King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 107 Dr Fashion

Chapter 107 Dr Fashion
The level of science and technology in Zhantong World is very strange to Qin Fan. First of all, there is no steam engine for civilian use, but for military use, not only automatic rifles, but even large thermal weapons and even human body transformation can be realized. And according to Qin Fan's understanding, it seems that even Teigu is man-made, which makes Qin Fan a little bit puzzled. How can this happen in a world where everyone needs to travel by horse-drawn carriage and even the most basic train does not have a train? It seems that they are all close to miraculous creations?

"Ugly! Why does such an ugly guy appear in such a fashionable home of mine, ah! I feel that the whole world has become unfashionable, and I can no longer breathe in such an unfashionable world, quick! Take this heresy out of fashion Get out! No! Kill! Kill this unfashionable Chunzai!" In the spacious banquet hall, a gay man in an aristocratic tuxedo shyly pointed at the ugly Qin Fan in front of him. .

"Master Fashion, Mr. Qin Fan is my friend, please forgive me..." Hearing that the man in front of him said that he wanted to kill Qin Fan, Sai Liu immediately stood up and wanted to stop her, but before she finished speaking Qin Fan behind him reached out and grabbed her hair and pulled it aside.

As the saying goes, you don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and you don't expose your shortcomings when you curse!Qin Fan is not the kind of guy who is obviously ugly and thinks he is special. He admits that his confidant is ugly, and because of this, Qin Fan is very jealous of others calling him ugly, let alone someone pointing his nose and saying he is ugly. up!
Originally, Qin Fan learned from Sai Liu on the way here that this fashion guy is a very powerful scientist, and he is very great in human body transformation, and even threatened to create an existence comparable to the Supreme Teigu!Originally, he was thinking of recruiting such a powerful scientist, Qin Fan, but now...

"Yes, Mr. Fashion!" The handsome young man who had been following the scientist bowed slightly, and then slowly came to Qin Fan and said, "Show your ugliness in front of Mr. Fashion..."

"Crack!" The crisp sound interrupted the handsome young man's voice, looking at the body that was gradually moving away from him, the handsome head showed a puzzled expression.

"Boom!" The headless corpse softened like a rag bag, Qin Fan shook his blood-stained arm with disgust on his face: "I hate this kind of self-righteous little boy the most, is he so handsome? Fuck it for me he!"

The last sentence was obviously spoken by Qin Fan to Diana behind him.

Hearing Qin Fan's order, Diana rushed over without any hesitation, but her vigorous figure instantly came to that strange guy named Dr. Fashion, because Qin Fan didn't let her really kill him, but Say fuck him, so Diana didn't kill him.

Although it is different from Qin Fan under the power of super speed, Diana's speed with the body of a demigod is impossible. Zhang's pretty cheek appeared in front of him, but at this moment Dr. Fashion was stunned.

"What a beautiful face! And that noble temperament, firm eyes, oh! Isn't this what I've been looking for..." A simple straight punch interrupted Dr. Fashion's imagination, although Qin Fan's order did not It is not to kill the other party, but since it is unforgivable to make the master angry, driven by absolute loyalty, Qin Fan's anger is also transformed into her anger, without any scruples, Diana raised her foot and stepped on it directly. That face was a bit too delicate for a man, and even though he didn't crush the skull because he didn't want to kill the opponent, he couldn't look at that face for a while!

Qin Fan is quite satisfied with Diana's behavior. Although the appearance of this guy whose sexual orientation is seriously unknown does not conform to Qin Fan's aesthetics, it cannot be denied that this guy is indeed a handsome guy. A common problem of perverted people, seeing this handsome face destroyed, Qin Fan felt somewhat at ease.

"Okay, okay! A little lesson is enough, what are you doing so hard!" Seeing the face with a crushed nose, the smiling Qin Fan walked slowly to Dr. who was lying on the ground and baring his teeth, smiling stylishly. Said: "Let me introduce myself, my name is..."

"Cut! Ugly ghost!" Seeing Qin Fan who was approaching him, the Dr. Fashion was not frightened by the treatment he had just suffered, on the contrary, his distorted face was full of disgust.

However, just when Qin Fan's face became a little ugly again and he was about to make a move to teach this ignorant guy a good lesson, the wall that the other party hit because Diana kicked him into the air suddenly cracked, and then the wall The latter man, who was three meters tall and wearing a white mask, pierced through the wall and grabbed Qin Fan who was standing in front of Dr. Fashion at this time.

The sudden change made Qin Fan jump, and almost subconsciously used teleportation, but his body blurred for a while, but he was grabbed by the giant.

It's not that the giant has any ability to limit space, but that Qin Fan's teleportation failed!

No way, this teleportation is really awesome, but it is very difficult to operate. At least at this time, Qin Fan will fail six or seven times out of ten times. It is precisely because of such a high failure rate that Qin Fan has never dared to return. In the world of Justice League, you must know that the mother box in that world is also a threat to your body. If you don’t escape with a teleportation, but instead get into the center of the mother box, God knows what will happen to you, even if you have death The ability to reset, but it is useless to stay in that environment without being able to escape how many lives!
"Hehe! How does the ugly monster feel? This is a test product that I specially made to strengthen the strength of the hand. It can easily twist steel, and even rock can be crushed into powder. Howling in pain, so Ugly guys should..."

At the same time, Qin Fan also noticed that the giant's hands seemed to be a bit out of proportion to normal people. Such big hands were a bit inconsistent even for this giant with a height of more than three meters, but the strength...

He waved his hands casually, but his hands, which were already bulging with blue veins due to excessive force, were as crisp as popcorn just out of the pan.

"Uh..." Dr. Fashion, who was still talking eloquently just now, stopped dumb like a duck being pinched by the neck, and stared at the ugly face in front of him with his mouth wide open, without saying a word for a long time.

"Forget it..." Cursing his lips, Qin Fan suddenly had a fist-sized water drop-shaped strange thing in his hand, and without hesitation, he aimed the tip of the "water drop" at the forehead of the man who was completely stunned by shock. To stab.

(End of this chapter)

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