King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 100 Serving as Seven Wuhai

Chapter 100 Serving as Shichibukai ([-])
"What???" Zhan Guo, who was also holding a phone bug, couldn't believe his ears!

Isle No. [-] of the Chambord Archipelago sank?
Chambord Islands, also known as Soap Bubble Island, is actually a huge mangrove tree, Alchiman mangrove!And the island is the root of this big tree, an island is a root, a total of 79 roots make up the entire Chambord Islands, and the sinking of the island means that someone destroyed the roots of the mangrove
"You..." Zhan Guo looked at the man in front of him with a ferocious face, and his voice trembled involuntarily!

Is the man in front of him trying to use the alchemy mangrove to threaten the navy?Located at the entrance of the New World, the Chambord Islands are one of the only two routes leading to the New World. If the Alkyman Mangrove is destroyed, it means that those pirates who want to go to the New World can only go through the Red Earth Continent The holy land of Mary Joa at the top, it sounds like this is not a bad thing for the navy. After all, there is one less way to smuggle into the New World. Those pirates who want to go to the New World can only enter through the holy land of Mary Joa. , as long as the navy guards the only remaining passage, then no more pirates will enter the New World, but the question is is this really the case?

Those who go to the new world are all vicious pirates. For the navy, these pirates entering the new world are tantamount to sending troubles to the place ruled by the four emperors. Thieves are welcome to enter the New World Navy!But if the Chambord Islands are destroyed, the only way to enter the new world is through the holy land of Mary Joa, then these vicious guys can only pass through the world government and the Tianlong people, and let the pirates pass through the world government's residence?This is the same as letting bandits and bandits pass through the middle of the palace. Even if these vicious guys are all smart and good-natured babies who won't cause trouble casually, if this kind of thing is allowed, what is the dignity of the world government?But if this kind of thing is not allowed, will those pirates really abide by the regulations of the world government or their navy?

The Chambord Islands are like the venting valve on a pressure cooker. If the valve is blocked, the final result will only blow up the entire pressure cooker. Therefore, it is impossible to make the Chambord Islands or the Archipelago red in any case during the Warring States Period. Trees are destroyed.

"What exactly do you want?" Zhan Guo said through gritted teeth.

"Shichibukai! I want to be the Qibukai!" T-1000 said flatly.

"Impossible! Qiwuhai under the king is a special position set up by the world government. It is impossible for the sinner who killed the Tianlong people to hold it!" Warring States said firmly.

"Oh! Let the world government be removed for such words!" T-1000 said the treasonous words without any fluctuations in his tone.

"What?" Zhan Guo didn't seem to hear clearly and asked.

"Let the world government be removed! Since he doesn't agree with me being the king of Shichibukai, then change to a world government!" T-1000 said indifferently.

"Are you... are you crazy?" Zhan Guo was not mocking the other party, did he really think that the man in front of him was a complete lunatic and let the world government remove his name?Fortunately, the other party figured it out.

"Otherwise? Do you have a better proposal?" T-1000 said calmly.

"Arrest him!" In the end, Zhan Guo could only give this order with a sullen face.

For the navy who came up, T-1000 didn't have any intention of resisting at all. He was very obedient and let the navy who came over give him the handcuffs of Shanghai Loushi. With a slightly surprised expression on his face, he knew very well that the man in front of him didn't come here to fight at all. He was confident that the navy would not be able to do anything to him, at least not until the crisis in the Chambord Islands was resolved.

After the navy imprisoned the lunatic, Sengoku immediately ordered: "Akainu Qingzhi, you go to the Chambord Islands immediately, organize the evacuation of the residents on the Chambord Islands, and contact Garp to let him go directly to the Chambord Islands, Let him investigate the cause of the sinking of Island No. [-]!"

After issuing a series of orders, Warring States seemed to be ten years old all of a sudden. He knew very well that the final result of this matter was likely to let that man get what he wanted, not only because of the Chambord Islands, but also because of It is the way that the opponent can sink the Chambord Islands. If the opponent can sink the Chambord Islands, can they also sink the Holy Land Marie Gioia?As for letting Garp go to Chambord to investigate, it was just the decision of the Warring States to obey the fate of the people. The other party dared to come to the Navy Headquarters in person, which shows that the other party is very confident in his methods. Otherwise, the other party would just send someone to send a letter. Come, with the sinking of the No. [-] island of the Chambord Archipelago as the price, no one will not believe his threat!The effect is exactly the same, and even so, the other party is still willing to come in person. In addition to showing that the other party is a lunatic, it also indirectly shows that the man believes that the method he used cannot be stopped!
In fact, the analysis of the Warring States Period is very correct. The only mistake is that Qin Fan did not actually go to the Navy Headquarters in person. Although the T-103 is average in intelligence, it still has the basic self-detonation function. Qin Fan has already issued an order that it will self-detonate if someone approaches, so even if the navy invites the murlocs to help search for it under the sea, it will not be successful. Qin Fan The reason why Fan didn't go to the naval base in person was because he was worried that the navy wanted to use torture to force him to relieve the crisis in the Chambord Islands. Although this is undoubtedly a stupid behavior, God knows if there will be such idiots in this group of navy, although At that time, Qin Fan can escape or simply make a big fuss at the Navy Headquarters, but his goal is to become Qiwuhai after all. If the Navy Headquarters is really destroyed, then the world government will really fight with him forever. Time will only be more troublesome, so it's better to let the Terminator help with the conversation.

Naval Headquarters, in prison....
"Do you think that the Chambord Islands can let you do whatever you want? Justice cannot be defiled. Don't say that you sink the Chambord Islands. Even if you destroy the Holy Land Marie Gioia, we will not agree to your conditions! Do you think you are smart? Do you think you have nothing to fear? You will pay for your stupid decision sooner or later!" After saying the last sentence, the admiral Akainu, who was wearing a dark red suit, slammed his fist and sat on a table. The T-1000 on the chair was knocked into the air, and the berserk force directly dented the T-1000's face, but because the T-1000 itself is a liquid metal robot, this level of damage can be healed almost instantly. T-1000 kept his head down, so Akainu didn't see this weird scene, but he stepped on the T-1000 lying on the ground and roared ferociously: "How will you Tell us how to sink the Chambord Islands!"

"There will always be stupid people in this world who do stupid things! I think I'm going to change the conditions!" said T-1000, who fell on the ground, in a bit of embarrassment.

"Hmph! Don't want to be Qiwuhai anymore?" Akaken smiled coldly when he heard this, but just when he was about to sneer, he heard the guy in front of him say again: "In addition to letting me be Qiwuhai Wu Hai, I want the navy to hand you over to me!"

"You... court death!" Fiery lava gushed out from Akainu's arms, flowed on the ground and slowly approached T-1000, but just when the red magma was about to touch T-1000's body Suddenly, the door of the detention room was pushed open vigorously, and Zhan Guo, holding a seabird on his head, walked in with a sullen face and said.


(End of this chapter)

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