the attitude of the island people, especially when asking for help, is extremely sincere.

"Are you willing to pay any price?" The corner of the ancient god's mouth raised a smile.

"Yes, I am willing to pay any price. I have to do so for the continuation of the race." The mechanical emperor asked again, and the biochemical battleship in the sky watched all this shook his head and sighed on the screen. !The acting is simply amazing.

"Okay, then I will help you once, but remember that all this has a price. If I help you, then you will all become my believers in the future. Not only must you believe in me, but you must also fight for my beliefs. Can you do it?" The ancient god immediately put forward his own conditions.

Right now it's just a fight for faith. After that, the ancient gods will make even more excessive demands. It's just that the two races haven't started to rely on him, so he didn't say it.

"Okay, we agree to all your requests!" The Mechanic Emperor agreed without hesitation, like a person who drowned and caught a stake wrapped with a poisonous python, knowing that if he caught it, he would be bitten to death by the poisonous python Swallowing, but it still has to be caught, even if it lives a second longer.

"Hahahaha, good! From now on, you are my believers. Remember that I will check on the last day of every month. I hope your beliefs will not disappoint me. Tell me what help you need!" The ancient god was very excited. I'm happy, I didn't get tricked this time, let alone got two powerful races, as long as they develop well, it will definitely help him settle down here, and the day when he can snatch the earth is just around the corner.

"We need energy, as well as food and weapons. We don't have much energy." There are not many things we need, but energy, thinking of the ancient god of energy, has a headache again. Just now news came from my subordinates that this energy gold The bead could not be copied, not only could it not be copied, but also told him that the golden bead was naturally generated.

The ancient god wanted to scold people at that time!Can't copy?Also generated naturally?I naturally your sister!I was born with your face!As soon as people took it out, there were fifty pieces of the same size. Are you telling me that they are naturally formed?Whose naturally generated things are exactly the same?

Obviously, the ancient gods couldn't understand Wenbo's biological ability. The elemental clams that were added to the alchemy array produced exactly the same energy gold beads. They were no longer conceived naturally, but were working through the alchemy array.

Just like an assembly line, it absorbs the natural elements of the world and infuses them into the golden beads, but the golden beads are synthesized from river mussels, but the shape and specifications are controlled by the alchemy array, so it can be said to be naturally generated. Machine manufacturing is also possible, at most it can be regarded as semi-intelligent bio-alchemy manufacturing.

The ancient god, who had no clue at all, naturally couldn't know this situation. After scolding his subordinates, the ancient god had to face the fact that the fifty gold beads he just got were not enough. It's not good news to continue to accept Li Youran's exploitation.

But none of this can be said at this time. At this time, he must give others the appearance of a strong backing.

"There is no problem with food and weapons! Energy is good, I will send it to you, but what do you use to buy it? You must know that even gods have to abide by certain rules, and it is impossible to trade without an equivalent price!"

Looking at the rags of these mechanical life forms, it is estimated that there is no good thing. It just happens to compress things to the minimum. He even thought of an excuse. It's not that I won't give it to you, but that you can't afford it.

But. When the Mechanic King took out the treasure he found in the pyramid, he really just wanted to curse the street. Looking at the treasure, he knew where it came from. It was clear how long ago the believers of the ancient gods betrayed and destroyed the world. How could the Ancient God not be depressed if all the lives left behind took what originally belonged to him and bought things with him.

No matter how depressed, the transaction that should be done is still to be done. After the Mechanic Emperor sent out the calculated amount, he placed the equivalent price in the center of the altar, and then saw a flash of red light, and the gold coins and treasures disappeared. Then Soon the center of the altar rippled like writing, and a counterclockwise vortex appeared.

The subordinates of the ancient god on the opposite side were putting resources such as food and water weapons into the counterclockwise vortex, and then saw things being spit out from the other side, and soon the top of the spacious suspended mountain was filled with matter.
In the end, the ancient god looked at the energy gold beads he had just obtained, and he could only grit his teeth and throw two into them. The mechanical emperor who was sent over didn't care, but the appearance of the gold beads had to make him care. Who else doesn't know the stuff?This is in the textbook.

Of course, even if he knew, the Mechanic Emperor would pretend not to know him at this time, holding an energy golden bead, feeling the energy inside and saying, "What is this thing that contains such a large amount of energy? I can feel the energy in it." It can provide us with at least three years of space travel, I don’t know if the Lord God will give you a few more!”

Hearing what the Mechanic Emperor said, the Ancient God was naturally complacent, but when he heard that the Mechanic Emperor wanted a few more, he immediately put on a face and said, "Do you think this is a potato grown by humans? How about giving me a few more potatoes?" , This is what I have worked so hard to get, I didn’t intend to give it to you, but for your development, I have to give it to you, so that I can be self-sufficient in the future, I don’t have much of this stuff!”

When he heard that the origin of the golden bead was obtained through trading, the Mechanic Emperor felt relieved. It seems that his master also saw this guy, but he didn't know why he did business with him. It seems that he needs to ask himself.

"If that's the case, then don't force it, then let's thank Lord God first!"

Seeing that the Mechanic Emperor was not asking very interestingly, the ancient god nodded in satisfaction and said: "Remember to build the temple as soon as possible to worship, I will check it from time to time, if you cheat me, I will let you know the consequences scary!"
"We understand!" The Mechanical Emperor naturally agreed, and the ancient god left after speaking. He still has a lot of things to do. There is no news about the matter with the long eyebrows, and he doesn't know how he is doing. up.

(End of this chapter)

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