King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 101 Serving as Seven Wuhai

Chapter 101 Serving as Shichibukai (V)
Holy Land Mary Joa, World Government.Five people at a fixed point in this world are getting together...
"What's your decision? How are you going to deal with that man!"

"How to deal with it? He ran to the Navy headquarters by himself. Do you think those little devils can deal with the man who escaped from me?"

"So what, since we know his current location, any two of us should be able to get rid of him in the past!"

"Hmph! I don't think so! That man... is not as simple as you think!"

"Okay! We're not only talking about that man, but also the Chambord Islands! We can't really let him just destroy the whole Archiman mangrove, right?"

"How about I go there, my knowledge and knowledge should be able to play a role!"

"It's not just the Chambord Islands, the other party has such dangerous destructive power. Even if the Chambord Islands incident is resolved, the other party can find other islands. We only have five people, and we can only protect five at most. The Allies have so many islands." , if the other party really goes crazy, it will be very troublesome!"

"Then what do you say? Is it true to give him a Qiwuhai? What has become of Qiwuhai? What has become of our world government?"

"Qiwuhai's title doesn't really matter, the main reason is that once the hole is opened, it's hard to know how many people will be killed before it can be resealed!"

"So what, it's a big deal to issue a few demon-slaying orders! Now the key is that what the kid said he has mastered, if it is really the sword we think, even if it is worth issuing a few demon-slaying orders, right? "

"Okay, okay! There will be no results in this kind of debate. Let's vote with a show of hands, and agree with him to join Qi Wuhai's show of hands..."

Marin Vandeau, Naval Headquarters Detention Room...

"Stop!" Sengoku opened the door and walked in, glanced at Akainu, and then his eyes fell on the liquid metal robot T-1000 again: "You can be Shichibukai if you want to, but you have to sink Shampoo No. Teach the weapons of the island!"

"Okay! Let me think about it!" T-1000 said without hesitation with a slight smile.

However, when the other party said this about Warring States, he showed a surprised expression. In fact, neither he nor the world government behind him would foolishly think that the ugly ghost in front of him would hand over that weapon. The World Government is in charge of Shichibukai, and it can be said that he has forged a deadly feud with the World Government, and his only reliance is the secret weapon that can sink the island in an instant. That weapon is the amulet of the person in front of him. Even if this ugly ghost is an idiot, I am afraid that he will not call out the weapon at this time. Therefore, of course, the world government will not be so naive. The order they issued did not require the other party to hand over the weapon, but He directly agreed to the appointment of the other party, Qi Wuhai. Sengoku just said that because he saw the other party's confident expression recently and wanted to deliberately make things difficult for the other party. There was no other way, but in the end, he could only agree, but it was like buying something. If he didn't negotiate the price, he would always feel that he would suffer a loss. Even though he had already accepted the price, he still wanted to ask a symbolic question.

But the question is asking, Zhan Guo really didn't think that the other party would say that he would think about it, and he was suppressed by himself just as a trace of luck rose in his heart: "You... how long do you want to think about?"

"Uh...not sure, give me two days?" T-1000 asked tentatively.

"Yes! But first you have to find a way to inform your accomplices so that they don't continue to attack the Chambord Islands." Sen Guo frowned and said.

"I'm afraid there is no way to do this, because I am worried that I will be tortured to extract their confession, so I don't know how to contact them at all. Only when the world government announces my identity as Shichibukai will they stop continuing to attack!" T-1000 Sha Said something.

"Are you kidding me?" Zhan Guo said viciously when he heard the other party's words.

"Why do you say that?" T-1000 asked suspiciously.

"You said at the beginning that one island would be sunk every hour, and if you consider that two days would mean that nearly fifty islands would be sunk, and the entire Chambord Islands would only have more than 20 islands left. Are you kidding me? What?" Zhan Guo said with a grim expression.

"Ah? There are still more than 20 seats left! Then I'll think about it for three days!" T-1000 said without hesitation.

"You..." Zhan Guo almost couldn't control his foot on the big face that looked so disgusting, but as the old saying goes, chasing a child is not a business, and the other party has that kind of big killer that means standing on top of him. Therefore, he had to eat and endure the threat of the other party. Although his face was flushed with anger, the Warring States Period did not break out in the end.

"Forget it! We don't need to ask you to hand over your weapons, and we agree to your request to become Shichibukai, but you must stop attacking the Chambord Islands immediately!" Sengoku said coldly.

"I'm thinking about it!" T-1000 nodded again and said.

"You..." Hearing the other party's words, Zhan Guo almost jumped up in anger, thinking that this kid really doesn't know how to write dead characters?

"Boy! Don't you think that you really have us? Do you think we can't do anything about you? Don't mention Wulaoxing. Even in our navy, there are many people who are good at domineering and knowledgeable. Do you really think that Those of your companions who used that kind of weapon to sink the Chambord Islands would not be discovered? If it weren't for Wu Laoxing not wanting to cause too many casualties, you would have been sent to the execution platform by now!" Warring States said viciously.

"Hmm! So what?" T-1000 looked at the other party indifferently, as if the other party's decapitation had nothing to do with him and said.

"You..." Sengoku swears, since he joined the navy, he has seen many pirates of all kinds, but this is the first time he has seen them like this: "What do you want?"

"Oh! Shichibukai's appointment, and..." T-1000 paused for a moment, then pointed to Akainu standing next to him calmly, and said flatly, "His life!"

"What?" Hearing T-1000's words, Sengoku and Akainu looked at each other in unison, then looked at the ugly ghost in front of them, and said in disbelief, "You, what did you say?"

"I said that I want to be Shichibukai, and I want the life of Mr. Akainu!" T-1000 said clearly.

"Hehe! Hahaha!" This time, Akainu laughed angrily: "Boy, I really underestimated you, wanting the life of the general at the Navy headquarters? Haha! Such arrogance is simply shocking, very good! Very good !Since this is the case... you should die, ghost dog..."

(End of this chapter)

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