King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 105 Hypnosis Sailiu

Chapter 105 Hypnosis Sailiu

"Uh... Is it too cold? Why don't you put on your pants first?" Qin Fan couldn't help reminding.

"You are not allowed, you are not allowed to say that Teacher Kao died well..." The girl's body trembled slightly, as if she was struggling fiercely in her heart.

"Hey, hey..." Although he hadn't had time to add the other party to the list of attendants, he couldn't see the other party's loyalty, but just looking at the other party's appearance, he knew that this guy was resisting his own magic power.

Speaking of which, how can anyone resist my own hypnosis recently? Is it because my ability has declined?
Qin Fan watched with some depression as the girl's eyes glowed with a faint blue light again, and under the influence of hypnosis again, the girl really returned to calm.

"Is that Kao your teacher?" Qin Fan asked tentatively.

Hearing Qin Fan mentioning Kaou again, the girl's body visibly shook. Seeing this scene, Qin Fan quickly said, "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, I don't mean to be disrespectful to your teacher!"

Sure enough, the girl regained her emotions after hearing what Qin Fan said, and seeing this, Qin Fan took advantage of the situation and asked, "Did Kaou be killed by a night raider?"

"Well! I will definitely avenge my teacher!" the girl said viciously.

"Oh!" Qin Fan agreed, but felt a little uneasy.

It's been more than one time, and my own ability of the mirror and the moon has been broken by others more than once. Although the effect of the contract scroll is very good, it is obviously not enough for so many women's contract scrolls. Maybe...
Qin Fan reached out and took out the ability upgrade scroll that he had just obtained not long ago from his private space. Qin Fan was still considering whether to use this scroll to upgrade the demihuman's death reset or the teleporter's teleportation. After all, these two abilities They are all used for life-saving, but now that I think about it, whether it is death reset or teleportation, the current state is actually enough. On the contrary, it is the ability of magic tricks, not only the utilization rate far exceeds the first two abilities, but also the effect is really needed now. Raise it a little bit.

Thinking of this, Qin Fan didn't hesitate anymore, and directly unfolded and locked the scroll. With a thought, it didn't look like there was anything strange about the scroll that instantly turned into a light and shadow and penetrated into Qin Fan's body. At the same time, Qin Fan seemed to feel something. It's different, but if Qin Fan were to talk about it, he couldn't find out what changed.

"This is the end?" Qin Fan was a little disappointed, thinking that there would be some great changes. If the so-called ability improvement is only a small improvement, it would be a bit tasteless.

"What?" the girl with the ponytail asked in confusion when she heard Qin Fan's muttering to herself.

"Uh...I said that guy named Kao is an idiot!" Qin Fan said tentatively.

Sure enough, the girl frowned when she heard what Qin Fan said, and her body seemed to start trembling slightly again, as if she was trying to resist something.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan immediately used the mirror flower and water moon again, but this time different from the previous use of the mirror flower water moon, Qin Fan's eyes would have more or less blue lights, this time Qin Fan clearly used the ability without the slightest appearance, outsiders Seeing that Qin Fan just glanced at the other party, but the girl's body suddenly shook slightly and then returned to calm again.

"What's wrong?" Qin Fan asked intentionally.

"No... I just feel that there is some misunderstanding. Teacher Kao is someone I respect very much. It's not good for you to say that about him!" the girl said with some struggle.

Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan frowned slightly, but then said again: "But I just think he is an idiot!"

Hearing what Qin Fan said, the girl nodded slightly, but two lines of tears flowed from her eyes. Although she didn't continue to say anything, it was obvious that she had the meaning of daring to be angry with Qin Fan's words.

(Failed? No, it still has some effect, at least she should not get rid of the mirror, not only did not get rid of it, but also showed no resistance.) Qin Fan, who had been observing the girl's expression, was a little hesitant, so he simply got up and put on his clothes while commanding: "Put on your clothes too, let's go out for a while."

The girls didn't have the slightest hesitation about Qin Fan's order, and soon they were all dressed up, and then Qin Fan directly let the ponytail girl lead the way, but asked her to take a few people to the burial place of the guy named Kaou. Place.

As for this, although the girl's expression became more and more ugly, she didn't hesitate at all in her actions.

Soon the group of four came to a cemetery in the city specially prepared for the public officials of the imperial capital. Although it was daytime, it was not a special day, so the cemetery was still very deserted. Under the leadership of the girl, the few people quickly I found Kao's tombstone.

"Dig it!" Qin Fan exchanged a shovel and threw it to the girl and ordered.

Since he wanted to verify whether the newly upgraded Flower in the Mirror and Water Moon would still be able to break free, Qin Fan of course had to issue some orders that the other party would never execute under normal circumstances.

Hearing Qin Fan's order, the girl's body trembled slightly again, with tears streaming down her face, but it was different from when the opponent confronted the mirror flower and water moon not long ago, although the girl's body was still trembling this time, the movements of her hands did not stop at all. Qin Fan's order did not hesitate at all, but the painful expression on his face showed that she was extremely reluctant but helpless at this time.

Soon, the luxurious coffin was dug out. Under Qin Fan's order, the girl pried open the coffin with a shovel, and a strong rancid smell filled the air instantly. Soon the corpse didn't rot too badly, but the smell was indeed extremely strong.

"This is that Kao?" Qin Fan glanced at the corpse in the coffin and then looked up at the girl. At this time, the girl seemed to be numb, and she looked at the corpse in the coffin with a dull gaze and remained silent.

"I can't see clearly like this! You take off his head and show it to me!" Qin Fan gave another inhumane order.

It seems that the girl has given up resistance completely. After hearing Qin Fan's order, the shovel cut off the neck of the corpse in the coffin vigorously without any hindrance. The head of the corpse was easily chopped off by the shovel, and then the girl was about to reach out Taking Nakao's head was stopped by Qin Fan.

"Wait a minute! The corpse is rotten, so don't take it!" Qin Fan waved his hand and said.

Hearing Qin Fan's order, the girl was obviously relieved, but before she was completely relieved, Qin Fan's next words made her stunned again.

"By the way! It's not convenient for you to come out so early! It just happens to be convenient here!" Qin Fan ordered again.

"What, what?" The girl couldn't believe her ears. How could he let himself... let alone his beloved teacher, even if it was a stranger's corpse, it would be impossible for him to do this. Obscenities!

"What's the matter? Didn't you hear my order clearly? Or is it because you don't want to be convenient now? It doesn't matter. I brought water. If you don't have it, drink more water and you should be fine!" Qin Fan said shamelessly.

"No! No need!" The girl finally said, "I, I understand!"

Without any further hesitation, the girl directly straddled the pried open coffin and took off her shorts...
(End of this chapter)

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