Plane Merchant

Chapter 893 2 in 1

Chapter 893 Two in One
Of course, Field would not know the most terrifying feeling. He was born in a knight family since he was a child, and he would not feel the threat of hunger even when the family was in the most difficult time. Will not go hungry.

Field doesn't know, but many people in the capital have already begun to feel it. The feeling in their stomachs is always crying, and the feeling from their stomachs can make them eat everything they can eat around them.

The vagrants on the streets can no longer find any jobs. Most of the shops are closed. The first ones to close are those related to eating and drinking. As for other shops, they can’t even fill their stomachs. Who will patronize their shops? , and if the store is opened now, who knows if the hungry people outside will rush in and ask for food?This is not the first time something like this has happened.

Three of the magistrates of the royal capital have been replaced because of this kind of incident, and the first two were all killed. After taking over, the third took advantage of his position and ran outside the city without knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Your Majesty, you can't go on like this. Look at those people, their eyes are already green. If they don't help, I'm afraid they will violently hurt people. At that time, we don't need Bill to call in, we will first Mess!"

It was the head of the Silver Knights who patrolled the city wall with the king. The other knights were dealt with, but he was the only one who was not dealt with. Firstly, because he was the emperor’s confidant, and secondly, no one under the emperor’s command was available now. Because the magician suffered heavy losses last time, there are no magicians working for him now.

"Do you think I don't know? But what can I do? It's not something my palace can do if I want relief now. Food needs a lot of food, but you don't know how many people you have in the palace? If you pull the food out and distribute it Now, what do we eat? The only way to solve this problem is to solve it from the source!"

How could the king not be aware of the danger of the hungry people? Just when a hungry and collapsed man was dragged into a dark corner by a group of people, what was on their minds, as a king, he would not have thought of it?He just didn't want to think about it.

"But how long will it take? The grain transport ship should have arrived a long time ago, but until now, let alone the grain transport fleet, there is no caravan. The message for help was sent out, but no one replied. It's weird, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for reinforcements, and we will be killed by the mob first."

The knight was very loyal, and of course he didn't want His Majesty the King whom he had loyal to to disappear like this, but now that the most critical moment had come, the king still didn't want to touch those nobles, which made it incomprehensible.

"I know what you mean, but you have to know that although I am a king, I am a nobleman first, and then a king. This world belongs to the nobles. We must not do anything against the interests of the nobles, otherwise even if we spend After this time, we will be overthrown by nobles in the future, and the end will be even more miserable, do you understand!"

The king obviously knows why his knights said this, but he has his own reasons. Although he is the emperor of the empire, in fact the empire is composed of many noble families, and he is just the most powerful one. If all the nobles united together, he too would be deposed, and the interests of the aristocracy offended would be the only cause of union.

"Your Majesty, if we don't do this, I'm afraid we won't even be able to hide this time! Don't mention us when the time comes, those nobles with tens of millions of food in their families have done it for others. I don't know who it is. , the intention is extremely sinister, this is to starve to death all the people in the entire capital, no, not just starving to death, starving to the extreme, robbing and killing people, even cannibalism, cannibalism... Hasn't it happened now, Your Majesty, when will you wake up!"

The knight's cries finally moved His Majesty the King. He also saw the end of the man who fell to the ground, and he must have been eaten clean in the corner.

"Maybe you're right, but...forget it, I need a break. You can do whatever you want, but I won't give you any rights! I won't help you if something goes wrong." The king closed his eyes and said, and left directly after speaking.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The knight knelt on the ground. He knew that the king had allowed it, but he could only succeed and not fail. Otherwise, he would be pushed out by the king as a scapegoat, because the king did not give him any rights.

The knight quickly left the city wall, summoned his family knights and some attendants, and rushed to the place where the nobles were.

Half an hour later, the king saw black smoke rising into the sky from the aristocratic area in his palace, and then the loud fighting sound broke out in the aristocratic area. As the king's knight family, how could it not be powerful?None of the noble knights in the city had private soldiers in the capital. This is the king's territory. They would not do anything that would endanger the royal family, but now it has become their nightmare.

The nobles who were drunk at home never thought that someone would attack them, and the resistance of the servants was nothing to the army. At most, they would just bully the civilians outside.

"My lord, you'd better explain, otherwise I'll go to your Majesty to sue you!" The noble who held a banquet at home and set up a wine pool and meat forest in an extremely extravagant way looked at the knight leader who came here with contempt. Say.

"Report? You have no chance! Kill!" Since the leader dared to do it, he would not leave any excuses, otherwise after this time, he would be the public enemy of the entire country.

One family after another of the nobles was defeated by the head of the knights, and the food reserves and other food harvested in the nobles' homes were four or five times more than the granary of the king's capital.

The beacon smoke soaring into the sky caused the capital to panic. If hunger is an inducement, then the current killing is a fuse. It ignites the bloodthirsty of the people who have become tyrannical due to hunger.

When the first group of civilians who are not afraid of death entered the aristocratic area, everything began to develop towards the uncontrollable side. The battle between the army and the nobles, the battle between the army and the civilians, the battle between the civilians and the nobles, the melee immediately broke out.

It is not only the civilians who want food, but also the army. At this time, everyone knows the importance of food, and who would be willing to let it go?

"Everyone, these foods will be distributed to you in the future. Please put them down now. We need to implement a rationing system to get through this food shortage. Please exercise restraint and don't riot. Please trust us! We are here to help you! "The leader of the Knights looked at the chaotic scene very angrily.

He never thought that when he was about to succeed, there would be such a mess. Those snatchers ignored his words at all, and believed that you are the only one who is a ghost, you assigned?How much do you assign me?Mine, these are mine, as long as I snatch them, they are mine.

Everyone thought this way in their hearts, so not only did the leader's words have no effect, but they sped up their actions.

"Damn it, whoever dares to snatch it, kill me without mercy!" The head of the group got angry and gave the order to kill as soon as he opened his mouth. These people really don't know how to flatter them. Isn't everything I do now is for them!Why does no one understand his painstaking efforts?

"Killed! They killed! There really isn't a single good person in the government. Like those blood-sucking nobles, they don't let us live. There's so much food here, but they don't let us take it! Who knows how to distribute it? Take it back or not? Everyone grab it!"

I don't know who it was, but he shouted in the crowd. Under such circumstances, the leader finally couldn't suppress it. When the crowd was getting bigger and bigger, his family's knights and attendants couldn't stop him. In the end, he just He was able to barely keep a Duke's mansion. As for the others, his people were stretched thin. In the end, even some soldiers joined the ranks of robbing.

After receiving the information, Li Youran smiled noncommittally. The chaos in the capital was something Li Youran expected, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly, and a riot broke out in less than a week.

"Very good, now that the capital is in chaos, let's advance. It is time for them to see who made them miserable. We still need to talk about the reason." Li Youran said to his subordinates, and then several major legions advanced at the same time .

Progressing step by step, I finally came to the place outside the city wall of the royal capital. Although there is a moat, the moat is not a problem for Li Youran who owns lobstermen and swamp murlocs. It's just that Li Youran came to demonstrate and attack the city. ?not needed for now.

Li Youran stood above the city wall openly and aboveboard, looking down at the royal capital below. From the sky, you can see the outline of the entire royal capital. It is indeed very huge, but now it is already a big prison, and no one in it needs to think about it. out.

"Who is the master of this empire, stand up and speak for me! I want an explanation, otherwise I will leave you without a grain of food or a drop of water." Li Youran suddenly spoke loudly, and his voice rang from the sky above the entire city.

The king sitting in the palace sighed secretly, and finally the culprit appeared, but he still didn't know where he offended such a master.

The leader of the Knights narrowed his eyes, stared at the sky for a long time, and finally saw Li Youran floating in the air, his complexion became very bad. With the ability to stay in the sky alone, he could only retreat. Without the ability to resist, maybe a magician can, but in the capital that doesn't even have a magician, is there anything that can resist this person?

The king went outside. Although he couldn't see who was speaking in the sky, he knew that this person could see him, so he stepped out. If he wanted to explain, he would explain it himself, but he wanted to know that the other party was because of What's the matter, only by finding the source can we solve this matter.

He had already made up his mind, he must look for the ancient gods after this time, otherwise he sent so many beliefs every day, but no one came to help him at the last moment, wouldn't he be taken advantage of?

"Who is your Excellency? I want to know where the Stuhr Empire has offended you. If you want compensation, as long as you offer a price, as long as the empire can do it, the Stuhr Empire will never refuse." The king shouted, He knew this man would hear it.

"Compensation? Sure! You can do it!" Li Youran's voice rang in the emperor's ears.

The emperor immediately looked around, but found that he didn't know when there was an extra person beside him.

"Your Excellency is also a strong man, why did you block our trade routes so that food cannot enter the city, causing starvation everywhere!" The king first came up and put himself on the moral high ground and began to question. Generally, masters have their own Bottom line, he wants to know if this is there, but he obviously thinks too highly of himself. In Li Youran's eyes, this so-called king is not qualified to talk to him.

"Needless to say these, don't you want to know the reason? Let me tell you, do you still remember a knight who died here? He brought a group of bodyguards with naked upper body, and his students. He originally came here to The one who wanted to get back what belonged to the businessman who was robbed of his property was just killed, can you...can you tell me what happened?"

Li Youran waved her hand casually, without any intention of explaining, and instead questioned the emperor.

As soon as Li Youran was talking about this matter, the king immediately knew that it was terrible. Many people knew that the person died at the gate of the palace city, and there was no chance to cover it up. As for the reason, the businessman who was robbed was related to everything , obviously his precious son is the key to the matter.

"I am willing to pay compensation, as long as I can give it, I am willing to take it out, as long as this matter can be reconciled, I will agree to anything!" The king said immediately.

"Yes, I want you to hand over the culprit of this matter. As long as you hand it over, I will let you go!" Li Youran looked at the king and said seriously. In fact, it was only a moment of anger to make this plan. Li Youran had already regretted the tragic situation in this city. This is more frightening than killing.

But this condition is destined to be impossible for the king to agree. He only has one son, how can he use it to make up for the crime?If he really wanted to, the prince wouldn't be the prince he is now. In the past, he had pissed off his opponents, but he had settled them all, so that his son became more and more arrogant. Now he can easily piss off people who can't be messed with!

"Things are not what you think. Your people are preaching in my territory. This is unreasonable. As a branch of the ancient gods, pagans are not allowed to preach, but your people are openly preaching. It caused a conflict, and finally they died here, but my people died more, you have to ask for an explanation, did my people die in vain!"

The king tried his last struggle, but what he said was actually what was in his heart. He killed more people, and only a few hundred people killed and wounded more than five thousand soldiers under him. What kind of combat power is this, so he immediately I didn't expect to be approached by someone, and now it's finally clear that everything was created by this Space-Time God Sect.

"That's your business, I don't care, but it is a fact that my people are dead. I only want the murderer. If you hand it over, I will spare you the lives of the whole city. If you can't hand it over, it's fine, and the whole city will be buried with me." Li Youran said without paying attention.

"You..." Li Youran gave him a cold look. The king wanted to get angry, but found that he couldn't get angry. It would be a real loss if he was killed by this person.

"I need to investigate, otherwise I don't know who did it, but don't worry, I will give you an explanation!" The king suddenly softened his tone, and Li Youran nodded noncommittally.

The king left and returned to his palace. After sending out all the attendants, he opened the secret passage under the seat. Only he knew that a secret passage could connect almost all the palaces. The secret way to escape was often regarded by him as stealing incense and jade in the past, but now it has become his only chance to survive.

First came to the prince's palace. Although the prince was released, he was brought back because it was too chaotic outside. He was afraid that the prince would add to the chaos, but he didn't expect this decision to save the prince's life and his royal family. The last trace of blood.

"Come with me!" The king only said one word, and then walked into the secret passage. The prince was shocked when he saw that his bed turned out to be a secret passage. What kind of place is this?Why he didn't know at all, but his father told him, he still went obediently.

The two stopped and stopped all the way, the king kept tugging and tugging along the way, and the prince was also surprised. There were many pull rings on the wall, and the king was tugging on these things.

"Father, why are you pulling these things?" The prince finally couldn't bear it and asked.

The king glanced at his son and said: "Seal this secret passage, remember that I will take you to a place, and don't talk when you get there. Do what I tell you to do, and you will be alone in the future." Don't be a dandy anymore, I've done everything I can for you!"

"Father, what are you talking about? Where am I going? I'm not going anywhere, and I won't be a dandy in the future. I just beg my father not to drive me away!" The prince was scared, and he had everything on his own My father, without my father, he is nothing.

"Shut up, the disaster you caused, now someone is coming to your door, if you don't leave, are you waiting to die! All the roads are blocked, and the entire capital is now a purgatory. If you don't leave, you will die!" I will die, you are the last trace of my royal blood, I am old, it’s okay to die, but you must continue the royal blood, understand! This is your responsibility!"

The king suddenly lost his previous kindness, looked at his son with a serious face and said.

Obviously his words frightened the prince, and he said timidly: "Then where am I going! I can't do anything well."

At this time, he finally knew that he couldn't do anything well, but it was too late.

The king sighed. If he knew his son looked like this, he should have strangled him to death and had another one. But there is no such thing in the world. He has one and only one son.

"Where you go is another world, where is the world of our patron saint, the ancient god. Wherever you go, remember not to be arrogant and keep a low profile, because that is not our territory. Anyone may crush you to death. I can only No matter where you are sent, you will have a chance to live!"

When the prince heard that he was going to be his grandson in the past, how could he agree!

"Father, do you have the heart to let me go somewhere? I don't want to go, why don't I go to the countryside to hide? I remember that our family has a fief in our hometown, otherwise I should go somewhere!"


"You hit me!!" The prince looked at his father in disbelief. He was just imagining that he could stay, but he was slapped by the king immediately.

"Bastard! I just beat you. I just hate that I beat you less, which made you what you are now. Do you still want to stay? Do you know, who are you offending? Our businessman Roads, both land and water, were blocked.

All the letters I sent out for help were never heard back, no sound at all, you understand?Those people are dead, all the nobles who are closely related to us are dead, you have no place to stay in the entire empire, and you caused all the things.

If it weren't for your greed for other people's property, would such a thing happen?When people come to investigate, you do it again!Would the Empire be destroyed if it weren't for you?Now you give me a good life, understand! "

The enraged king grabbed the prince by the collar and shouted, the prince looked dazed, obviously he had never seen his father like this before.

The lost prince was finally dragged by the king to an ancient altar, which was once discovered by his ancestors, and at that time his ancestors began to make a fortune, from a poor country rich man to a meritorious emperor. Afterwards, this place became a forbidden area, and the capital of the country was set here, but the wilderness was kept by one.

After taking out a lot of crystals from his bosom, he placed them one by one in the altar, and then recited the incantation silently, activating the altar, and the blood-red prototype mirror appeared in the center of the altar.

"It's you... Let me think about it, you little fellow of that family, you are already so old, what can you do with me?" The image of the ancient god appeared in the mirror, and the past few days the ancient god had lived Still satisfied, with the help of the Mechanic Emperor, the ancient god religion in Fengyun World is developing, and that Di Shitian is still a guy who is very good at being a man. Recently, his followers have increased a lot, so he is very happy after seeing this few people. After serving his family for generations, he laughed.

After seeing the ancient god laughing, the king immediately felt that maybe things weren't so bad, and maybe he might survive!So he explained the matter emphatically. Of course, what should be concealed should still be concealed, such as the fact that his son robbed the family first and the fact that the important person of the family died here.

After hearing this, the ancient god said with an inexplicable expression: "You mean that someone preached in my territory, and after being driven away by you, they dared to come, and the ones who came were some big shots, ha ha, good! That's great Ah! Unexpectedly, my ancient god will be invaded by others one day! I want to see what kind of abilities this Space-time God Sect has, and dare to play against me."

(End of this chapter)

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