King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 97 Serving as Seven Wuhai

Chapter 97 Serving as Shichibukai ([-])

A sudden claw struck Qin Fan and jumped. The repeated setbacks made Qin Fan a little nervous. Feeling the sharpness of the claw, Qin Fan didn't even think about hiding back immediately.

"Who are you!" The crippled demihuman sat down on the ground in fright when he saw Qin Fan who seemed to appear out of nowhere, but although his face was sharp, he spoke clearly, pointing at Qin Fan's voice. Said with some trembling.

Frowning slightly, Qin Fan didn't intend to chat with the other party. He just raised his hand to shoot. However, because he didn't enter the speed force, Qin Fan's speed was not particularly fast, and the bullet of the tranquilizer gun was easily blocked by the other party's black ghost. At the same time, the black ghost rushed towards Qin Fan again.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan's face of hesitation flashed away, and then he punched the opponent without hiding or letting go.

"Bang!" Qin Fan's short and thick fist collided with the black claw, and the hideous black ghost was directly knocked into the air like a cannonball. Somewhat surprised is that Qin Fan's strength at this time can almost shatter gold and jade, but Qin Fan obviously felt that the punch just now did not shatter the black ghost, and even the claws that collided with Qin Fan did not seem to be able to shatter it. Without the slightest damage, Qin Fan didn't know how the black ghost was made, but it was self-evident that it could resist his own attack.

"You..." The man slumped on the ground looked at Qin Fan who was standing there with horror on his face. It was obvious that Qin Fan's punch just now was completely beyond his expectation, but whether others expected his attack Qin Fan was obviously not interested. He raised his hand and shot an anesthetic bullet directly at the man's neck. The lame man rolled his eyes and passed out.

Because of the slight delay on Qin Fan's side, the demi-humans who were blown away by the missile shock wave just now had fled into the woods, and the soldiers who came down from the helicopter on the other side had already escaped. It was almost solved by Diana. Although Diana did not wear her artifacts, the demigod body is not something ordinary people can fight against, especially the anesthesia bullets used to deal with demihumans. Although they are also stimulated by gunpowder, due to the It's about anesthesia rather than killing, so the speed of the bullet is not particularly fast, and even real bullets can easily dodge the bullets of this kind of anesthesia gun, so the soldiers who just met each other have been put on Anna easily knocked down most of them.

"Bai Lei!" A bolt of thunder directly hit the chest of a soldier behind Anna, and Qin Fan said, "There are two more in the warehouse, one of them is a professional soldier, and both of them can control the black ghost proficiently, be careful!" a little!"

Hearing Qin Fan's words, Diana immediately nodded and ran directly to the ruined warehouse over there, and Qin Fan entered a state of haste again to chase after the demihumans who fled into the woods.

Although those demihumans escaped separately, they were completely invisible under the tracking of Qin Fan's clairvoyant eyes. In addition to Qin Fan's super speed, Qin Fan had already captured the last three demihumans after a few minutes. However, when Qin Fan returned to the ruins of the warehouse for the first time, he saw that Diana was digging holes covered in dust like a mad hulk!

"Have you found it?" Qin Fan frowned slightly, and asked while looking under the ruins with his perspective eyes. However, Qin Fan found the problem without Diana answering. There was no one in the ruins. Sato and Tanaka in this abandoned warehouse have disappeared!
"I didn't find it, maybe it was pressed somewhere!" Diana said in a bit of embarrassment while trying to open a wooden beam first.

"No need to look for it! They're gone!" Qin Fan stopped Diana from continuing to search and said. At the same time, Qin Fan couldn't help showing a bit of suspicion on his face. After searching carefully for a while, Qin Fan finally found the underground of the warehouse through his clairvoyant eyes. In addition to a basement, there is also a relatively hidden sewer. The sewer is only as wide as one person and it is full of turbulent waste water. If ordinary people jump down, they will be drowned in an instant. Qin Fan started I didn't pay much attention when I was there, but suddenly it occurred to me that the two missing guys were subhumans, especially that Sato, who was a lunatic who would install a self-destruct device in his body. I'm afraid jumping into this kind of sewer was only for him. It's just pediatrics, right?
"Okay! Let's leave first!" Although we didn't catch all the demihumans, getting seven demihumans Qin Fan was quite rewarding. It is impossible for Qin Fan to pour this ability into the bodies of the women hypnotized by him.

"Master, where are we going now?" Diana asked curiously after Qin Fan.

"Go..." Qin Fan subconsciously stopped in his tracks. Originally, Qin Fan was thinking about going to Xiacunquan, but the nature of the demi-human doomed his self-awareness to fail, so even if Qin Fan caught it again and used it Jinghua Shuiyue successfully hypnotized again, but as long as the opponent dies again, the effect will still disappear, and the characteristic of demihumans is immortality. If you don’t let him die, you don’t need to recruit demihumans. Over there, anyway, I already have eight demihumans including the protagonist in my hand, and the extraction ability is enough, so there is no need to pay attention to Shimouraizumi.

"You and I go to the world of Zhantong! The Teigu there are also very interesting, just take this opportunity to collect some!" Qin Fan finally made a decision after pondering for a few seconds.

Although Diana, who was [-]% loyal to Qin Fan, didn't know where Qin Fan's Zhan Tong world was, since Qin Fan said that, of course she wouldn't have any meaning.

Entering the Zhantong world again, when Qin Fan was about to find a way to contact Leonai and get the Teigu belonging to the night attack, a sudden message came into Qin Fan's mind strangely!

Random task, become Shichibukai!Mission rewards, luck god tree seed x1, contract scroll x3, ability extraction scroll x3, golden treasure chest x1!

After almost instantly comprehending the content of the information that suddenly appeared in his mind, Qin Fan's expression became more and more strange!
Qin Fan is too lazy to complain about the fact that he is in the Zhantong world but has received a mission from the One Piece world. The question is the content of this mission, what the hell is it to become Qi Wuhai?

(End of this chapter)

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