Plane Merchant

Chapter 875

Chapter 875

Li Youran grabbed her hand and pulled her in front of him to hug her, suddenly felt sorry for her and said, "Have you... hated me?"

Of course He Meili would not tell him, hate?What do you hate? Of course, he hates his flamboyance and hates his infatuation. He obviously likes many girls, but he is the most special to himself.

She herself is very ordinary, so ordinary that except for her face, any girl around Li Youran can compare her to her. Whether it is Tang Mingling or Yuan Lifei, they are very special, whether they are beautiful, intellectual, or youthful, invincible, sweet and cute, that girl from another world. She has never seen the child, but she also knows from some news and other people's mouths that it is a girl who is independent and has the temperament of a woman.

Let's not talk about her appearance, but when Li Youran is running around, Ai Lianna, a girl, can manage the city that never sleeps in an orderly manner. For this alone, He Meili admires it from the bottom of her heart. It's good to lose.

In contrast, Li Youran is only comparable to Bai Binger. Yuan Lifei may be capable, but what happened to her made her extremely unconfident, so compared with these two, she fell short.

Even though she has all kinds of deficiencies, even though Elena and Bai Binger have all kinds of advantages, He Meili knows that she is the most special in Li Youran's heart, not just the relationship of first love, it is an inexplicable bond .

"Treat me better, or maybe I will really hate you!" Said to Li Youran with resentment and resentment, and the two hugged like this for a long time...

Of course, we can't say what will happen after that. We can only say that gods and humans have different physiques, and dangerous things can sometimes be done.

There are many people who feel completely different from Li Youran. Ever since the last plan failed, the ancient god has been depressed for a long time. He didn't even see the real master, so he lost those ancient gods and one with a big secret. With long eyebrows, only the Mechanic Emperor and the Guanghui God are left to return from defeat.

The angry ancient god almost wanted to tear down the two of them, but he still endured it after thinking about it. Judging from what they said, they were clearly prepared long ago, just waiting for them to get in, and it would be good to come back.

After waving them away, he immediately made plans again. It seems that relying on machines and some conquered gods is not enough, it must be the kind of person who wholeheartedly works for his own affairs. He doesn't know that Guanghui God has small thoughts, but There is a shortage of manpower, and there are not many people who can do things.

As for the Mechanic Emperor, there is a shortage of scientific research talents, and it would be nice to have someone who understands this. What else do you want?
As a last resort, the ancient god could only turn his eyes to another world. The people in this world cultivate martial power, and they look very tall, and there are people who are in the realm of martial gods. However, although they are only elementary, they are still rare. Now, his infiltration plan is almost ready to be implemented.

Don't think about other ancient gods and feel that they should attack this world first. After they succeed, they will have their own direct line of Martial Gods, and the role of Guanghui God will be weakened. At that time, new and old scores will be settled together.

The Ancient God didn't see the flashing electronic eyes when the Mechanic Emperor left, and he also didn't see the sneer at the corner of Guanghui God's mouth when he left. Once the two of them figure out where the Old God's lair is, it's time for the Ancient God to die.

Everyone is very busy, especially the Mechanic Emperor. His plan is to break into the enemy's interior. Although it is considered successful now, it is far away from the core, so he needs to work harder. Although he has the help of the God of Radiance, it is not enough. .

In order to gain enough trust in front of the ancient gods, the Mechanic Emperor changed the old technology he got from the Xandars into his research results, and then sent them up.

Sure enough, he was immediately rewarded by the ancient god, and opened up several worlds under his jurisdiction, and let the mechanical emperor go in to guide the production of armaments. Finally, he saw the tip of the iceberg of the ancient god's power. Although it is rare, it is a good start.

With progress, it is natural that Ken worked hard, but he seems to have forgotten something.

Qi Lingyun scolded more than once on the desolate planet, will he come as promised?What about the passing caravan?Nothing at all!To leave him here alone until he dies?Even if he is a blood demon, it wouldn't be like this!

The only thing that can comfort Qi Lingyun during this period is Changmei's self-inflicted snare, although it is very strange, because the blood demons are all inductive, and they can sense each other's strength, weakened to that point The fact that Chang Mei would be sent to die by his side shows what kind of danger he encountered.

Changmei was also helpless. As soon as he came out, he ran into a group of demon guards shouting and killing people. They said that these were not arranged by Li Youran, and he didn't believe it when he was killed. hit.

But as long as he has the slightest thought of breaking out in other directions, he will immediately be attacked by energy. As for the person who attacked him, he will not forget it even if he is killed!It is the protagonist of the original galaxy world, Star Lord.

This kid has become a real star-lord, who was conferred by Li Youran, and his adoptive father, Yongdu, waited for orders with him in the periphery. Chang Mei drove them into the Desolate Star Field, and of course what happened after that had nothing to do with them.

They left in a hurry. Changmei, who was extremely weak, didn't notice Qi Lingyun at first, and it was already too late when he saw it. Afraid of being soft-hearted, he was afraid that Changmei had tricks.

As a result, he swallowed the long-browed primordial spirit in one gulp. Only in this way can the blood demon be completely killed. Otherwise, even if he is killed, the blood god son will have a chance to be resurrected. Only by killing the long-browed primordial spirit can he stop him from using the blood god son resurrection.

And he thinks the best way is to swallow him, use the blood nerves from the same source to devour his primordial spirit, increase his cultivation base and at the same time get revenge, after devouring the long-browed primordial spirit, he got his A lot of memories, and I also understand why Changmei became like this.

It turned out that Feisheng's long eyebrows found that Feisheng was just an illusion. He had just ascended to the fairyland and he only saw a piece of ruined walls. He only saw a rough idea of ​​the legendary Xixian Pond that attracted immortals. He was banned from the world by a thunderbolt.

When he woke up again, he had already arrived in the biochemical world, and his long-standing ambition of immortality was shattered at this moment, and the disappointment can be imagined.

As early as in the Zongmen classics, there was a record of the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the seniors who ascended later also did not say a word to go to the lower realm. Occasionally, seniors who ascended to pass down the law after Feishi, and they mostly advised Mo Feisheng. none.

Disappointed, Changmei also began to look for the reason for the collapse of the fairyland, creating fake climbing ladders, attaching exercises, and practicing blood demon skills, all in order to find the fairyland.

Changmei, who is proficient in crape myrtle magic calculation, calculated that his chance is in Shushan on Earth, but how can he return to Earth in another world? After meeting Li Youran, everything became clear, but Changmei chose the wrong path. , This mistake will even kill you.

"It turned out to be like this. No wonder he came here. It must be Li Youran's credit. It's hard for him to be so considerate of me. Unexpectedly, the ladder to the sky is the key to the South Heaven Gate, and there is such a danger after opening it. No wonder Zhang Mei didn't open it himself, but asked others to open it... wait, that's Li Youran... that's bad!"

Qi Lingyun looked at his memory, and while checking his memory, he sighed that the scheming of the long eyebrows was unmatched by him. If it wasn't for Li Youran's arrangement, he would probably have to wait until the year of the monkey to get revenge, but judging from his memory, the long eyebrows obviously deceived Li Youran. Leisurely wanted him to be attacked from inside after opening the climbing ladder. Judging by the power described by Changmei, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

If he knew everything, he would naturally find a way to notify Li Youran, but he didn't ask for Li Youran's communicator at the beginning, so it's not easy to contact him now, and no one came to this desolate star field.

Qi Lingyun, who was gnashing his teeth anxiously, finally made up his mind to try using the blood god son space flight. From Chang Mei's memory, the blood god son space flight is not impossible, but it will consume a lot of energy, but I don't know if he can sustain it down.

Having made up his mind, Qi Lingyun naturally wouldn't wait any longer, took a deep breath and turned into a blood demon and soared into the sky.

Several different planes are happy for the birth of Li Youran's paternal princess, and all the subordinates are preparing gifts to drink the full moon wine, so the spirits in the sky and the earth have suffered. Zhenhai Hou has not killed for a long time, Ever since he took a trip to the star realm with Li Youran and took back the Sea God's personality that belonged to his family, he has become Li Youran's vassal.

This time, because of the birth of the eldest princess, the sea clansmen are in a bad luck. Merman teardrops are known as rare treasures in the world. Hou Zhenhai asks for a hundred catties... a hundred catties, not a hundred, or all the sharks in the world It's not enough to cry together, let alone the tears of the merman, they are only talking about the tears shed by the female merman when they are sad or touched when they are dying.

Murphy started to make robot toys, but what he wants to do is an intelligent life form, and the level must be at least the same level as the Mechanic Emperor. All kinds of magic minerals almost drove the dwarves crazy, and this is just a toy for the eldest princess.

Morton needs good supplements to nourish the bodies of Mrs. Elena and Her Royal Highness, and the unlucky God of Druids cultivates and catalyzes herbs and medicines day and night.

But the famous God of Wealth Archimonde found that he had nothing but money, money, so a luxury cruise ship and palace made of all gold appeared.

The Dragon King Apophis had a fierce fight with the Frost Dragon guarding the snow mountain in order to find a gift. It is said that he lost two teeth. Of course, the Frost Dragon lost the extremely precious War Goddess suit in his collection.

A child affects the hearts of all living beings just because her father is Li Youran.

(End of this chapter)

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