Plane Merchant

Chapter 864

Chapter 864

All the indulgences are made by myself. Professor Jin likes this daughter very much. The little angel not only takes on the most important tasks such as record management and distribution, but also serves as a bridge connecting several universes. She usually works conscientiously, and occasionally It is also right for her to act like a baby and be indulged.

Looking at the screen in front of him, Li Youran switched to where Changmei was. As soon as Changmei entered the Milky Way universe, Qi Lingyun in the distant wild star field sensed it almost immediately. Inductive.

Qi Lingyun, who was bathed in beast blood in the wild star field, stood up from the blood pool. He knew it was time to understand some things. He came to the teleportation array and put the energy stone on it. This is the spar he got from killing wild monsters. , I found that it can also be used as a power stone, so I kept it.

Changmei also felt Qi Lingyun's movement, and a disdainful smile flashed across his mouth. If Qi Lingyun had said before, everyone had the same skills. His Changmei was also a master after all, so it was impossible for Qi Lingyun to surpass him.

Li Youran frowned. Now is not the time for the two to meet. It seems that they have to find a way to separate the two. Changmei must go to Norwell, but Qi Lingyun must also be distracted. If Qi Lingyun and If there is a fight between the long eyebrows, it will definitely scare back those who have just emerged.

"Look at where the Mechanic Emperor is?" Li Youran said, and the screen automatically switched to the Mechanic Emperor's side. At this time, the Mechanic Emperor who was wandering in the interstellar sensed his master's call.

"What are you doing?" Li Youran asked.

"Master, I'm looking for a suitable place. Annihilating those rebels requires a large battlefield. Neither can people have a chance to escape, nor can they be too close to the living planet, otherwise there will be a lot of casualties." The mechanical emperor said himself But not lazy.

Li Youran nodded after hearing this, unexpectedly he still had some thoughts: "Have you found it now?"

"I found it, master. I have already seen that this star field is relatively empty, and the outer part is mostly a meteorite belt. If you want to go out, you need to open a road. We can open the road first and wait until they enter it." Put the meteorite back.

In this way, the chances of them wanting to run out are much higher, and the magnetic field here is very chaotic, and there are often space storms. We come here to encounter no less than ten, which is very beneficial to us. "The Mechanic Emperor spoke his thoughts, while Li Youran nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, but now there are more important tasks for you to do." Li Youran said seriously.

"Yes master, I will complete any mission you give me!" The mechanical emperor replied immediately, the master supremacy in his mind did not allow him to hesitate at all.

"Look at this man, his name is Qi Lingyun, stop him for me, don't let him find Changmei, but remember not to hurt him, stop him and take him to the earth, tell him I will wait for him on the earth !" Li Youran sent Qi Lingyun's image to the Mechanic Emperor and ordered.

"I understand the master, and I promise to complete the task." Finding someone is a trivial matter. The soft girl gave Qi Lingyun's position to the mechanical emperor almost immediately. In the galaxy universe, there are soft girls in almost every facility. Consciousness, not to mention a large-scale device like a teleportation array.

Of course, few people know this. After all, no one would like to be watched all the time, even if no one is watching, who knows when their privacy will be seen.

After doing all this, Li Youran asked Ruanmei to turn off the video, and Elena will give birth in a few months, so Elena especially likes to lose her temper during this period, but now she is the biggest in the city that never sleeps, even Li Youran Let her alone, as for the three brothers-in-law, they want the stars and not the moon.

But Ai Lianna almost feels insecure whenever she can't see Li Youran. In fact, when Li Youran came, Ai Lianna just wanted to show her importance. Li Youran's parents were not here, and Ai Lianna Lian Na also knew about the successive pregnancies of several women opposite her, and she just wanted to fight for his rights to her unborn child.

Although she knew it was all this, Li Youran couldn't say anything. Women's nature is to protect babies. Usually, hello, hello, hello, everyone. When it comes to my own child, what do other people care about me?I just want my child to be fine.

Li Youran can only try to accompany her to make her feel at ease. Anyway, Bai Binger and the others have no intention to come to this world. Bai Binger prefers to live on the earth, which is the place she is familiar with. Recently, He Meili seems to be I am very interested in the galaxy universe, and want to move the planet I live in to the galaxy world.

But Li Youran didn't agree, if it is to live in the Milky Way universe, Ice Blue Star is fine, why move?As for the other two women, they seem to be the hands of He Meili and Bai Binger's fight, and the back and forth between the two sides is so interesting.

Of course, everyone is sensible, knowing that Li Youran doesn't like intrigue, most of them are just playing around, but the problem with the children is that they all have the same idea. Fortunately, Li Youran's world is enough, otherwise it would be a headache when.

When Li Youran was with Elena, Professor Jin, who had been hiding in the laboratory all this time, suddenly appeared, and the people who looked at him in sloppy attire frowned. Elena couldn't stand the smell, so she had to leave.

"Tell me what's the matter? Why don't you even take a shower?" Li Youran said with a frown. Although scientists are relatively unkempt, this is too serious.

"What are you taking a bath for? Come with me, great discovery! Definitely a great discovery." Professor Jin's excited hand was about to pull Li Youran's hand, but luckily he was quick.

"Okay, okay, you lead the way, what is the big discovery?" Li Youran looked at the unknown stains on Professor Jin's hands with disgust.

Professor Jin also said indifferently: "Do you still remember the twelve bodies you got last time? After our research during this period, we found some very interesting things. You will know it after you see it! Let's go!"

Professor Jin chattered about his discoveries while walking. After researching the things extracted from these twelve bodies, Professor Jin found that they were similar to human genes, but they were different. Some of them were similar to those of animals. The genes are somewhat similar.

Professor Jin found that the animals on the armor of these people represented a kind of gene. The gene of 12 Yuanchen, except for the gene of the dragon, had no blueprint. The others were all cloned by Professor Jin, and the cloned things looked very weird. The half-human, half-animal body made Professor Jin frown.

Look at the twelve bodies, they are completely humanoid, but the cloned ones are not good, either they bear the head of an animal, or something grows out, anyway, it is not right.

When science cannot be completed, Professor Jin will habitually think of theological things, just like activating the energy of gemstones at the beginning. He didn't remember until he thought of mythology. These twelve bodies are clearly the twelve zodiac signs. !
Professor Jin was excited. If this is the twelve zodiac signs, it means that the myths and legends are all true. If this is the case, there are gods and Buddhas all over the sky. What kind of scene will it be?There is also the legendary fairy world!Yaochi, Pantao, and other things that make people very excited when they think about them.

Then Professor Jin ran out in a hurry, found Li Youran and told him everything. When he arrived at the laboratory, Li Youran checked the twelve bodies. After comparing their gene lists, after Professor Jin's explanation, Li Youran still I really understand, and indeed everyone is right.

"According to what you said, this is the twelve zodiac signs. Doesn't it mean that person has been to the Heavenly Palace? But why did they become like this? Is this considered real or alive?" Li Youran looked at the ten animals in the jar. The second zodiac said.

"Of course they are dead. Although their cells are still active, their brain domains are completely dead. I have seen them together, and they have not had any brain waves. I have also used soul magic to detect them. There is no sign of soul fluctuations. It can be said that this is A living corpse, but even so, it is very helpful to our research. If my guess is not wrong, the genes of this half-human and half-animal should be called monsters. Aren’t the twelve zodiac signs just twelve monsters! At best, it’s a good monster! It’s a pity that these armors can’t be removed, otherwise it would be more intuitive to dissect them!”

At this time, Professor Jin had the potential of a Frankenstein, but Li Youran stopped Professor Jin's behavior.

"Wait a minute, I think I have a way to know the truth of the matter, give me the corpse of the Chinese zodiac, I can't let you destroy it!" After finishing speaking, regardless of Professor Jin's mournful face, he directly took it in In the Temple of Time and Space, he also entered it.

"Baihu come out, I have something to see you!" Li Youran shouted as soon as she came in.

"What's the fuss! Why don't you let people sleep!" Before the white tiger came out, a crow with a burning body appeared. Compared with the simple three-legged crow he saw last time, this time he had a What was burning with flames did not do him any harm.

"What's the matter? Little guy!" The white tiger's voice came, but its body did not come out of the temple.

"I need you to look at these for me, do you know them?" Li Youran pointed to the twelve bodies and said.

The white tiger opened his eyes and glanced at the twelve zodiac signs, and the crow also flew in the air to take a look, and then both of them were stunned.

"This is the Chinese zodiac!?" Two voices appeared at the same time, but one was full of doubts, while the other was full of affirmation.
"Is it really the twelve zodiac signs?" Li Youran asked, if this is the twelve zodiac signs, it proves that the ancient god has been to the legendary Tiangong, but the question is why the twelve zodiac signs become like this?

"That's right, they are the twelve zodiac signs. I can't believe that after so many years, I can still see them again. Where did you get their bodies?" Bai Hu looked at Li Youran and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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