Chapter 104

"How did you do it?" Qin Fan couldn't help asking in surprise looking at the syringe suspended in mid-air.You know, what Qin Fan just ate for the girl was a natural oily fruit, so he shouldn't have the ability to manipulate items. Could it be that the ability of the devil fruit has changed because the other party is a demihuman?
"I don't know, but I feel that part of me seems to be attached to these anesthesia needles, and I control them through these things!" The girl seemed to be equally surprised by her own ability, and she tried to anesthetize those needles while talking. The needles lined up in front of him.

Hearing the girl say this, Qin Fan also noticed that, as Izumi Shimomura said, there seemed to be a layer of oily substance attached to the surface of the anesthesia needles, which looked like oil!Reminiscent of the name of the devil fruit is Youyouguo, this should be one of the opponent's abilities, right?However, I have never heard that natural fruits can also manipulate objects in this way. Burning fruits and sparkling fruits are fine. The swamp fruit and Xuexue fruit seem to have no such effect. This is because Are oily fruits different from other fruits?Or is it true that the demihumans have an influence on the devil fruit as I thought?
Qin Fan was puzzled here, but the militants on the other side were also confused!Of course they know something about demihumans. In fact, they have been specially trained to deal with demihumans, but during the training, the instructor didn't say that demihumans can do this, right?Doesn't it mean that although demihumans are not dead, other physical conditions are no different from normal people?This is no difference?This isn't human at all, is it?

Shimomura Izumi, who seemed to be researching his own new abilities, suddenly stared, and the anesthesia needles lined up in front of him shot directly at the armed men not far away, and everyone who was not mentally prepared was stabbed by the anesthesia needles almost instantly. In the next second, they all fell to the ground.

"Master! Let's get out of here quickly, I believe they will send more people over soon!" Izumi Shimomura stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, felt his newly acquired ability and then turned to Qin Fan and said.

Qin Fan didn't say much about Izumi Shimomura's request, he also wanted to find a quiet place to study the other party's fruit ability.

The two walked straight out one after the other, but just as they reached the stairs, a man in a suit and glasses suddenly ran out from the corner: "Izumi Shimomura! Stop!"

The stern voice made Izumi Shimomura's delicate body tremble involuntarily, and she slowly turned her head to look in the direction where the voice came from. The girl's expression became extremely complicated.

"Izumi Shimomura, you can't leave. These days I'm trying to get you to join the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as a subhuman. If you run away now, all my efforts will be in vain!" the man said earnestly.

"..." Looking at the very familiar man in front of him, Izumi Shimomura suddenly felt that his previous self was ridiculous. Does this man really care about him?Just because he lost contact for a short time, he reported his identity, and because he didn't contact him in time, he sent himself to the purgatory on earth to be tortured, because he refused to tell the time of disappearance Whatever he was doing, he killed himself with his own hands...
"Mr. Huqi! Do you know that I admired you very much before?" Izumi Shimomura said calmly when he walked slowly to the slightly panting man.

Hearing Xia Cunquan's words, the man was obviously stunned for a moment, and then his nervous face was slightly happy, and he slowly stretched out his hand and said to Xia Cunquan: "I know, stay! As long as you are willing to stay, you can Stay by my side as before, I will let you continue to be my deputy, I still need you to protect me!"

Gently put your palm on the other's outstretched palm: "Mr. Hu Qi will not need my protection anymore! This time, Mr. Hu Qi will protect me!"

With a slight smile, Izumi Shimomura slowly took his palm away, but with Izumi Shimomura's contact, the faint greasy layer on the palm of the man called Hu Qi spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Almost in the blink of an eye, the man's entire body was covered. The man who looked very handsome and tidy now became a little greasy all over his body. The control generally shakes and slowly walks in the direction it came from.

"What did you do to him?" Qin Fan looked at the back of the wobbly man curiously and couldn't help asking.

"Nothing! Let him delay the time for us!" said Shimomura Izumi.

And following Izumi Shimomura's words, the wobbly man over there began to emit bursts of thick smoke, as if some kind of chemical reaction was taking place in his body, the thick smoke was quickly replaced by flames, and then he was like a burning man Usually, the man just swayed in the corridor and continued walking.

"Wow..." Even Qin Fan has seen some scenes before, and he couldn't help being a little speechless when he saw this scene: "I remember you seemed to like him a lot before, right? Don't you like him now?"

"No!" Unexpectedly, the girl shook her head and said, "I can feel that I still have him in my heart, even when I killed him just now, I still felt pain here, but It doesn't matter now, my heart can finally completely belong to the master!"

The tears in the corners of her eyes had been dried, and the girl looked at Qin Fan with a smile!

Outside the building, there were more than a dozen corpses lying around Diana. Seeing Qin Fan and the two rushing out, they immediately went up to meet them.

"Okay! Let's get out of here quickly!" Although it is almost impossible for the forces in this world to hurt Qin Fan, but I don't know if it is because of the atmosphere or because of living in a society ruled by law before crossing. At this time, Qin Fan still had the urge to run away as soon as he was finished as a thief.

"Master, where are we going?" Diana asked.

"Go...forget it, let's go directly to teleportation!" Wei Wei thought for a while, Qin Fan felt that there was nothing to do in this world, and fortunately he took the two girls directly to the world of teleporter again.

There are three ability extractors, one is used to absorb the demihuman ability, and now there are two more, which happens to be able to extract the teleportation ability of the teleporter, but unlike the demihuman, although the teleporter does not have the ability of immortality But the ability to escape with infinite teleportation is also very difficult. At least it is not easy to find them, but Qin Fan is not too worried about it. Although Qin Fan didn't know where to go to catch teleporters, there is an organization in this world that specializes in dealing with teleporters, and it seems that he just knows one, so he can use it now!
(End of this chapter)

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