Chapter 96
"Mr. Tozaki, you believe me, I really don't know why this happened, I, I, I was controlled by him, it must be like this! Although I don't know how he did it, but I will never betray Yours!" Shimomura Izumi shouted tremblingly, bound by a special bandage.

"It's meaningless! You should understand that even I can't save you at this point!" Beside the operating table, Yu Tozaki, who was wearing a suit, said helplessly: "I'm afraid I will be implicated in your affairs, no matter what Whether or not this matter came from your original intention, the end result is the same!"

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Hearing what the other party said, Shimomura Izumi's eyes exposed outside the bandage showed a hint of guilt, and suddenly something seemed to sound, Shimomura Izumi said again: "Warehouse! By the way, there is also that warehouse, Tozaki Sir, there will be at least six demihumans there, and that man named Qin Fan wants to arrest them..."

Located in the woods not far from the abandoned warehouse in a remote suburb, Qin Fan and Diana quietly hid behind a big tree.

"Those are demihumans?" Diana asked curiously, looking at the seven people gathered in the shade of the abandoned warehouse not far away.

"Yeah!" Qin Fan said while handing Diana the anesthesia gun and three magazines he had just exchanged: "In a while, you go and pretend to be a sub-human and enter that warehouse with them, and the one named Tanaka will hide In the vent, be careful that he has a gun. Remember, demihumans cannot be killed. Once they die, all their injuries will heal, so try to use a tranquilizer gun. If the tranquilizer bombs are used up or the gun is damaged, their hands and feet will be mutilated. Interrupt, I'm outside to guard against fish that slip through the net!"

"Understood!" Putting away the pistol and magazines, Diana, wearing a professional suit, walked out of the woods slowly.

Tanaka, who was originally standing at the window on the second floor of the warehouse and looked outside, suddenly noticed a person walking out of the woods next to him. He quickly picked up the binoculars and looked at the person. When he saw that it turned out to be a long-legged beauty in a professional suit, his eyes widened. As soon as it lit up, he whistled subconsciously.

"What's the matter?" Sato, who was sitting on a wooden box and playing with his mobile phone, looked over suspiciously when he saw Tanaka.

"It's nothing, a beauty is here!" Tanaka said excitedly.

"Oh! Really!" Hearing Tanaka say this, Sato just smiled slightly, and didn't even take his eyes off the phone. After all, in his opinion, it doesn't matter whether the other demihumans are men or women, just like playing In the game, it is the same as whether he is teaming up with a female character or a male character, it mainly depends on the opponent's level, as long as the level is too low to kick out!
"Hey! She's still a foreign girl!" As Diana approached, Tanaka's tone became more excited. Compared with Sato, a game expert, Tanaka was obviously more pragmatic, but seeing Diana walking slowly, he was like a bird. A hamster in heat usually has bright eyes.

At the same time, Diana also slowly came to the bottom of the dilapidated warehouse, glanced at the seven demihumans standing in the shadow of the warehouse and smiled slightly: "Hello! My name is Diana, and I am also a demihuman!"

Although Diana lives in the United States alone, her long life span allows her to have plenty of time to study, and Japanese is not difficult for her at all.

"I, my name is Nakano Gong, and I'm also a demihuman!" Nakano Gong said a little shyly when he saw Diana with a hot body in professional attire.

"My name is Takahashi, we should all be sub-humans here!" The master man also stood up.

"You shouldn't be Japanese!" said the man with a limp on his legs.

"Well! I'm an American, why, you don't welcome..." Almost when Diana introduced herself like this, she suddenly heard the sound of the propeller of a helicopter in the distance, and following the sound, she saw Three armed helicopters flew over from the midair on one side.

"This is..." Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, but when everyone present was at a loss, they suddenly saw six air-to-surface missiles on top of the three armed helicopters. But it shot directly at the warehouse, and almost everyone present had no reaction. The violent shock wave directly enveloped them, and the berserk force engulfed several people directly, like rag dolls, including Diana. Flying out, followed by a series of broken bones and tendons. Fortunately, he died directly and his body quickly reset, but unfortunately, he was directly paralyzed on the ground, but he was still hanging on his breath.

Although Diana is a demigod, it does not mean that she is invincible. The shock wave formed by the missile is not so powerful that she can completely resist it. Fortunately, the missile did not hit her directly. But there is no way to cause actual harm to Diana.

"Ah! My legs!!!"

"Damn! What's going on!"

"Help, ah~~~"

Although they are all demihumans, these people are nothing more than a group of civilians. Whenever they encounter such a situation, almost instantly, whether they are seriously injured but survived, or demihumans who have been resurrected after death, all of them seem to be affected. It was as if they were greatly stimulated, or fell to the ground and wailed, or ran away in a panic, but they seemed chaotic for a while.

On the other side, after the three armed helicopters fired the missiles, they immediately dropped several ropes, and a dozen soldiers equipped to the teeth directly slid off the plane along the ropes, and then raised their submachine guns to shoot at the scattered Asians. surrounded the past.

But Qin Fan, who was standing in the woods in the distance, had an unlucky expression on his face. He thought he was safe, but he didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway, and these people didn't make sense at all, and he didn't confirm whether they were all Asians. Humans actually use missiles to attack directly... Maybe they just want to use missiles to confirm whether all the underground people are demihumans!
In any case, since Qin Fan has already made a move, there is absolutely no reason for the other party to snatch his demihuman away. Thinking of this, Qin Fan didn't hide at all, and the whole body disappeared in an instant with a flash of lightning, and then he appeared directly in front of those Near the fleeing demihumans.

"Bang bang bang!" A series of anesthesia bombs were fired, and each time they hit a demihuman, they immediately exchanged for the dormant pod and put it into the private space. As the old saying goes, a bird in hand is not as good as a forest, so Qin Fan simply Catch one and take another, but just after Qin Fan successfully captured three demi-humans, an accident happened when he was about to arrest the fourth demi-human.

Originally, he took out the anesthesia gun and pulled the trigger again at the lame demi-human, but this time the anesthesia bomb did not hit the demi-human, but stopped suddenly when it was within a certain range of the demi-human's body. It seems that the Naya people have a transparent shield on their side.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fan hesitated for a moment and immediately realized that it must be because of the black ghost. The opponent let the black ghost protect him, and he happened to attack it. He immediately wanted to change his position and continue shooting, but it was very uncomfortable. Coincidentally, Qin Fan's speed force suddenly disappeared at this time, and the moment he quit the speed force, Qin Fan was a little uncomfortable because of the sudden disappearance of the speed force, and at this time, the BIM that changed from transparent to black suddenly He grabbed Qin Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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