King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 98 Serving as Seven Wuhai

Chapter 98 Serving as Shichibukai ([-])
Under the King of Qiwuhai, this is a system specially formulated by the world government in the world of One Piece to balance the power of the pirates. It chooses powerful pirates to serve as assistants to the navy to control the pirates. It doesn't matter, the important thing is that it is possible for Qin Fan to be the Qiwuhai. Qin Fan just killed the Tianlongren not long ago, and he can say that he has completely fallen out with the world government. At this time, he applies to be the Qiwuhai?How big a hole must be in the head of the people of the world government to agree to such absurd application!

No matter how rich the rewards of this mission are, the problem is that this mission is simply impossible to complete. Unless the people in the world government are crazy, otherwise even if you wipe out all the pirates in the entire Pirate World, it is impossible for the other party to let them I am the Seven Martial Sea. After all, the crime of killing the Tianlong people in the world of One Piece is probably higher than everything else. It is almost the same as the crime of assassinating kings in ancient times. Going to ancient times to kill the emperor in front of civil and military officials, and then with the successor The new emperor said, look, would you have become emperor so quickly without me?How about making me a prince?

He shook his head severely!Qin Fan has already determined that this task is impossible to complete. Fortunately, there is no penalty for this random task, so even if he doesn't do it...wait a minute!
Qin Fan discovered a new problem, that is, there seems to be no time limit for this task!

Qin Fan remembered that the random tasks he had done before did have a time limit. For example, the task of capturing Gusu City was required to be completed within one month, which meant that there was indeed a time limit among the random tasks, but this task did not What does it mean to indicate time requirements?Unlimited time?

No time limit sounds like good news for Qin Fan. After all, it means that Qin Fan can do this task slowly without worrying about the task failing due to timeout. But the problem is that this kind of random task also does not have the option to give up the task. , you cannot give up the task, and there is no time limit, so does this mean that there is no possibility of failure in this task?But the problem is that this task is also impossible to succeed?There is no way to fail and it is impossible to succeed, so will this task just hang there, and with this task, is it possible to have a new random task?
Thinking of this, Qin Fan's face became more and more ugly, isn't this cheating?

"Master! Are you okay?" Diana looked at the ugly Qin Fan and asked with some doubts.

"Does it look like I'm alright?" Qin Fan asked a little depressed.

"If it's convenient, master, can you tell me? Maybe I can help master!" Diana asked still concerned.

Since Diana is [-]% loyal to him, Qin Fan is not worried that the other party will betray him. Fortunately, he briefly talked about becoming Qi Wuhai, and then looked at Diana with some helplessness and said, "Do you think this Is it possible to complete the task?"

Contrary to Qin Fan's expectation, after hearing Qin Fan's brief description, Diana just pondered for a few seconds and immediately said: "Master! Although I don't know what kind of world you are talking about, the world of pirates, But these years of living in human society have made me understand a truth, that is, the human world will never have absolute enemies or friends!"

"There is no absolute enemy or friend?" Hearing Diana's words, Qin Fan said in a slightly ponderous voice: "I can say that I am immortal with the world government now, do you think it is possible to become friends? I guess even if I drop the atomic bomb Even if the production method is sent to the world government, the other party may not forgive me for killing the Tianlong people!"

"Maybe! But what if the owner didn't hand over the production method, but handed over the finished atomic bomb to the other party? If there is demand, there will be a compromise. The atomic bomb is too dangerous to hand over to the other party. The owner can use some safer items. , such as special medicines, or ships with superior performance, since that world is called the world of pirates, I believe that when they realize the value of you, the master, even serious crimes will not prevent you from taking the position of the Shichibukai! After all, if you completely offend them, they will not be able to continue to get what they want, as long as the master gives them benefits they cannot refuse, I believe they will know how to choose." Diana said seriously.

To be honest, Qin Fan didn't think Diana's suggestion would be effective, but Diana's words inspired Qin Fan to think of another way.

"Perhaps..." Qin Fan pondered for a few seconds and seemed to think of something, but he couldn't help showing a hideous smile on his frowning face.

One Piece World, Chambord Islands, and the square where Qin Fan left have regained their original peace, as if nothing happened here.

"Ouch!" A girl who was walking slowly cried out in pain and sat down on the ground. However, when she looked up that day, she found that there was nothing in front of her.

"Strange!" The girl got up from the ground and touched the front tentatively, but she didn't touch anything at all. She rubbed her shoulders that had just been pretended to be in pain, and suddenly seemed to remember something, but she couldn't help but hit. I got a clever idea, I heard that a Tianlong person died in this square not long ago, could it be the ghost of a Tianlong person... Thinking of this, the girl dare not continue thinking...
Seeing the back of the girl leaving in a panic, Qin Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought that the old man would stay here, so before crossing, Qin Fan entered the invisible state first. Well, the old man didn't stay here, maybe the other party thought he used some special ability to leave directly, so there is no point in staying there, right?In any case, this is good news for Qin Fan. Qin Fan, who has been sailing carefully for thousands of years, did not break his stealth state because of this, but left the square directly in this invisible figure and came to this place quickly. An uninhabited beach on a small island.

Qin Fan, who exited his stealth state, directly exchanged 79 T-103 terminators. This is an underwater surveillance-type terminator. It is strong but it is made of machines after all, and it can be done against ordinary people. However, Qin Fan exchanged so many terminators of this type at one time not to attack anyone, but as a means of transportation!

Throw all the 79 T-103s into the sea, and then Qin Fan exchanged 79 small nuclear warheads again, let the 79 Terminator dive into the deep sea with these nuclear warheads, and then went to the 79 small nuclear warheads in the Chambord Islands. In the deep sea part of the island, nuclear warheads were installed on the island bases of these islands. After doing all this, Qin Fan exchanged a T-1000 on the spot to make it look like himself, and then Qin Fan directly asked T-1000 [-] to Naval Headquarters...

(End of this chapter)

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