King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 99 Serving as Seven Wuhai

Chapter 99 Serving as Shichibukai ([-])
Marine Vandor Island, Naval Headquarters!

Admiral of the Navy is sitting in the office and working hard. The recent sea is not calm. Eleven supernovas among the pirates have entered the new century. It doesn’t matter if they disturb the wind and rain. The most important thing is that the world’s nobles enter the Chambord Islands It is not just as simple as the navy and the world government being slapped in the face. Being killed as a world nobleman has an unprecedented impact!

The reason why the navy can suppress countless pirates is not only because the navy is strong, but also because in the hearts of all pirates, the navy is invincible. It is true that if one or two pirate organizations are even as strong as the four kings If the overlord is really trying his best, he will definitely not be an opponent of the navy, but it is not realistic at all if the navy can crush all the pirates, otherwise there will not be so many pirates in this world, so the navy The hearts of the thieves who dare not challenge the navy are very clear about how important the navy is today. In front of them, killing the Tianlongren, capturing the admiral, and even successfully escaping from the hands of the five old stars in the end, this undoubtedly gave the whole world a message that the navy is not invincible. Those who saw the navy flag trembled The pirates now dare to point their guns at the navy's warships. In just a few days, the originally calm sea seemed to have experienced the baptism of a storm. Various cases of pirates looting the island occurred frequently, and along with news It is getting wider and wider, like a plague, infecting more honest pirates. I am afraid that this bloody storm will not subside.....
"Boom!" The office door was pushed open vigorously, and a man in a navy uniform said in a panic, "Yuan, Marshal, it's not good, he's here!"

Zhan Guo, who had frowned slightly when he heard the door being pushed open vigorously, looked even more ugly when he heard the other party's report: "Our navy also lost a general, what are they going to do? This group of Tianlong people is simply too much!"

These days, because the Tianlong people were killed, including the world government, they have been putting pressure on the Warring States, asking him to catch the murderer who killed the world nobles as soon as possible, but the problem is that Wu Laoxing failed to capture him personally, and he any idea?
"'s the murderer who killed the Tianlongren...the dragon slayer is here!" The man looked at the Buddha Warring States with an ugly face and said with a trembling voice.

Dragon Slayer, this is the nickname those pirates gave to the murderer who killed the Tianlongren after the news spread. Today, the dragon slayer's bounty has reached 15 billion Baileys, which is no different from becoming the highest bounty in the world. exist!

"What?" Zhan Guo even wondered if he had heard it wrong. The murderer who killed the Tianlongren actually came to the Navy Headquarters?What are you doing?Want to single out the entire navy?Is he crazy?

"Let's go!" With a terribly dark face, the Warring States of Buddha slammed some reports that he was writing on the table heavily, and then strode out.

At the same time, standing at the gate of the Navy Headquarters, Qin Fan... No!It should be said that the T-1000, who was disguised as Qin Fan, stood there with a calm expression, as if he hadn't seen all the navies surrounding him, all of them were at war with each other. contrast.

The gate of the headquarters slowly opened, and the Warring States of Buddha wearing a cloak of justice and a seagull hat walked out slowly, and with the arrival of the Warring States of Buddha, two figures also wearing the cloak of justice appeared on T- 1000 behind.

"Great rebel, you dare to appear here, you are so arrogant!" Originally, after the report of the subordinates of the street, he was lucky to think that it might be a mistake or other reasons, but after he came out that day, he saw When that hideous ugly face, all that's left is anger!

Provocation, this is definitely a naked provocation. Not only killed the Tianlong people, but also killed their admiral, and now they dare to show up at their navy headquarters. This is definitely an unprecedented provocation for their navy since its establishment. However The Warring States of Buddha does not guide, the real challenge is yet to come!

"Don't get me wrong! I'm not here to fight you, I'm here to accept Zhao'an!" T-1000, who was disguised as Qin Fan, said expressionlessly.

"Zhao, Zhao'an?" Hearing the other party's words, Zhan Guo was almost not overjoyed!It’s not that the navy has never had pirates. Qiwuhai was originally a well-known big pirate in the sea. In order to limit the power of the four emperors, the world government specially formulated the title of Qiwuhai to exonerate these pirates from all previous crimes in the name of the king. Become the power of the world government to help suppress those ordinary pirates, but that is also because the crimes committed by Qiwuhai before are only small, at least not very important for the world government, but What about the person in front of me?Killing the Tianlong people, killing the admiral, if such a crime can be pardoned... Don't say whether the pirates who heard the news will be in trouble, the navy alone may not be able to calm down, if the admiral is killed If all murderers can be punished, what dignity does the navy have?

"Are you... are you crazy?" Buddha Warring States looked coldly at the expressionless man in front of him, and said through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, I didn't ask you to give me an answer immediately, you still have 79... No! It's 78 hours and 58 seconds!" He pretended to take out a pocket watch from his arms, and then looked at the time on the watch Then he said: "57, 56..."

"Presumptuous!" It seemed that he couldn't bear it at last, and under the domineering blessing, the voice of the Warring States Formed a wave of Qi visible to the naked eye and spread around.

anger!Not only because of the other party's playful tone, but more because of the fact that the other party was clearly trapped in a tight siege just now, and he was obviously desperate, but his unscrupulous appearance made him call another person, a person who risked his life. The man who started the age of great voyages for the price.

"Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable..." Zhan Guo gritted his teeth and looked at the man in front of him, another figure in his line of sight slowly gathered his tone.

"Three, two, one, ding!!!" Snapped his fingers casually, T-1000 put the pocket watch back into his pocket again, and then smiled slightly at the man in front of him.

Almost at the moment when the smile appeared, the phone bugs on all the naval officers rang in an instant, and almost everyone's hearts jumped suddenly.

"Something went wrong!" Everyone present thought in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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