Plane Merchant

Chapter 897

Chapter 897

When Ellington and others were called out from the temple, Li Youran found that each of them had a layer of golden light on their bodies. Li Youran knew that it was a kind of incense power. They erected statues, and many people went to worship.

They seem to enjoy this feeling very much. Ellington's memory has recovered a lot, and those people who couldn't even recognize Li Youran before now also recognize Li Youran.

"Master, it's great to be back by your side again! I thought I would never return to the familiar world in my life! But it's not bad now!" Although he said so, Ellington still had something in his eyes. A touch of sadness, after all, is dead, ghosts and people are two completely different realms.

"I believe you all know the reason why you came here! So what is your choice, tell me, I fully respect your choice, or you want to reincarnate, I can understand." Li Youran discussed with Alice The two methods are all mentioned, let Ellington and others choose.

Of course, the final reincarnation was temporarily added by Li Youran, because there may be people who are not satisfied with their current situation, or just want to be an ordinary person, who knows.

Ellington was also excited after knowing these two methods, reincarnation?Don't be funny, is he Ellington or someone else after reincarnation?If it is someone else, will there be such an opportunity?

"Master, you don't have to think about it. I choose the second option. I don't like death, but I also know my aptitude. I'm not like Heywood and Morton. I don't even have the perseverance like Field, so the second option is the best." It suits me, even if it's just a false immortality and a false god, but as long as the master is still there, I will not disappear, if the master is not there, it doesn't make any sense whether I am here or not."

Ellington spoke eloquently for a long time. He chose to be on the list of gods. For him, this is simply a good thing. Although his strength no longer rises after he became a god, it is much higher than before. , anyway, he is also a god, so he can't be worse than the legendary rank. You must know that he has never even surpassed a high-level knight before.

As for those subordinates, they don't have the slightest intention of reincarnation. Since they can have their own memories, why should they re-grow, and it's a new life.

After listening to their opinions, Li Youran said: "Very good, since you have already made your choice, let's start!"

Li Youran nodded to Alice, indicating that she could start, and Alice took out the list of gods placed in the nebula, on which were written the names of some people who performed outstandingly during the last natural disaster on earth Li Youran will only be happier if they reach the state of becoming gods in the body, but there are too few such people.

"This is the last chance. It's still too late to give up at this time. After you go up, you will become vassals of the Gods List forever. From now on, you can't control your own life and death. Have you figured it out!" Li Youran asked again.

Everyone was silent, Li Youran also saw their determination and nodded, Alice used her divine power to open the page of the list of gods, and the strong suction unfolded inexplicably, but it had no effect on Liu Ran and Alice. Even the hair has not been moved, it seems that this powerful suction is only for the soul.

When all the souls entered the list of gods, the pages of the book closed by themselves. Li Youran waited for a while, but no one came out, so she looked at Alice and wanted an answer.

"Look at what I'm doing. After they are accommodated in the Conferred Gods List, they will naturally be transformed inside. Otherwise, you will become gods after becoming gods. The strength needs to be adapted, otherwise they will be blown!" Alice said, rolling her eyes.

Li Youran smiled embarrassingly, knowing that he was too anxious, but what Alice said afterwards also made him pay attention.

"You should do your best to quickly find a place that is suitable for the list of gods. Although these universes are fine, I don't think it is safe. If the world is too big, there will always be some unknown beings that will pose a threat to the gods. You need a world to store your subordinates. One Big enough to belong to your own world."

After Alice finished speaking, a ball of fire came out from the side and said: "Want such a place? There are too many of them, and Li Xiaozi, you have it in your hand!"

The three-legged Golden Crow has begun to evolve. From the beginning, the crow has become a burning firebird. After hearing the conversation between Li Youran and Alice, he came out to show his presence.

"I have it in my hand? Do you mean this temple? Although it looks big enough, can they be stationed here?" Li Youran was a little curious why the three-legged Jinwu said this.

"Of course it's not this temple. You know, even I can't enter this temple by force. What's the difference between putting all these ghosts in there and being in prison? If you can't get out, you can't get in. I'm talking about another world. I often look at the outside world and see that there is an exquisite white jade staircase on your wife's cabinet. It looks like that. If I guessed correctly, it is the ladder to heaven. There was also one at Nantianmen back then, and it entered and exited from Nantianmen. Magic weapon." Jin Wu said naturally, Li Youran was a little confused when he said this, who is he?Why do you know this?
When Li Youran wanted to ask, the three-legged Golden Crow had already flown away on its own. Li Youran could only look at his back and smiled helplessly. The white tiger who was watching all this in the temple looked at Li Youran. Leisurely glanced at the place where the Golden Crow disappeared, her expression was inexplicable, she didn't know what she was thinking.

It was another sunny afternoon, sitting at his home and watching his wife and children playing in the garden in the afternoon. This was a rare leisure time for Chen Chen, but usually when he was leisure, he would be surrounded by Some uninvited guy interrupts.

The white clouds in the sky were broken, and a figure jumped out from the crack in the sky. Chen Chen curled his lips. The only ones who could enter his world so blatantly were those annoying guys.

"Chen Chen, tell me who the master of the Space-Time God Cult is! I want to know where he is!" Before anyone could speak, the face of Chen Chen's eldest wife Catherine changed from a happy face to an iceberg face. Hiding behind the mother, the scary strange uncle came again.

"Your Excellency, Chief Judge, please make it clear that I am not your subordinate. Don't come to me for everything. I have no obligation to answer your questions!" Chen Chen said viciously to the man in front of him.

The people in the Cosmic Court are really annoying. They not only look for trouble everywhere, but also like to meddle in other people's business, just like the issue of the Time and Space God Sect. Li Youran's world is no longer in the same dimension as them, and their management is too wide .

"Chen Chen, you'd better tell me, otherwise I think I will often come to your world as a guest in the future. I'm not interested in the matters between your manor owners, but you must know that the world that the Sect of Time and Space invaded again, where is it?" It is the site of the ancient gods.

For some reasons, I can’t tell you everything, but please believe me, once this Space-Time God Religion is really the guy I know, it will definitely be a catastrophe, not only our cosmic court, You manor owner also can't escape, tell me where he is, I don't need you to reveal it, I will find it myself. "

The chief judge who came out of the old archives of the big court has already found that possibility. If it is really the same as what is recorded in the file, that kind of monster that can devour the world and strengthen itself, none of them can run away in the future. As for the regulations, he couldn't say clearly.

From the records, he has seen descriptions of this terrifying existence. No one has seen his real body, and no one has found out what he looks like. He only knows that he has an extremely persistent belief in devouring and conquering.

Every plane of existence is his hunting target. Disguising has always been what he is best at. It is his most common way to deceive the faith and then let the whole world fall into death bit by bit. Every world wrapped by him will Refuse to be entered by the strong.

Judging from the information given by the ancient god and his own experience of being unable to travel through, this existence is very likely to be the real master of the Time and Space God Sect. Or, it is necessary for the chief judge to investigate.

"It's so serious, but it's a pity that I don't know whose Space-Time God Sect you are talking about!" Will Chen Chen believe his words?Of course not, he is not a three-year-old child, he will believe whatever others say.

"Chen Chen! This sounds very serious, and the consequences are more serious than you can imagine. Today, the ancient gods gave me the coordinates of a world, but I can't enter, do you know! I was rejected by a world, this is impossible Imaginary! I have to figure it out."

Seeing the chief judge's crazy look, Chen Chen almost didn't clap his hands and applaud. These bastards have regarded themselves as the universe police, and they have to take care of everything. Regardless of whether these things have anything to do with them, in fact, it's because someone can Deny their entry and let them out of control, so they are upset, and then panic, afraid that others will become stronger, so they want to act first.

"Oh! It's incredible that there is such a thing, but I'm sorry, I really don't know, maybe there are people in my trading partners who you mentioned, but since you said those restrictive words last time, I put my The trading partner of was deleted, so sorry!"

Chen Chen spread his hands with a helpless expression on his face. The chief judge looked at Chen Chen's face, tightened and loosened his hands several times, as if he wanted to beat Chen Chen, but gave up after considering the consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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