Plane Merchant

Chapter 876 Qi Lingyun's Impatience

Chapter 876 Qi Lingyun's Impatience

His Majesty the Emperor of the Cree, the hottest person in the galaxy universe, Roma is definitely an anomaly, he is just a cell embryo of Roland, but with Li Youran's support, he not only absorbed Roland's role in this world .

It even grew stronger and became the first emperor of the universe empire. As long as they are still under the rule of the Time and Space God Sect and do not betray Li Youran's family, if nothing happens, his children will be the legal heirs. And Roma clearly knows this better than anyone.

Your Royal Highness, when this title with special meaning appeared, Roma immediately knew that the opportunity to show his loyalty had come. According to rumors, the title of Mrs. Elena was Princess Elena, and now she is the Queen of Night, and her daughter inherited Obtaining the title of the eldest princess means that this child will inherit the entire Nightless Dynasty.

The degree of favor can be imagined, Roma is frantically looking for all kinds of treasures in the universe, not the unique ones, not the magnificent ones, not the unique ones, even in the case of these three.

Roma, who released the S-level mission on the Interstellar Magic Network, still has a headache for these things. It’s not that there are too many things, and the universe is so vast. The treasury of the Cree Dynasty was half empty.

If it weren't for other people, such as veterans like Rocket and Yongdu, who also needed gifts to give to Her Royal Highness, and shared some with him, maybe he would be the first emperor to go bankrupt because of paying mission rewards .

Today is the day when Rom, Rocket, Yondu and others are going to go to the city that never sleeps together, but the teleportation array is on Ice Blue Star, which is the capital planet that Li Youran hand-picked, and the Li Clan is even accepted by Li Youran's family as their home slaves, so the most prosperous place is not the capital of the Cree, nor the capital of the Xandar Alliance, but Ice Blue Star.

The teleportation array leading to the city that never sleeps is located here, and this is the only place in the entire universe. Roma has already set off from his capital.

"Report Your Majesty, I found a suspicious object right in front of me, is it clear?" During the flight to Ice Blue Star, his subordinates discovered a strange object, like a puddle of blood slowly drifting in the universe, There are some fluctuations from time to time, proving that this thing is not a dead thing, but they have not heard of any monster in the universe that has this image.

"Oh... look at what suspicious object it is, is it a remnant of rebellion?" Rom said a little boringly, since the opposition forces among the Xandars were cleaned up, there has been no rebellion in the entire universe, or there has been, but it has completely disappeared. Hidden, after all, they don't want to die yet.

Of course, this pool of blood cannot belong to someone else. The tragic Qi Lingyun obviously overestimated his ability. Blood God Son's tenacious vitality kept him alive, but he obviously couldn't fly if he wanted to fly. Just when he thought he would enter a dormant state and drift away, he saw a huge cosmic fortress.

Knowing that his last chance to survive was right in front of him, Qi Lingyun shook his body vigorously so that they could see him, and then...then there was no more, he had passed out.

Rom looked at the weird thing in front of him, and it looked almost exactly the same as when Changmei left, but Changmei had already been killed, which was mentioned in the report given to the master by the Mechanic Emperor.

Of course, Rom would never believe that the Mechanic Emperor would lie about the military situation, so there is only one truth, that is, the person in front of him is related to Changmei, but definitely not Changmei himself.

"Wake him up and ask who he is?" Rom said looking at the pool of blood in front of him.

It's just that this request made the other subordinates embarrassed. Let him wake up. It sounds like this request is quite simple, but in fact, how do you wake up a puddle of blood?Everyone is blind. Fortunately, there are foreign troops in this team. The so-called foreigners refer to those who come from alien planets. The most foreigners in the galaxy world are the earthlings, and the Chinese people come the most. Don't forget that there is such a person by Roma's side.

As long as they are Chinese people, they will more or less come into contact with some gods and ghosts, whether it is legends or stories, or text graphics, ancient legends will always have these figures, and the earth that has experienced a catastrophe will also Believe in these things more.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the foreign medical soldier from Earth finally spoke: "I think I have a way to wake him up."

"You have a way? That would be great, as long as he wakes up, he will be rewarded." At this time, the importance of reading more books is shown. If the person in front of him has not read the biography of Shushan, how can he guess it? This is the Son of the Blood God. Since it is the Son of the Blood God, it naturally needs to be activated with blood.

"It's actually very simple. It only takes a lot of blood to revive him." The medical soldier didn't make a fool of himself, and he didn't pay much attention to the so-called rewards. He was just curious about this guy who seemed to be the son of the blood god.

"Did you hear that? Get blood quickly, the more the better!" Rom ordered immediately.

"Your Majesty, it's better to be prepared for protection. After all, we don't know whether the thing in front of us is good or bad. If he gets up and hurts people, there won't be too much loss." The soldier still didn't forget to remind, Luo Mu was right when he thought about it, he couldn't be careless, after all, he had seen how powerful Chang Mei was, and now he didn't have the Hammer of Power to enhance his attack power.

"That's right, everyone should be careful, open the laser cage and everyone go out, use electronic eyes to monitor." Rom quickly issued an order, everyone left the control room, the laser cage was activated and enveloped Qi Lingyun , soon the blood was transported from the pipeline to Qi Lingyun's body, just like what the soldiers said, the blood was quickly absorbed on it, and then Qi Lingyun's state began to change, from a puddle of blood gradually to A human figure formed by condensed blood and water, and then the image of Qi Lingyun appeared in front of everyone.

saved!that is really good.Qi Lingyun sighed immediately after waking up, he knew that time would not pass for a long time, because even if he was dormant, he could still sense the passage of time, and now he can feel that the time has passed less than a week, he hopes to be able to In time, Qi Lingyun was about to step out when he suddenly sensed a sense of danger and took back his steps.

Facts proved that his feeling was right, he retracted his feet, only to find that he was imprisoned, thick beams of light surrounded him, if he tried to pass through, he would be evaporated, Qi Lingyun also understood at this time It was obvious that he had been arrested.

"Who is it, come out quickly, I, Qi Lingyun, have something important to go to the city that never sleeps, as long as you send me there, I will definitely thank you very much afterwards, and ask the owner of this place to give me a visit." Qi Lingyun did not blindly abuse, This can only be counterproductive. Instead, he generously stated his purpose. Judging from Changmei's memory, Li Youran's power is definitely top-notch in the galaxy world. Even Li Youran's subordinates are also the emperor of the largest empire in the universe. I believe that anyone with some knowledge will not refuse to help him.

"Oh, you want to go to the city that never sleeps? What are you going to do?" Rom was surprised. He didn't know Qi Lingyun, but he was going to the city that never sleeps. It seemed that he had something important to do. Rom didn't know if it was good or bad. Under such circumstances, of course he would not rashly take someone like Changmei to the city that never sleeps.

"I have a very important matter. My friend was cheated. If I don't go, it is very likely that he will die." Qi Lingyun said impatiently.

"Tell me your name and your friend's name, maybe I can help you." Rom is also in a good mood because the master is happy with the lady, so he is going to show kindness to help this seemingly urgent person, or you can Use the magic net to check whether what this person said is true or not.

"My name is Qi Lingyun! My friend````, my friend's name is Li Youran, I think you should all be familiar with it." Qi Lingyun was hesitant at first, but Changmei's memory told him that Li Youran was already here. The world has been cleared of rebellion, so it's not impossible to say.

"What? Wait!" After hearing his master's name, Rom couldn't help but take it seriously. God knows whether what this person said is true or not?
"Master Ruanmei, Rom has something to call, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it." Romu is not the first batch of cores, so he cannot establish direct contact with Ruanmei. If you want to use the magic net, you must get Ruanmei With the permission of the master, and it is related to the master, he cannot be careless.

Ruanmei is very happy recently, the birth of the little angel gave her a new toy `````, yes, the little guy is a toy in her eyes, and this toy seems to like her very much.

I was going to tease the little guy, but Rom's call disturbed her, which made her feel bad, but Rom said in a hurry, so she couldn't ignore it, in case it was something important.

"What important things do you have?" The implication is that if it is not important, she is not going to take care of it.

Rom solemnly repeated what Qi Lingyun said. After hearing this, the soft girl also realized the seriousness of the matter, and said to Rom: "Look at Qi Lingyun's appearance, if it matches, I need to immediately Report to the master."

Rom immediately switched the video to the command room where Qi Lingyun was. Ruanmei immediately compared the image of Qi Lingyun with the image of Qi Lingyun recorded on the magic net, and then confirmed that it was indeed the third Qi Lingyun.

"I've confirmed that he is Qi Lingyun, so you'd better bring him to the city that never sleeps. I'll report to the master first and speed up." Ruanmei said solemnly, feeling that something big must have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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