Plane Merchant

Chapter 883

Chapter 883
Among the Tiannan Mountains surrounded by clouds and mist, the Tianmen people hidden in it are rarely busy recently. Not only are they busy collecting divine blood and killing people from the Jianghu who broke into the Tianmen domain, but also the strange order of the sect master. Build a singular altar.

Although I don't understand, but the sect master asked to build, then just build obediently. Recently, I don't know why their sect master, Di Shitian, seems to have improved in strength, but his temper seems to be a lot more irritable, which made them The days are somewhat sad.

A lean man in black clothes flew across the sky like a bird, and within a few vertical leaps, he came to the mountain gate of Tianmen. The gatekeepers stood up nervously. I was relieved, the person who came was my own.

"See the hall master!" The gatekeeper said respectfully, it seemed that the person who came was of a high status.

The hall master had something urgent to do, so he nodded and leaped into the mountain gate without even saying hello.

"Reporting to the sect master, there are many more people from the Jianghu in Dashan Outer Region, several times more than before, and their strength is also several levels higher. In addition, there seems to be a change in the Tianxiahui. The Tianxiahui's leader Duanlang and deputy leader Nie Feng During this operation, we are going to Nanzhao City outside the Tiannan Region."

The thin man known as the hall master is kneeling in front of Di Shitian at this moment, and he doesn't even have the courage to look up, which shows how intimidating Di Shitian is.

Di Shitian supported his chin with one hand, and tapped his finger on the armrest of the seat with the other hand. The kneeling thin man found that the frequency of the tapping seemed to affect his heartbeat, no matter how he adjusted it, it was the same. On the contrary, he was more and more affected by the knocking sound.

When he was in a cold sweat and felt his heart was about to explode, Di Shitian finally said: "They are all here... I didn't want to make such a big fuss, but it's okay, I always have to do it with them It's better to get all the results once than to be annoying like a cat catching a mouse, by the way, what's your name?"

The thin man shouted in his heart, he is the master of the Tianmen Listening Hall!It's really sad that even the name is not remembered by the sect master, but the question asked still needs to be answered, after all, this is Di Shitian.

"Return to the door master's words, this subordinate listens carefully to the hall master, Yuan Sansi!"

Di Shitian nodded after hearing this and said: "Yuan Sansi, remember to call me Lord God Envoy in the future. My Tianmen will be changed to the Ancient God Sect in the future, and there will be no door master from now on. The God Envoy is the supreme leader. You Do you understand? If I will spare you this time and next time, I will kill you!"

Di Shitian knocked suddenly, and Yuan Sansi wanted to speak, but he spurted out a mouthful of blood, knelt down and begged for mercy, and staggered out of the hall after Di Shitian waved his hand indifferently.

"Master Envoy, you have heard it too, what do you think we should do now?" Di Shitian said towards a corner of the hall, at this moment a metal body came out from a corner of the hall.

"According to what you want, I am only responsible for assisting you in your actions, and will not interfere with your actions, nor will I give you any opinions. This is a test for you. If you fail to pass, you will not be qualified to become one of the ancient gods. a member."

With shiny electronic eyes and the electronic sound of metal friction, the entire Mechanic Emperor appeared in the hall. It is obvious that the Mechanic Emperor has successfully entered the world of Fengyun and has been mixed well under Di Shitian's hands. opened.

Di Shitian heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the words of the mechanical emperor. As long as his plan is successful, he can become the subordinate of the ancient god, and he will definitely be able to replace this iron lump in the future. Of course, he can't offend him now, after all, he is What about the watchdog!

"Then please help me a lot in the future, the supervisor. Come and get me a team. Today I want to show everyone how powerful my ancient god religion is." Di Shitian was full of spirits. Demeanor, you have to know who is capable in front of the ancient gods.

There are actually not many people in Tianmen, but they are all elites, so although there are many people outside, they are all chickens and dogs in their eyes, except for those who have been famous for a long time. It's just that it's difficult to handle. The real master is naturally handled by the master of Tianmen... no, it should be said that it is done by the god envoy.

Will the Mechanic Emperor help him?Since he came in, he has felt the aura fluctuations from the master. Although the master is not here, he is sure that the master has been here before, and he still has the follow-up strength to stay. In this case, it is even more impossible for him to help Di Shitian , On the contrary, he will do something at the most important moment.

After a long day of trekking, Duanlang and Nie Feng finally arrived at Nanzhao City in the evening. They met the person in charge at the secret branch of the Tianxiahui. After learning about the current situation, they immediately ordered them to stand still. He could feel that mysterious force was nearby, and it would not be wise to attack rashly.

"Why should we stop? Aren't we going to stop Brother Yun from killing? If we don't move at this time, everyone inside will be finished." Nie Feng didn't feel any strange power, so he didn't understand.

"Do you still remember the man named Di Shitian who appeared in the sky when I changed the Tianxiahui to the Time and Space God Sect?" Duan Lang answered the question without asking.

"What? Of course I remember, but what does this have to do with the current situation?" Nie Feng was taken aback, and then said, of course he still had a fresh memory, being able to show his face in the sky, and performing such a grand move, it can be seen that his Strength, if not for Duanlang's help from the Fire Lin Sword, I'm afraid it would not be so easy.

After Duan Lang heard what Nie Feng said, he smiled and said, "I feel his strength. If I guess correctly, this place is not far from his lair. If I go rashly at this time, I'm afraid he will catch him all. South is not Central Plains."

Duan Lang's words made Nie Feng speechless, but he immediately thought that many people from the Central Plains martial arts had already entered, and if they were ambushed, the loss to the Central Plains would be great.

"Now that you know, you should inform them all the more, in case = they die, to the Central Plains Wulin..."

"It's a blessing rather than a disaster for the Central Plains martial arts. You should also know who these people are. In the Central Plains, they always fight against me. I will no longer kill them in the Central Plains. They have done their best. Go and inform now, I have What's wrong, the more they die, the better it will be for my Time and Space God Sect."

Before Nie Feng could finish Duanlang, he interrupted him. He knew what Nie Feng wanted to say, but wouldn’t Duanlang be such a good person? If you did, people would only call you stupid, and who would really appreciate it? you?Anyway, those who don't listen to orders are dead and clean.

"Yes." Nie Feng wanted to persuade him again, but it was related to the development of the Space-Time God Sect. Duanlang would not listen to persuasion on this point. Nie Feng had already understood this point, and in his heart I can't help but be terrified of Li Youran's influence. He is obviously a person who has disappeared, but he can still influence Duanlang all the time.

"Feng, don't need to say any more, I remember I told you about the origin of the Time and Space God Sect, if it wasn't for the master, I would have become the ghost of Xiongba long ago, after I escaped from Tianxiahui, I said that I would come back with revenge , Now I have done it with the help of the master, the master told me when he shattered the void, one day he will come back, I want to lay down the eternal foundation here and wait for the master to return to his hometown." Duanlang now has an indescribable expression on his face Glory, but if there are people from the city that never sleeps here, they will think that they have seen another archbishop, Oak, from the Sect of Time and Space.

The expressions of the two fanatics were exactly the same. At this time, Nie Feng also knew that there was no need to persuade him anymore. It was useless for anyone to come at this time.

While the two were talking, Bu Jingyun had already entered the mountains in the foreign land of Tiannan through the night. Since the blood rain came, the beasts and plants inside seemed to have evolved, and they would die on the spot if they were not careful. The same goes for warriors.

Of course, Bu Jingyun is a special case. He still learned the sword 22 of the Juggernaut, and also learned the inexplicable sorrow of Wuming from Zhonghualou, but he still lacks a good sword. Originally, Baijian Villa was his goal this time. Listen He said that there was a peerless sword that was about to be released, but the blood here that could increase one's strength made him interested. Anyway, he couldn't run away from Baijian Villa, so he came here first.

While he was walking and thinking about something, a black cheetah on the canopy stared at him, and then... Bu Jingyun waved a blood-red palm print and slapped the canopy. The black panther couldn't dodge and turned into After the blood mist, Bu Jingyun didn't even look at it and continued to walk. This is the beast that has already mutated on the outside, and it must be more interesting inside.

Thinking of this, the corners of Bu Jingyun's mouth curled up, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face. He smiled when he didn't cry, and when he laughed, it was usually when the enemy was in bad luck.

"Quickly, quickly, everything is arranged, no one has a chance to escape, the pit is dug a little bigger, and the poison that sees the blood to seal the throat must be smeared on the bottom of the barbed wire, the lasso is ready, and the javelin, the javelin Hurry..." Groups of men in black were busy in the forest, they were all members of Tianmen, and of course they were all members of the Ancient God Sect now.

These traps are prepared for tomorrow's people, and none of those people will be able to leave at that time. They are natural killers in this forest, and no one else is allowed to rule the roost in their territory.

"Is everything ready?" Di Shitian's voice rang in their ears.

"Master Divine Envoy is ready!" Everyone has learned well that if they do not call the Divine Envoy, they will be punished by Di Shitian.

"Very good. Tomorrow I will let everyone know the prestige of my ancient god religion. You go to the city and announce to me that the arm of a god and man was found in the forest cave, and you can become a god if you get it." Di Shi The sky laughed and disappeared into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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