King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 103 Serving as Seven Wuhai

Chapter 103 Serving as Shichibukai ([-])
"We can immediately authorize the authority of Shichibukai and officially announce it through the newspaper. As for Admiral Akainu, we can also hand it over to you, but Admiral Akainu himself is not weak. If you need to capture him alive, I am afraid he cannot immediately Hand it over to Your Excellency, but within three days at the most, Admiral Akainu will definitely be sent to Your Excellency, I don’t know what other requirements you have!” In the guest room of the Navy Headquarters, Rob Kage in a suit said respectfully.

Sitting on the sofa, the liquid metal robot with an indifferent face obviously became stiff when he heard the other party's words, but at the same time, the expression of Qin Fan's body who received the corresponding information was very exciting.

The other party actually agreed to such a seemingly nonsense request?Is it because the other party is afraid?I think it's true, I destroyed the Chambord Islands at one time, maybe even the world government should be scared, but...
The liquid metal robot in the Navy Headquarters slowly raised its head, and said in a calm tone: "That's an increase from the past. Since your navy rejected it at the time, the current price is different!"

"Of course! But before coming here, Wu Laoxing specifically explained that if you are not satisfied, Wu Laoxing can resign from his current position and retire!" Rob Kage said blankly.

Wu Laoxing retired?What does it mean?compromise?wrong!After retiring, it means that they no longer have anything to do with the world government. At that time, I will have no reason to use other islands to blackmail the other party. On the contrary, the five old stars can chase and kill themselves wantonly!

"Are you threatening me?" T-1000 said directly after hearing the other party's words after being silent for a few seconds.

"There is no such meaning, we are just expounding a fact. The five old stars represent the highest leaders of the world government. Even the Tianlong people cannot execute the five old stars! If you insist on asking the five old stars to come forward, then the previous request will All void!" Rob Kage said in a deep voice.

Qin Fan was slightly surprised. It seemed that the other party had already guessed his real purpose. The reason for making such an excessive request was actually to let Wu Laoxing come forward in person, but it was obvious that the other party did not want to contact him again, at least not It's like coming into contact with a robot sent by yourself.

"You are not afraid of me, kill all the Tianlong people?" T-1000 looked at the other party lightly and said.

Rob Kage was obviously taken aback when he heard T-1000, but he quickly replied with the same expression and said, "Yes!"

"Okay! Very good! Then follow what you said. I will find him privately for the grievances between me and that old man. As long as you announce the appointment of Shichibukai, I will immediately stop attacking other places!" T-1000 said indifferently Said.

"So! Does Admiral Akainu need to be captured alive?" Rob Kage asked.

"Of course you have to live! But you guys are really ruthless enough to sell your own people without hesitation!" T-1000 said jokingly.

"If there are no other orders, I'm going to prepare the plan to capture Admiral Akainu!" Rob Kage ignored T-1000's taunt, but bowed respectfully, turned around and left!

At the same time, Qin Fan's body also cut off the connection with T-1000.

Originally, Qin Fan's purpose of continuously making things difficult for the other party this time was to lure the old man who stabbed him blind in one eye that day, but obviously, the other party seemed to have seen through his intentions and did not come out to meet him at all, but It doesn't matter, I won't be in a hurry to find Fang Chang's sword revenge sooner or later, I should complete the task as soon as possible, and when I get the sub-human ability, I can meet that old guy with my body for a while when I come back.

Originally, Qin Fan thought he would have to wait for a while, but he didn't expect that the long-lost system information would be transmitted to his mind in less than ten minutes!
"Ding! Random task, become Qiwuhai! Completed! Get the task reward, the seed of the luck tree x1, the contract scroll x3, the ability extraction scroll x3, and the golden treasure box x1!"

"Hey! It's really fast!" Qin Fan was a little surprised at the other party's speed, but he thought it was true. The other party should have been prepared long ago and just waited for him to agree. After all, Qiwuhai is not a big job, it was originally set up for pirates Well, it's just to balance the strength of the Four Emperors and the navy. If Qin Fan hadn't killed the Tianlongren and the admiral of the navy first, in fact, there would be no problem at all with Qin Fan's strength to become the Qiwuhai, maybe The world government will be happy to have such a powerful help, but because killing the Tianlong people is too sensitive, if Qin Fan is appointed as Qi Wuhai, the navy and the world government will be embarrassed, but now the face It's almost smashed, so it doesn't matter if you throw it away!

I took out the contract scroll and the ability extractor to get the rewards one by one. I have nothing to say, but what the hell is this luck tree?Is it possible to give yourself good luck after planting it?

To be honest, luck value is really not scarce for Qin Fan. After all, you can get it by killing people. Is Qin Fan the kind of saint with a moral obsession? It's simple enough, not to mention the Chambord Islands alone, because Qin Fan's action was too fast, the navy only evacuated the residents of the second and third islands, and the rest of the island residents did not evacuate in time. The luck value of [-], and there is nothing in the exchange table that Qin Fan must exchange and the price is not cheap, so Qin Fan feels that he does not lack luck value, if this thing is really what he thinks , that would be a bit tasteless.

Name: Seeds of the God of Luck

Description: The seed of the divine tree planted by watering with luck.

Looking at the ordinary walnut-like seeds in his hands, Qin Fan was a little speechless. Isn't this description a bit too general?However, although it didn't explain what this thing is for, it seems that it needs luck to water it, but I don't know what this thing can grow into!

Looking around, Qin Fan shook his head slightly. The Pirate World is still not safe for Qin Fan now. The strength of the five old stars can barely hurt himself. Fan is not going to plant it in Pirate World.

Putting the "walnut" away, Qin Fan took out the last golden treasure box again.

Contract scrolls and ability extractors were first opened from treasure chests, and then directly became task rewards, so Qin Fan was really looking forward to something good this time.

"Ding! Open the golden treasure chest and get the ability upgrade scroll x1"

"Ability upgrade scroll?" Qin Fan slightly looked at the ordinary gray scroll in his hand with some surprise.

Ability upgrade scroll, Unexplainable is a one-time scroll to improve Qin Fan's current ability, but after seeing the effect of this scroll, Qin Fan is a little embarrassed. Qin Fan's current ability is not too much but not too little. Flying dragon strikes thieves and shakes the sky, as his strongest attack so far, if he upgrades it, his destructive power will increase again, but this move is too ostentatious. Qin Fan himself doesn't like it very much. Qin Fan likes the skill of controlling the sword, but The level itself is a bit low, even if it is upgraded, it may not be improved much. In contrast, the death reset of the demihuman and the teleportation of the teleporter are relatively more practical if they are improved. Otherwise, the speed force can also be used. But if the user can travel back in time and go back to the past, if the upgrade scroll is used directly, will the speed force also be able to achieve such an effect?It's really hard to choose!
(End of this chapter)

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