Plane Merchant

Chapter 884

Chapter 884

After the second day, Duanlang and Nie Feng found that there was no one in the city. Not only that, but also many leaflets were posted, which clearly stated about the arm of God and Man, and even had a road map.

Even the stupid people know that there is something wrong here, but the strangeness can't stop their curiosity. Everyone has a fluke mentality. If it is really there, the first person to arrive will definitely be the lucky one. , So all the people in the city ran into the forest overnight.

Duanlang threw the leaflet in his hand on the ground, and said to his subordinates in front of him: "Call the congregation from all over the world, I want to enter the mountains immediately."

"Yes!" The subordinate replied and immediately went down to call.

"This is obviously a trap. Why... I understand, but it's very dangerous." Nie Feng understood Duanlang's thoughts in an instant, but he felt that it was too risky and the loss outweighed the gain.

"There is no danger, do you think it will be beneficial? And I have to worry, the development of the Time and Space God Sect has entered a bottleneck. Tiannan Foreign Region has obtained the arm of a god at this time, and according to yesterday's information, the I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a sect called the Ancient God Religion appeared in the center. Maybe the so-called god-man arm is just a gimmick. Since someone is coming at me, I have to do it first. Strong, it depends on who's strength is stronger, and I'm strong because I'm strong! If he is strong, I'm self-inflicted, but I don't think my strength is not strong enough!"

Possessing the Wentian Sword Art, one of the top ten martial arts, and the family-inspired Huolin Sword and Eclipse Sword Technique, plus Li Youran deprived the Nine Dragons of the tyrant and endowed Duanlang with Duanlang. Although Duanlang in this period did not have the Dragon Yuan, he Its strength far exceeds that of Xiongba at that time.

Xiongba is not dead Jue Wushen who is far away in Dongpu dare not invade the Central Plains, even Di Shitian in Tiannan does not show up, what is afraid of is not Xiongba's martial arts, and the Kowloon fate in him, only to break the Kowloon fate The person who can make Kowloon take off is Fengyun, and anyone else who dares to make a move will suffer backlash from heaven and earth.

As a result, Xiongba died suddenly, and his fate was stripped off by Li Youran and attached to Duanlang's body. After the cultivation of the powers of the rivers and lakes during this period of time, the fate of Nine Dragons has merged with Duanlang, and there will be no more attacks. The meaning of the Central Plains is because of the throbbing in his heart, and the reason why Di Shitian dared to move is entirely because of the confidence given to him by the ancient gods, otherwise he would definitely hide the little inside story from the Heavenly Crying Sutra nowhere to be seen.

"Since you want to go, then I will go with you!" Nie Feng is not worried about Duanlang going alone, and he wants to find Bu Jingyun, and according to the report, Bu Jingyun has already entered the mountain range first.

Afterwards, the two entered the mountains in a mighty way, and the Tianxiahui underwent two reconstructions. In the end, all that remained were the elites of the Hundred Wars. The dangers in the mountains were a piece of cake for them.

Soon they pushed to the depths, but the deeper they went, the more careful they became, and they couldn't do it if they were not careful. The people from the rivers and lakes who died in various traps along the way made them feel cold, and it is possible that if you are not careful, you will make people You died a terrible death.

Even if it is so, the Tianxia Association has reduced its staff by a small half. This small reduction is due to the sneak attack of the men in black. Duanlang captured a man in black. He was about to interrogate him, but the man in black bit the poison sac and committed suicide. , he didn't even have a chance to remove his jaw.

"Everyone, be careful, pay attention to the sky and your feet, and advance slowly!" Duanlang gave an order, and there was no way to retreat when he arrived at this place, he had to fight in or die here.

Duanlang's arrangement still worked, and soon the men in black's sneak attacks and traps were ineffective. As the Tianxiahui moved forward bit by bit, the gate of Tianmen already had a rough outline.

"I want to see who is pretending to be a ghost, break it for me!" Duanlang shouted angrily, he already dared to assert that this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy to lose the main force of the Central Plains martial arts.

"Do you want to break my mountain gate?" An erratic voice sounded in the sky, the men and women making people feel very uncomfortable, everyone looked around nervously.

"Who are you! Come out if you have the ability!" Holding the Fire Lin sword, Duanlang leaped onto the crown of a tall tree.

"If you want me to come out, you have to have the capital to do it. You will see me naturally when you rush in, you! Dare you come!" A phantom of a masked man suddenly appeared in the sky, and Duanlang recognized it immediately. That was the phantom that appeared that day.

Angrily, Duanlang sent out a sword energy, which directly smashed through the phantom in the sky, and shouted: "You who hide your head and miss your tail, break your lair today and charge me!"

Seeing the heroic appearance of their guild leader, the members of the Tianxiahui really boosted their morale, howled and rushed forward. Naturally, the men in black would attack and kill them along the way, but they were all useless in front of the aroused aura of the Tianxiahui , even if their martial arts are much higher, but the way of battle formation, if it is below a certain level, it cannot be compensated by personal force.

Nie Feng is worthy of the title of the God of the Wind, a Xueyin knife is flying around, wherever there is danger, there is his figure, and the elegant body style of the Xueyin knife, which does not touch blood, makes him look as if he is in the wind. Dancing elves in the forest.

Of course, the dance of the elves took away human lives. Seeing that Duanlang had rushed to the inside of the mountain gate alone, how could Nie Feng feel at ease, and a figure of chasing wind and shadow drifted directly to the mountain gate.

Inside Tianmen, Di Shitian looked at the screen used by the Mechanic Emperor, which clearly showed the battle between Tianxiahui and his subordinates.

"This is the combat power of your subordinates, and it doesn't look very good. If the ancient gods need you to preach, with your current strength, I'm afraid you will die if you go out!" the mechanical emperor said sarcastically.

Although those people's personal strength is higher than that of the Tianxiahui, but the Tianxiahui is obviously developing into the army. Personal strength is no longer what they value, and cooperation is the most important thing. Only by cooperating with teammates can you ensure your own safety. Effectively kills enemies.

"As long as you give me time, I can get my subordinates to cooperate like this. The thing now is to eliminate that Child of Destiny. His Kowloon fate is the biggest support in this world. As long as he is gone, even the dragon veins will be destroyed. At that time, the world will be in chaos, and I can benefit from it, and the ancient gods will come again."

Why were the ancient gods pushed out?Of course, it was Li Youran who left behind. The dragon veins in Lingyun Grotto were not destroyed, and the fire unicorn that guarded the dragon veins was not slaughtered. There was no one to fight against the dragon, and the fate of the Nine Dragons was perfectly preserved.

Even though the Heavenly Crying Sutra has been taken away, this world has a chance to change. The powerful will of the world will naturally spare no effort to strangle those who come from different planes, because their arrival will make the will of the world die, and the fate of Jiulong is the world. The embodiment of will, that is, the protagonist that is often said.

Duanlang is the protagonist of this world.

"You mean that if you kill him, the rules of this world will change, right?" The Mechanic Emperor scanned Duanlang with his electronic eyes, observing his data. This person might be the resistance for the master to enter this world. It is a very good choice for Shi Tian and him to kill each other.

Thinking of this, the Mechanic Emperor still doesn't know that Duanlang has another identity, that is, the leader of the Time and Space God Sect. After he came, he stayed by Di Shitian's side.

"That's right, as long as I kill him, I can make this world into chaos!" Di Shitian is not just talking, as long as the Kowloon's fate disappears, he will kill Shenlong and take away the dragon yuan to strengthen his own strength , and then go to Lingyun Grotto to destroy the dragon veins, making Emperor Wu's throne unstable, and then he will fight for hegemony in the world. At that time, he thinks it will be easy to win the world by his own means.

"Then what are you waiting for, go! Do you want me to act? What does the ancient god want you to do as an envoy? I don't know what to do?" The mechanical emperor looked at Di Shitian strangely and said, he didn't Stupid enough to be Di Shitian's thug.

Originally, he was thinking about how to fool this iron lump, but unexpectedly, he was directly despised by iron lump, which made Di Shitian have an urge to vomit blood.

"I'll just go!" Di Shitian said that his entire body disappeared, and the speed was so fast that even the Mechanic Emperor could hardly see him, which greatly increased the Mechanic Emperor's vigilance towards him.

Bu Jingyun got lost while walking in the forest. He was intercepted and killed several times on the way, and all completed counter-kills. At this time, he finally heard the sound of fighting coming from the front. It's Tianxiahui who is fighting a man in black who doesn't know what kind of force he is.

Anyway, Tianxiahui is also where he was born, and has helped him a lot these years. Although he doesn't like Duanlang, he still needs to help. He picked up a sword at random, and the sword of the Holy Spirit used it come out.

The Sword Master's swordsmanship is naturally extraordinary, and Bu Jingyun's own strength is also amazing, so it is natural to sweep a large area against these small miscellaneous fish.

After finishing all the men in black, he said: "Why are you here, who else is here!"

"Report to Master Yun! The chief and deputy chief are here, they have already killed in first, and ask Master Yun to help the deputy chief!" One of his subordinates said cleverly. He knew that Bu Jingyun and the chief were at odds, so he used it Nie Feng said something.

Bu Jingyun glanced at him and asked him to take a step back, but Bu Jingyun didn't care, since he knew that Nie Feng was inside, he couldn't ignore it, as for Duanlang... who is he?

"You stay here, and you won't be able to help if you go in!" Bu Jingyun said and walked towards the mountain gate with strides.

When Bu Jingyun entered, Duanlang and Nie Feng inside also saw Di Shitian himself. The two met very silently, but they both knew that they had an undying relationship with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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