Plane Merchant

Chapter 865 Heavenly Court Pardon

Chapter 865 Heavenly Court Pardon
"Of course I did. Otherwise, how do you think I got here? What happened to you should make you understand that many things in this world have happened for real." Bai Hu gave Li Youran a white look and said.

"Something is wrong. These bodies seem to have been changed by some spell, but I haven't seen it before. It's really strange!" The crow looked at the bodies of the Chinese zodiac and said, then looked at Li Youran and waited for his explanation.

Li Youran looked at the white tiger and the crow and said, "I don't know either. This is what I brought from that world last time. It should have been changed by something like alchemy. What's wrong? Is there any effect? "

"The impact is nothing, it's just that it will be difficult for the twelve zodiac signs to get back their bodies, but forget it, the heavens have collapsed, and those gods and gods have died and disappeared. I don't know, let alone get back my divine body." Bai Hu pouted.

"Nonsense, how could the heavenly court collapse." Li Youran didn't react when he heard the heavenly court collapsed, but the crow's reaction was exceptionally strong.

Bai Hu just glanced at him, and then said with a strange expression: "You don't know your identity until now? But it's normal for you not to know, after all, when you fell, the Heavenly Court hadn't really been established, and you were still a demon. clan's world."

"Do you know who I am?" The crow looked at the white tiger and said, he still couldn't remember his identity, but for some reason he knew something about Tianting, but he didn't know what the twelve zodiac signs were.

The reason for calling out the names of the twelve zodiac animals is entirely because of reading a lot of legends about it. Li Youran collected all the books on the earth before, and preserved the culture of the earth well during the catastrophe of the earth.

Myths and legends are naturally included, so he knows that these are the twelve demon clans, but what are the demon clans... why are these in his mind!And I don't know why he was especially angry when he saw the legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun.

"Me? Of course I don't know. I went to sleep. Don't bother me if I have nothing to do! By the way, I heard that the portal fell on the earth when the fairyland collapsed. As long as you get the portal, you can enter the ancient heaven. The heavenly court collapsed, but only the spirit and soul died, and the magic weapon and other things inside should not be damaged. If you find this portal, you will get rich."

Baihu obviously knew something, but he didn't know why he didn't want to say it. Even so, Li Youran couldn't do anything about it. Li Youran was even more concerned when Baihu told the secrets of heaven. Compared with the corpse of a god, the magic weapon is obviously It is more tempting, and the ancient heaven, if you get it, you will definitely have a different harvest.

"Forget it, he won't talk about it. I'll go first. These bodies will be placed here." Li Youran said to the crow and was about to go out. I'm really not interested, anyway, it's just for Alice's boredom.

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask you!" Li Youran was stopped by Alice when she was about to leave.

"What's the matter?" Li Youran looked back at Alice and said.

"It's about the galaxy universe. Didn't I tell you before? I killed a god, but according to my test, that god appeared again! I think I have to tell you." Alice was talking about eternity, and Li Youran knew it after returning from Thanos, including what the goddess of death almost encountered.

"I already know about this, don't worry, I will solve it!" Li Youran said very calmly, he thought Alice was embarrassed.

"No, you misunderstood me. What I mean is that you don't need to solve it yourself. If you have something to do, just ask your subordinates to do it. Those people have seen it. At present, there is no opponent for you. .” What Alice said was telling him not to do it himself.

"Why?" Li Youran asked with a frown.

"If you knock down people at once, those who were prepared to come out will hide again. Only when you let them see hope and make them think that your strength only ends here, will they reveal their last cards."

Li Youran didn't expect Alice to say these words. He had always thought that Alice was a goddess with a bad temper. Even if she wasn't violent, she couldn't be regarded as a calm goddess. Now it doesn't look like this at all.

"I see, I will pay attention!" Li Youran nodded and said.

Li Youran, who came to the earth, did not see Alice in full armor after he left. She was going to hunt Eternity herself, and she tricked her by letting him escape last time. This is not allowed by her.

When I got home, I saw several pregnant women. The parents at home were already laughing from ear to ear. The women were also very happy at this time. The baby should be born in a few months.

After seeing them, I still have to go to He Meili's place. He Meili is different from these women. Their child was born very quickly, but something happened to her. This accident was not caused by others, it was entirely due to It was caused by her and Li Youran's system.

The child between He Meili and Li Youran, who became gods, will be a god at birth, while the children of other women will only be demigods. Although demigods and gods have divine power, when it comes to pregnancy , but there is a huge difference.

If a mortal conceives in ten months, the child will naturally be a mortal. Even if it is combined with a god, it will only be a demigod. However, it is relatively difficult for a god to conceive, and the more powerful a creature is, the longer it will take to conceive.

Like giant dragons in other worlds, their gestation time is generally around a hundred years, which is not counted as hatching time, that's right, hatching, the oviparous animals of giant dragons.

For a god as powerful as Li Youran, it is normal for He Meili to be pregnant for 80 years. Originally, He Meili didn't know about it, but Ruanmei knew it. Naturally, there are detailed records of the gods in the materials, and there are relatively more materials about the gods when combined.

He Meili found out about it recently, so she was in a bad mood. According to what her parents-in-law said, whoever's child is born first will be included in the family tree, and the child's fief can also be chosen at will. If this is the case, wouldn't it be too unfair to her? ?

But he didn't know that he had the key to a world in his hand. As long as he opened the gate of the fairy world, how big a world would he want?

The so-called ladder to heaven is the key to heaven, but heaven is not just a palace. If this is the case, it cannot be called a world. If there is heaven, there will naturally be a fairyland. Otherwise, everyone will be gods. Gods go How to be superior?

Of course, going up the ladder at this time can only be reduced to a decoration on He Meili's bedside and has not played its due role.

After seeing Li Youran, she was naturally coquettish and obsessed. After knowing when He Meili was going to conceive, Li Youran also expressed concern. After all, this was her first child, but what Li Youran was worried about was how to tell her parents .

Just when Li Youran was worrying about the trivial matters of these parents, the galaxy world also ushered in a new big move. The leader of the Cree people, the head of Roma, finally proclaimed himself emperor, but this time no one can stop him, Xandar The alliance was overwhelmed by the mysterious disappearance of the United Fleet, and the Time-Space God Religion, the Time-Space Chamber of Commerce and the Cree forcibly took over the territory of the Xandar Alliance, which caught them off guard.

Due to the disappearance of the United Fleet, the soldiers went on strike. As a result, the entire takeover work was completed in just two days. During this period, there was no resistance, which made Rom look better. After all, these people can not be killed or not. Better.

Now the emperor of the Cree has finally proclaimed himself emperor under the blessing of the gods, which is a big event for the Cree.

Even if Ruwell is the trash dump of the universe, what the Cree people should celebrate is still to celebrate. After all, the emperor of the Cree people is a force that can be said to dominate the universe. Thinking about it makes me feel happy.

Jack is busy selling goods every day, and he is so busy that he never gets tired of it, because now he has become Ruwell's leading businessman, and his business items range from arms to food to energy.

Everyone should be polite when they see him, but things changed today. Jack, who was sitting and doing business as usual, did not notice that the long queues outside had disappeared, replaced by a group of neatly dressed Black Cree.

Yes, everyone dressed up like a black super special police officer, but they were actually a group of Cree criminals. Obviously they didn't come to buy things or treat him to Jack's tea.

"Call out your boss!" The leader was the well-known Cree leader in Norwell.

Jack was still very angry at first, but when he looked up and saw that it was him, he immediately softened and said, "Master Cook, what's the matter with you, if there is anything I can help, feel free to say so."

"That's right, Little Jack has grown up and knows how to run a good business. The most important thing is to find a good boss! Don't be careless, I know there are people behind you, but what I want to say is that there are people behind me too. , so you'd better put away your little thoughts, go, go and call your boss over."

The man called Lord Cook glanced at Jack who was standing humbly in front of him, and nodded imperceptibly. Although his bones were a little soft, at least he could have a fluent conversation with himself. Cook was very happy about this , he doesn't have many friends in Norwell.

"This." Jack hesitated. He didn't know what Cook meant. If he snatched his business opportunity, he would have no chance to resist!

One look at his expression, Cook knew what he was thinking, and there was a wry smile in his heart. When he, a regular army, has become as virtuous as a bandit, in the hearts of others, no matter whether you treat him well or badly, you just have to Whoever is Jowell is a criminal.

"Don't worry, I'm not robbing you of business opportunities, but you are brave enough to collect wanted criminals. Do you know who they are and their identities?" Cook saw that the situation was almost over, so he asked.

Tony, who was doing the experiment, suddenly received a warning from Jarvis, and they would not trust Jack absolutely, so Tony used the information collector made by the god stick and put it in the store, and the situation would change every day. Seen by Tony and others.

They were going to conduct an experiment today, so they patted Jarvis to stare at it. They didn't expect that something would happen after staring at it, and they were found by someone.

"How do you know what...?" Jack covered his mouth with his hands, and he said that he had slipped up.

"I know I don't need to worry about what I know, but what I brought is good news, so don't be afraid, your money will not be broken, or it will only get bigger and bigger."

After hearing what they said, Jack felt better, and then, driven by violence, he finally agreed to go to them.

"Let's go, we need to make some preparations to turn the laboratory into a spaceship form, maybe we will run away again!" Tony quickly woke up the two who were addicted to the experiment.

After hearing Tony's words, the two also realized the seriousness of the matter. God knows what would happen if they were caught?
"Where are we going?" This is the most important thing, where are we going?They finally found Norwell, and they settled down for a few days, but they were about to flee again by voyage.

"Don't worry about it, I said on the spaceship first, don't bring anything!" Tony's order didn't make them move, because from the screen, Jack came with a team of people, watching him pointing Yes, it is clearly to tell the lab.

"Well, it seems we can't leave!" Tony glanced at the garbage dump surrounded by live ammunition, and knew that he couldn't run.

"Heroes, please come out and meet!" Cook shouted with a smile.

Hearing his words, Tony and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay, but they had already started to provoke, so naturally they wanted to fight back.

"I am the person in charge here. My name is Tony Stark. Do you have anything to do with us?"

"No, no, don't worry, everyone, I brought you good news, and I didn't come here to make trouble, so please be gentle?" Looking at the flying traces of the Iron Legion above and the infrared sight on his forehead, Cook forced a smile on his face and said.

"Good news? Seeing you is not good news for me, because he will make me run away again, so go die!" Tony also knew that if he didn't kill someone at this time, he would have to wait to be killed, so he immediately We have to do it.

"Don't kill! Commander Roma is about to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. You have been pardoned and are no longer criminals, but you need to complete one thing so that His Majesty Roma can completely and publicly pardon you." Cook, who was about to be beaten to death, finished speaking immediately, and the speed of his speech almost made Tony unable to understand, but the hand that killed him was put down.

 Don't worry there is only one chapter today!Too busy today.

(End of this chapter)

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