King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 102 Serving as Seven Wuhai

Chapter 102 Serving as Shichibukai ([-])
"Devil dog!" The crimson lava shot directly at the chest of T-1000, without any suspense. Soon the silver-white liquid metal quickly lost its original performance, and the body of the T-1000 liquid metal robot, whose appearance was the same as Qin Fan, melted as quickly as butter in an oven, almost instantly. It turned into a pool of silver liquid in a short time, and then mixed with the third magma. The liquid metal robot lost all its performance in an instant and finally returned to calm.

"This..." Sengoku didn't stop Akainu when he shot, firstly because he also hated the ugly ghost in front of him, and secondly because he had seen the other party fight against Wu Laoxing, and he knew the opponent's strength How strong, so he didn't think that this guy would die under the blow of the red dog, but...
"Impossible! Obviously wearing Hailoushi handcuffs, how is it possible?" Akaken also had an unbelievable expression on his face. Just now he shot with hatred just because he had the idea of ​​killing the other party, but it was just an idea. The other party and the five elders He was also present in Star Wars. He knew very well that his attack could not kill the opponent, so it was even more impossible to keep his hand. However, this is not important. What is important is the state of the opponent at this time. He hit the opponent, but why did the opponent's body suddenly turn into a silver-white liquid?Is this the ability of the natural fruit?But the other party was clearly wearing Hailoushi handcuffs!It stands to reason that it is impossible to elementalize the suppressing opponent with Hailou Stone!
Zhan Guo leaned down slightly and first reached out to pick up Hailoushi's handcuffs, but the moment his fingers touched the handcuffs, a sense of powerlessness immediately spread throughout his body, and almost instantly Zhan Guo threw Hailoushi's handcuffs away!

There is nothing wrong with the handcuffs, so the problem should lie in this....
Armed with a domineering look, the Warring States once again reached out to grab the silver-white metal mixed with the cooled lava on the ground, and broke off a piece with force. It was no different from ordinary metal in terms of texture and weight.

(Could it be the ability user of the silver natural fruit? But if this is the case, why didn't Hailou Stone work? Besides, it has become like this. It should be dead, right? Once the ability user of the devil fruit dies, the ability will disappear , even if the natural element dies, it will become an ordinary human corpse, it is impossible to become a natural element, but this guy in front of him...)
"Maybe it's some kind of super power fruit ability, such as being able to control metal dolls?" Akainu frowned and expressed his guess.

"Even so, Hailoushi should be able to block this ability, right? No matter what kind of ability, as long as it is used by a devil fruit capable user, there is no reason why it will continue to work once it comes into contact with Hailoushi!" Warring States shook his head and denied.

"In short, let's settle the matter of the Chambord Islands first. This guy should not be the real body of the ugly ghost. That is to say, he is still outside. Now this double is killed by us. I believe his revenge will come soon. We must organize the navy to blockade the Chambord Islands as soon as possible, and then pass the knowledge..." Akainu hadn't finished speaking, but a huge roar suddenly came to the ears of the two...
As soon as the expressions of the two people changed, they immediately ran out quickly, but what they saw when they came outside was the chaos of the entire Marin Vanduo and the huge waves tens of meters high by visual estimation, no!This is no longer a wave, this is simply a tsunami!
"This, that guy did this?" Akainu was completely stunned. As one of the three generals of the navy, Akainu has absolute confidence in his own strength, but at this moment, facing the overwhelming waves At that time, he was completely shocked. Is this artificially caused?What kind of person can cause such a terrifying tsunami?

"Aokiji!" With a loud roar, the figure of Sengoku suddenly sprang out, and the moon step was used repeatedly to reach the huge wave almost instantly, and then the golden Buddha slowly expanded, almost in a blink of an eye. The golden Buddha has grown to a height of more than ten meters. Although the size of the Buddha is huge to ordinary people, it still looks a little small in the face of the huge waves that are tens of meters high. The Giant Wave Warring States didn't mean to back down at all, just like a sumo wrestler, he quickly pushed his hands towards the huge waves, and shock waves visible to the naked eye sprayed out from the palm of the Buddha and hit the huge waves directly. The huge wave was crushed vigorously, but the wave after the front wave was smashed was smashed, but the wave rushed over again, and the shock wave from the golden Buddha couldn't push back all the seemingly endless sea water, even if the Warring States period was how to use it. The shock wave hit the sea water, and the waves still hit the naval headquarters at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The Ice Age!" The tiny figure seemed so insignificant in front of the huge golden Buddha, and the slender icicles pierced directly on the chaotic huge waves, and almost instantly the huge sea that was comparable to a building changed instantly. It turned into a huge ice lump, but although the sea water was frozen, the violent kinetic energy was not completely eliminated because of this, and the huge ice lump was still slowly hitting like the headquarters of the navy.

"Go back!" The giant golden Buddha's palms turned into countless palm shadows, and the countless shock waves smashed the ice lump again. The ice lump that was like a huge oncoming train shattered instantly, and the After this repeated tossing, the huge waves that were supposed to submerge the entire Navy Headquarters finally calmed down.

"What's going on? Why did such a huge tsunami suddenly appear?" Aokiji said with a strange expression.

"I think I know the reason!" Akainu, who had rushed over at some time, looked into the distance solemnly, while the other two followed his gaze, only to see the huge towering tree in the direction of the Chambord Islands. It's gone now.....
"This..." A green pheasant with no expression showed a rare expression of shock at this time.

"He...he really did it!" Warring States also had an unbelievable expression on his face. As a navy, he has seen countless pirates, some are fierce, some are cruel and violent, and some are crazy and bloodthirsty. But this is the first time the Warring States has seen this kind of person who is always at the table first!

Warring States wanted to say, you are sick!If you have a request, you can mention it!You have destroyed 79 islands in a row without even saying a word. This kind of insane behavior... You are really sick! ! !

"Well, I'm sorry! I'm here to accept Zhao'an. If it's convenient, can you go through the formalities for me?" A calm voice sounded from behind the three men with the highest authority in the navy. Appeared in front of everyone again.

(End of this chapter)

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