Plane Merchant

Chapter 898

Chapter 898

"Chen Chen, you don't know the seriousness of the matter, and it's not good for you or me, but...forget it, if you think of anything in the future, please tell me!" The chief judge could only leave helplessly.

"The invincible dad defeated the cold-faced devil! Dad is the best!" Chen Chen's daughter cheered and said, and Chen Chen gave her a big hug, and then kissed her on the cheek.

"Go and play, don't run away!" Chen Chen let go of his daughter and walked towards the house.

After seeing Chen Chen's appearance, the eldest wife, Catherine, followed into the house.

"Are you leaving?" Catherine was very smart. He knew something was going to happen since that annoying guy came.

"Honey, I'm just reporting a letter. I don't know how this little guy Li Youran got into the Cosmic Court, but his growth is really hard for me to see through. He can reject the transmission of the Cosmic Court.

You must know that the chief judge of the universe court is a god of space ability, and now he is prevented from traveling. No wonder he is anxious. If Li Youran's strength is stronger, the more worlds he controls, the smaller the scope of his rights will be. It's normal to be anxious. As for the scary existence, do you believe it? "

Chen Chen chatted with Catherine very easily, opened the manor owner system, called up Li Youran's avatar and sent a message.

Soon Li Youran on the other side responded. After seeing him online, he immediately told Li Youran what happened today. After reading the message, Li Youran thought for a long time before replying with two words of thank you, and then there was no more text.

Seeing Li Youran's reply of thank you, Chen Chen was also speechless for a long time, and then said to his wife: "It seems that our little brother has absolute self-confidence. Up to this point, enough is enough!"

Catherine looked at the embarrassed Chen Chen with a funny face and said, "Of course, what you have done is good enough. I think Li Youran must also be very grateful to you, but isn't it great that he has absolute confidence? We can also relax a bit." , don’t keep thinking about who to help, everyone is growing, maybe one day you will find that they are as good as you, or even better! But you should be happy, the more powerful your friends are, The higher the reward you get, the higher the reward, right?"

"Maybe you're right, but you're wrong about one thing. I don't make friends for repayment, so let's continue to enjoy our time!" Chen Chen shrugged and turned off the manor owner system and said.

He left the house with Catherine in his arms, but he was thinking about what Catherine said in his heart. Maybe what his wife said was right. Friends who have grown up don't need him to care about them all the time.

Li Youran, who was reminded by Chen Chen, was not as calm as he appeared. There was a grand judge of the cosmic court who tried to enter the world he had recently obtained, and what was even more incredible was that he failed!
Li Youran, who has learned about the temple he got, knows that there are only two possibilities. Either this person's strength cannot meet the transmission standard, but this is obviously impossible. He is the chief judge of the cosmic court, how could he not be able to transmit it? .

Then there is only one other possibility. The chief judge is the god of the law of space, and the world that has directly taken over the origin of the world by the temple rejects the entry of those who understand the law of space. Of course, it is to protect itself. In this world, once you feel the fluctuations from the Temple of Time and Space, there will definitely be a battle between dragons and tigers.

The Temple of Time and Space is protecting him, and this result makes Li Youran both happy and depressed. His current strength is no longer what it used to be, and he is not afraid of being discovered by others. .

But it’s okay to think about these things. After all, the person hasn’t come yet, and he can’t run out to provoke the other party. That’s what a fool would do. He has more important things to do now, and that is to find Tianting.

Li Youran, who has already obtained the carved white jade staircase from He Meili, looked at this exquisite carving, but couldn't find a way to enter it. According to Qi Lingyun, the three seniors of Shushan have already used their lives to complete the ladder. , it can be started, but... how to start it?
Qi Lingyun is not very clear either. Although he has devoured the long-browed primordial spirit, he doesn't know all the memories well, he just knows the general idea, and it's okay if the inside is very dangerous. As for the method of opening it, he has tried several times. Again, there was no success, maybe Changmei's so-called method is just an idea, after all, Changmei himself has never really entered.

Li Youran, who was thinking hard in the temple, was very troubled. The feeling of being unable to enter the treasure house because she didn't know the password was really uncomfortable.

The three-legged Golden Crow who wandered around the temple every day suddenly appeared beside Li Youran, staring at the ladder in a daze.

After seeing his appearance, Li Youran had a flash of inspiration. This strange crow seems to know a lot of things, but sometimes he will go crazy and be stupid. Maybe you can try it on him.

He smiled at the crow, but it was a pity that the blind man gave him a wink. The three-legged golden crow didn't even look at him, and just stared at the ladder in a daze.

Li Youran moved the ladder to the left a little, and the head of the three-legged Golden Crow moved to the left, and it also moved to the right, and then Li Youran put the ladder behind his back.

The next moment the three-legged Jinwu came to his senses, stared at Li Youran and said, "Junior, take the thing out, don't you just want to know how to open it! I'll just tell you! But you need to promise me one condition."

The voice was extraordinarily serious and majestic, and it seemed to be very different from his previous state of madness. Li Youran didn't realize that the hair on his body stood up after hearing this voice while enjoying the protection of incense in the temple.

It was a kind of fear from the bottom of my heart. Not everyone could bear the aura of the ancient demon emperor, but Li Youran, who was the first to bear the brunt, didn't react at all!Could it be that the white tiger was planning to come at him?
Baihu didn't know if it was against him, telling him not to reveal the other party's identity, but the other was even more curious about Li Youran's reaction. When he saw the ladder going up to the sky, the pride of the ancient demon emperor finally woke up .

Of course it was only temporary, the shattering was so serious that it was impossible to be reborn, even after countless years of cultivation in the sun star, after several twists and turns, only the body of the three-legged Golden Crow was restored, and the mind was still inflexible. Spiritual, if he is not stimulated by familiar things, he may not wake up.

"Boy, I don't have much time. Do you want to know?" The majestic voice sounded again, and Li Youran finally came to his senses.

"What conditions do you have, how can I trust you?" Li Youran asked back.

"Hahahaha, kid, I don't need to lie to you, and I won't hurt you. I'm still here to heal my wounds. If you die, this temple that has been integrated with you will definitely explode. At that time, no one will Don’t get any benefits, don’t worry, opening the ladder to the sky is good for you and me, I can help you open it, but I need something inside, but I’m not sure if it’s still there, will you agree?”

The three-legged Jinwu said his request, Li Youran nodded after considering it for a while, and agreed, it's useless if you can't open it, if you open it, let's talk about it later.

But people have already seen through his thoughts, and the three-legged Jinwu said lightly: "You make an oath first, if there is something I need in it, and you don't give it to me, you will have a son with nothing to die for." **, having multiple daughters! Otherwise, I wouldn't believe you!"

"Damn, why don't you be so poisonous! Let me swear with my godhead that the head office will do it, and swear with my children that I won't do such a thing!" Li Youran directly objected, swearing with her own children, even if he doesn't Even if you plan to break the promise, you will feel uncomfortable.

The three-legged Jinwu looked at Li Youran for a while and said, "It's fine, anyway, just remember not to break the contract."

Li Youran rolled his eyes and swore with his own godhead, vowing that if Li Youran doesn't give him something that the three-legged Golden Crow needs, his godhead will fall, and he will become a useless person from then on. After Li Youran found out about the oath, Nebula in the temple As if inspired, he actually condensed a lock and entered Li Youran's body.

After Jinwu saw it, he said: "Okay, the oath has been fulfilled, give me the ladder to heaven, and I don't have much time to open it!"

Li Youran immediately gave the three-legged Golden Crow the ladder, only to see that the flames on the three-legged Golden Crow suddenly became extremely blazing, with a faint tendency to turn white. Li Youran didn't know that it was the real fire of the sun, a kind of flame close to the sun. The feeling made Li Youran take a few steps back. Although the temperature of the sun can't hurt Li Youran, it's very hot!
The ladder to heaven that was wrapped by the real fire of the sun directly turned into a huge staircase, which took root and sprouted directly in this temple, and grew up like a towering tree, directly growing from the ground to the top of the temple. Nebula.

The nebula also wraps up the ladder very cooperatively, creating a feeling of being surrounded by clouds and mountains and mist in the ladder. The real white jade stairs are under the feet, and the illusory white clouds and mist are on the top, which is a fairy scene.

"Is this the ladder to the sky? Is this the opening?" Li Youran asked a little puzzled, thinking in her heart, don't everyone say that when the magic weapon is activated, the mountains shake and the ground shakes and shines brightly?Why does it look like eating too much fattening feed?
"Hmph, what do you know, the ladder to heaven is just a portal, do you need to engage in those flashy things? After entering, you will see the scene inside. After many years, I will finally see it again." The flame went out, and then fell headlong into Li Youran's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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