King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 108 To Extract

Chapter 108 To Extract
Looking at the ability extractor in his hand, Qin Fan felt a little tangled in his heart!
The effect of this thing is good, whether it is the ability of the demihuman or the ability of the teleporter, it is very clear that the other party's ability is extracted and integrated into Qin Fan's body, but Qin Fan is very uncertain about this named Dr. Fashion Is the guy's scientific research ability a special ability?Due to the foolish operation of the ability extractor, there is no room for choice at all, so Qin Fan is not sure whether it is the ability of the other party or the attribute of being neither male nor female...
To be honest, if it wasn't for seeing the guy who was obviously transformed because of his body at the end, Qin Fan would really be reluctant to part with this last ability extractor, and even regret it after using it up, but since he has already used it, he will regret it It's useless, the key is who will use the extracted ability.

First of all, I definitely don’t know how to use it. Qin Fan is not the character of a researcher. If he was asked to study something without sleeping and eating, Qin Fan felt that he could not do it. Of course, the most important thing is what is the extracted ability? Qin Fan Very uncertain.

Now that he was excluded, Qin Fan couldn't help but look at the three women standing behind him at this time. Sai Liu was excluded first. Although Hua Jinghua Shuiyue had been promoted, Qin Fan was not sure to what extent. The weapon is very precious, and Qin Fan is a little worried about using it on the other party like this. If the mirror flower and water moon fail again that day, it will be a big loss, so he can only choose one of the remaining two women.

In the end, Qin Fan still felt that it would be better to give this ability to Diana. Compared with Shimomura Izumi, Diana's temperament was more mature, and she felt more like a scientist. Anyway, Qin Fan didn't have a better choice. Pull out the big one from the scorpion.

Qin Fan, who made up his mind, directly added Diana, and then let him open his mouth and direct the power extraction to the opponent's mouth, and gave a deep throat...
The pale golden ball of light was directly swallowed by Diana, and the hot body of the light ball slowly returned to calm. Qin Fan, who had experienced several times, still looked at the other party with some anxiety and asked: "How do you feel? What side effects, do you like men or women?"

"Uh..." Diana was obviously taken aback by Qin Fan's question like this. Under her absolute loyalty, she couldn't figure out what her master meant. She simply asked, "Master wants me to like men or not?" woman?"

"Uh..." Qin Fan was at a loss for words when he was asked such a rhetorical question, and then he simply waved his hand and said, "Forget it, take a closer look, is there a lot of things related to body modification in your head all of a sudden?" what?"

"No! I don't feel anything special. Although I do feel that my head is a lot lighter, as if I just had a good night's sleep, but there is nothing extra." Diana said directly without any hesitation.

"Ah..." Qin Fan opened his mouth, and then said unwillingly, "Didn't you inherit any technology related to biological transformation?"

This time, Diana simply closed her eyes and carefully perceived it for a long time. After finally opening her eyes, she shook her head and said, "No! I didn't get any other memories, I can be sure!"

"Why is this so..." Qin Fan was very disappointed when he heard this, but Qin Fan was also betting when he used the ability extractor just now. The ability extractor is within the extraction range!
"But..." Diana said again with some hesitation: "But I feel that my brain is indeed much easier to use than before. I can quickly remember many things that I had forgotten before. It seems that the speed of thinking about problems has also become much faster!"

Hearing Diana's words, Qin Fan, who had already given up any hope, suddenly brightened his eyes, yes!The so-called talent is not a reserve of knowledge. What the ability extractor extracts should be the one percent of the talent. In this way...
"Let's go! Let's go to that perverted laboratory to take a look!" With clairvoyant eyes, he quickly found the most secret place in this villa, which leads directly to the outside of the city through an underground secret passage. Among them, there are quite a few first ones, Qin Fan, who didn't kill them all, but directly incorporated them through the mirror, Qin Fan is ready to fully take over all the legacy of Dr. Fashion!
In the huge research room, there are all kinds of materials. After Qin Fan exchanged Diana for her proficiency in various languages ​​​​of this world, reading these materials is not a problem at all. After Dr.’s fashionable talent rather than knowledge, Qin Fan spent a lot of luck points to exchange for the knowledge of various worlds for Diana to absorb. The knowledge exchanged from the exchange list does not require special reading at all, as if it is an addition It was like a machine, and a lot of knowledge was directly poured into Diana's mind, but it made the Amazon princess with a demigod body a little dizzy and miserable!

But the price is equal to the benefit, although Qin Fan's force-feeding of knowledge made her feel very physically uncomfortable, but the same, Diana, who was still ignorant of the experimental results left by Dr. Fashion, was short-lived. In just a few days, those experiments can gradually be improved and perfected. Some high-tech machines from other worlds exchanged by Qin Fan, plus the Tegu God's Hand found from Dr. Fashion's home, Diana almost It can completely replace Dr. Fashion and even complete more difficult experiments than the original Dr. Fashion.

"Very good! Since this is the case, you will stay here for the time being and continue to get familiar with this place. In addition, Sai Liu will also stay. Doesn't she want to undergo body transformation? Then just take a look and see if there is a way for her to fuse with her Teigu , it would be more convenient if she could have her Tegu-like recovery ability and use it as cannon fodder in battle!" Qin Fan said directly, not shying away from Sailiu Ubiquitas who was standing next to her.

"Thank you master! I will definitely become the most beneficial tool for master!" Sai Liu did not show any anger or dissatisfaction when he heard Qin Fan's words, but bowed to express his gratitude.

Qin Fan is quite satisfied with the upgraded Mirror Flower and Water Moon. Not long ago, Qin Fan added Sai Liu to the list of attendants, and his loyalty has reached 90.00%. You can know immediately.

"Master, is he going to deal with the night raiders?" Seeing that Qin Fan was about to leave, Sai Liu suddenly asked.

The reason why she asked this question was that when Diana was here to get familiar with the laboratory these days, of course she couldn't be here alone, and just before she came here, she had just received a tip report that the night raid would take action tonight, so After she came over, she immediately reported the matter to Qin Fan, and now Qin Fan was about to leave but left her behind, Sai Liu immediately asked.

"What? You still want to avenge that teacher of yours? Didn't you tell me not to mention this matter again?" Qin Fan said with some dissatisfaction.

"No! From the moment I became a master's servant, my justice is only the master's order to me, so no matter whether it is Kao or my father, the justice they talk about has nothing to do with me. All the members are Tegu envoys, of course I know your strength, master, but if I help..." Sai Liu said eagerly, but Qin Fan interrupted her before she could finish speaking.

"Okay! This matter is not something you need to consider. Just wait here to be transformed with peace of mind. If I need it, I will call you over!" Seeing that the loyalty in the list of attendants did not seem to drop in the slightest, Qin Fan nodded slightly and said casually.

(End of this chapter)

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