Plane Merchant

Chapter 894 Meeting of the Two Gods

Chapter 894 Meeting of the Two Gods
When the king came back full of joy with the anger of the ancient god, he had already made up his mind, holding the mirror that the ancient god gave him in his hand, as long as he got to the place, take out the things, and the next thing is that the ancient god will talk to that guy. Well, as for him, this is no longer his business.

What made him most happy was that his son had been taken away by the ancient god. Yes, he was still worried, so he sent him to the plane of the ancient god. Although the prince was unwilling, he still did so to be on the safe side. .

Li Youran doesn't care how the king will respond. For him, the outcome of this incident is actually doomed. The bombed city gate and the intersection where the barbarian soldier died felt very familiar, so he came here after sending people away.

"This breath is..." After arriving at the city gate, Li Youran's feeling became stronger, and he was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Ellington, aren't you dead!" That's right, Li Youran saw Ellington and his students, not only that, but at the intersection not far away, the figures of the barbarian guards were also wandering back and forth , but they couldn't hear Li Youran's voice, and they seemed to have a natural fear of Li Youran, and they were a little differently close. Seeing how they wanted to get close but didn't dare, Li Youran was overjoyed.

"That's right! This is your soul! There is no Netherworld in this world! But it's just right, let you go back to our world!" Li Youran thought of all this, but of course it was just a guess, and it was not confirmed.

It's not that there is no nether world in this world, but that these dead people all bear his mark of Li Youran, the mark of a god king. People with this mark cannot be led into hell after death Yes, doesn't that Grim Reaper have the guts to rob believers with a high-ranking god?Too long?
So these days they have been wandering around, seemingly aimlessly, but this is because this world is not the world they lived in. If it was the world they lived in, they are likely to return to their hometown, and then in the God of Time and Space. In the consolation of the teacher, he ascended to the Temple of Time and Space, and became a space-time warrior of the Temple of Time and Space.

"Master, I finally see you!" Compared to the ignorant souls of the students and the barbarian guards, Ellington's soul is obviously more sober. At least he still has the memory of Li Youran in his memory, but Not too much anymore, I only know that this is his belief, his master, and nothing else.

"Don't talk, I will save you! I will!" Li Youran waved all these souls into the temple, and then came to the place where the barbarian guard died in battle.

The barbarian guards who died in the battle still had the same sturdy appearance, with a lot of throwing axes and war hammers in their hands, and they still had the appearance of fighting in life. They only had natural awe for Li Youran and had no other feelings.

After arriving in the capital, Li Youran's rage finally found some comfort. As long as there were souls, he would have a chance to revive them.

After he flew back to his camp, the king also returned to his palace with the mirror of the ancient god, thinking that compared to the previous escape, he seemed calmer now.

"Come on, call me the leader of the Silver Knights." The king said something inside, and immediately some attendants ran to the leader who was still paying the nobles' food.

Half an hour later, the head of the regiment walked into the hall and saluted the king and said, "Your Majesty, what can I do for you?"

The king nodded and said, "It's true that I've been looking for you. How is the material collection going?"

"Most of them have been confiscated. Although some of them were robbed by the mob, it is harmless. With this batch of food, we can deal with the siege even for half a year or even longer. It's just that if the mob doesn't solve it, it will always be a cancer." The group leader immediately report on their progress.

"Well, yes, I'm very satisfied. If that's the case, let's continue. As for the reactions of those nobles, don't worry about it. Let's treat it as a big cleansing. These guys actually chose not to help me when I was in trouble. Since they don't help , then go die."

The king said domineeringly, but the head of the regiment was shocked. He remembered what he said on the tower. At that time, the king was paying attention to the interests of the nobles. Even if he wanted to act, he could only take full responsibility in the end. It was implemented, why did it not take long before it changed immediately?

"Your Majesty, I don't quite understand..." the head of the group said doubtfully.

Of course he didn't understand, he had taken a reassurance from the ancient gods, and he was so courageous. In his opinion, the god he believed in, that is, the ancient gods, was an extremely powerful existence. The protection of God, what time and space gods are, are bullshit.

Moreover, my son has already been sent away. Once I die because of this incident, I believe that the Lord Ancient God will train his son well for the sake of the belief in this continent. Come easier.

Compared with newly cultivating a family that is likely to have greater ambitions in the future, an old subordinate who is already very obedient is obviously more reassuring.

It has to be said that it is a very stupid thing to guess God's thoughts with a mortal's mind. At least the king guessed wrong, that is, the newly trained and old subordinates are similar in the eyes of the ancient gods. God seemed perfectly normal.

"You don't need to understand, and those lords outside didn't even come when I asked for help. No matter how hard the enemy blockades, they still have no chance at all? It seems that it's time for a new generation, you want Take good care of it, how much fiefdom you can get depends on your own ability!" The king threw a blockbuster, and immediately blasted the head of the regiment, lord, this is what he has always wanted but no matter what. arrived.

You must know that the lords of the outside world are all noble families inherited from the early days of the founding of the country. Knights like them who were born in combat cannot get such honors. Unless you take refuge in the hands of a certain lord, you will get a small village. Same fiefdom.

"It's Your Majesty, I will definitely make them regret it!" The head of the group immediately changed his tone, and there was no doubt at all. Anyway, the country belongs to the emperor, so he can do what he tells him to do.

"Relax, I believe in you, but now you need to go out and check the situation outside. It's best to find out the situation nearby. How are the lords outside, you should also take a look, understand!" The king was very solemn said.

"But Your Majesty, if I leave now, who will guard the city?" The head of the regiment was a little puzzled. In the past, the king wished that he would not leave. Why did he let him go outside to investigate now?
"Don't worry, I already have a complete strategy for this matter, you just need to do the task I gave you." The king didn't explain much, just said something lightly, and then urged the captain to leave the city.

In Li Youran's camp, everyone heard that Li Youran had seen Ellington's soul, and they were all amazed. With faith, especially if one's own master is considered to be a true god, so there will be souls staying here.

Ellington was also the one who got Li Youran's attention, and he was destined to become a member of the temple after his death. That's why he had such an encounter. As for the others, they seemed to have almost forgotten the matter. In the next few days, even Ellington's memory will be erased, and those students and barbarian guards will be transformed into the purest energy in the world and dissipated in the world.

Just when everyone was surprised, a knight on horseback ran outside, but was intercepted when he was approaching the camp. The person who intercepted him was Field's cavalry.

The cavalry regiment composed of high-ranking dark knights is naturally not something an emissary can break through, holding a letter in his hand and shouting, "I want to see your master, I want to see your supreme officer."

Feld let him in very face-saving, and Feld is not interested in people who are too weak in combat.

"You mean, your king has already decided to pay compensation, that's fine, I'll definitely be there tomorrow." Li Youran looked at the letter, and the other party had already thought about it. Li Youran felt that the matter was too simple, and it was clearly a conspiracy. .

However, Li Youran is a brave person with high skills, so he agreed directly. After Li Youran agreed, and sent the knight out of his barracks, he didn't look carefully when he came in because of the emergency. The place is really a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

All around here are Li Youran's subordinates, the dark knights from the nether world, the hellfire demons, and other forces, especially the pilots in the sky, patrolling the sky all the time, wanting to sneak attack is simply natural ask for trouble.

This also made the king want to sneak attack, and the little idea of ​​scouting and sneak attack went bankrupt. The plan had already come to an end before it even started.

The flustered cavalry left, and Li Youran went to the appointment on time the next day, but unlike the first day, he came wearing dragon soul armor today. As a dual-soul man, Heywood is Li Youran's contract armor Qi Ling is another god under Li Youran.

This time he came on behalf of Li Youran, who was wearing full-coverage armor, and no one knew what he looked like.

"What's the matter with you asking me to come? Do you want to hand over the murderer to me?" Li Youran said.

"I'm not here to hand over to your murderer, but to tell you that I will not agree to the conditions you said. If you want to fight, then come, I'm not afraid of you!" Afterwards, he seemed extremely arrogant.

"Are you sure?" Li Youran's eyes were cold.

"Hmph, I'm not sure, you can beat my master first!" The king took out the red mirror from his pocket, and let it fall to the ground.

The red mirror was shattered, and thick black smoke emitted from it. After a while, a portal was formed here.

"Your master, I'll convince you!" Li Youran looked at the portal and suddenly felt a little familiar.

"Are you the so-called god of the Time and Space God Sect! You dare to preach in my territory, are you looking for death!" The ancient god cursed as soon as he came out, his huge body really scared many people.

Li Youran raised her eyebrows and said, "This is your reliance? Do you think he can help you?"

Of course, he has seen the appearance of the ancient god, but it was all in the mirror image. Now this is a real person version. Who would have thought that the temperament of the ancient god is so much worse than the one in the mirror? He is a red-skinned hooligan.

"Hey, who are you? How dare you come here and take off your mask. I want to see where you are from." The ancient god saw that Li Youran ignored him, and instead chatted with an ordinary person, and It seems that this is talking bad about himself.

"Want to see what I look like? That's fine, beat me." Li Youran looked at the ancient god and said, the eyes of the two gods met, and finally Li Youran won.

"Very good, I hope you can have the last laugh!" The Ancient God didn't expect that the God of Time and Space would not give him face.

The ancient god was not idle when he was talking, and found that his divine power could not penetrate the armor of his body, so he immediately made a move and punched Li Youran in the face.

The moment he started, Li Youran casually put his hand in front of him, and the ancient god's fist was immediately held by Li Youran.

"The speed is not bad, but the strength is lacking, such a big man is in vain!" Li Youran said with a sneer.

The ancient god is a magical god. He is good at alchemy-like magic and spiritual attacks. Although his physical strength is stronger than that of ordinary strongmen, compared with Li Youran, it is much less.

The anger in the eyes of the ancient gods burned, and a mental storm arose between the two of them. The mental raid wanted to confuse Li Youran, but unfortunately things backfired. Heywood's soul power in the Dragon Soul Armor has become a double soul. Yes, an ancient god is really not enough.

"It seems that you have nothing to brag about, this level of strength!" The Dragon Soul Armor not only defended against the sneak attack of the ancient god's spirit, but also ruthlessly added its own strength to bounce back.

The ancient god's brain was knocked hard a few times as if being stuffed by a big clock, and he almost vomited out due to a shocking feeling. "

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Li Youran smiled, he did not fight alone.

"Damn it, come here!" The ancient god became furious, and the duel turned into a gang fight. A portal opened and more people wearing ancient armor and clothes came out. This time even Li Youran's acknoledged.

What is the third prince Nezha with three heads and six arms who is a lotus boy, Li Jing, the heavenly king of Tota holding a pagoda, etc., the images of these gods have come out, and they are all the same as the 12th Yuanchen and the four heavenly kings.

The armor on Li Youran's body transformed into a dragon shape, and a pair of bone wings grew out from behind, and then floating in the air, he asked, "Where did you find these people?"

 Today is an update, the manuscript is lost, and I feel depressed
(End of this chapter)

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