King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 109 Battle Night Attack

Chapter 109 Battle Night Attack

"Hill! Cover me!" Ma Yin also saw that Qin Fan's slightly immature face showed a rare dignified expression.

Just now she didn't hold back the slightest attack, but the opponent didn't take any damage at all. This is not to say that as Hill's companion, she is very familiar with the attributes of the opponent's Teigu, although the two stages of everything refer to seeing As far as the inner blade, it is made of Olihagang and a large amount of rare metals. Even the outer blade cannot be defended by ordinary steel, but the opponent can hold it with his own body. , This is simply... a monster!

Romantic fort, a gun-shaped Teigu that uses spiritual power as ammunition, the more the user feels the crisis, the more powerful Tegu will be: "Then! Try my gun to see if you can defend it!"

"Buzz!" A beam of light shot directly at Qin Fan. Faced with this level of attack, Qin Fan didn't even need to dodge. However, because Qin Fan wanted to better train his fighting consciousness, he still made dodge movements. , but with Qin Fan's movement, Hill suddenly rushed over, and the huge scissors stabbed at Qin Fan like a gust of wind.

The bone-chopping knife is suitable for chopping but not for defense. However, because Qin Fan's speed and strength crush the opponent, it is still possible to block the opponent's attack even though he is embarrassed, but Qin Fan is always beaten passively like this. Feeling aggrieved, Qin Fan spotted a weakness in the opponent and immediately jumped up vigorously, but...
"I knew you would jump up!" The huge gun was aimed at Qin Fan, and Ma Yin's teasing voice reached Qin Fan's ears.

"Did you get caught?" Qin Fan in mid-air suddenly realized that the so-called flaw he discovered just now must have been deliberately exposed by the other party, right?It's just that Qin Fan is not from this world. Once he jumps into the midair and has nowhere to use his strength, he can't dodge it. Whether it's flying feet or the moon step he just mastered, he can move freely in midair. On the other hand: "Is this really good? Just expose it in front of me!"

With a cold smile, Qin Fan threw the bone-cutting knife in his hand directly at the opponent. If the opponent attacked him, he would be split by the bone-cutting knife. Although Qin Fan could still dodge it easily, since he wanted to train himself, of course It is best to use abilities similar to those of the opponent, otherwise, if Qin Fan wants to win, no matter whether it is Qin Fan using super speed force or a stronger ghost way, it is a matter of minutes to subdue the opponent, and there is no need at all. Such trouble.

"Hmph! I'm just waiting for you!" Facing the bone-chopping knife flying towards her, Ma Yin didn't dodge at all, but directly pulled the trigger.

"Om!!!" The thick beam of light is like a fan and directly attacks Qin Fan at a [-]-degree angle with Qin Fan as the center. gasified...

"Hide, I can't dodge..." Yue Bu had just used it but felt the large-scale energy impact Qin Fan had this idea in an instant, almost at the nick of time, Qin Fan's figure was strangely in mid-air It disappeared in the middle, but in the next second it appeared directly on the ground not far away.

"It's done?" It seems that even he himself didn't expect that he could use teleportation in that situation. Qin Fan, who just landed on the ground, couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, but the look of surprise was not there yet. It was completely exposed but it froze as if time had paused, lightning flashed all over his body, and Qin Fan's figure disappeared again.

"Crack it!" The crisp sound of scissors closing came from not far away, Qin Fan stretched out his hand to touch his neck with lingering fear, the slight tingling feeling let Qin Fan know that the sides of his neck had been cut, if just now If I act a little later, I'm afraid...
"Hehe! Hehehe!" Feeling the slight wetness on his fingers, Qin Fan suddenly laughed lightly!

(How stupid am I? How naive? I thought that strength must be crushed so I must suppress power. If strength crushes me, I will be covered with scars? If I crush myself, I will almost be killed?)

"Ma Yin! Run!" A scream suddenly came from Hill's mouth, but it was accompanied by an ugly face illuminated by the electric light.

"It's late!" Qin Fan's voice made people tremble like a ghost in the deep valley. Even though she clearly felt the desperate sense of crisis under the absolute speed, Ma Yin couldn't turn her gun at all.

"Ecstasy!" The dazzling light made Qin Fan unable to open his eyes for a while, but immediately after the sound of breaking wind came, Qin Fan slapped the sharp blade away with one hand at will.

"Click!" With the sound of a sharp knife piercing the ground behind him, Qin Fan's eyes gradually recovered, but the figures of the two women were no longer in front of him.

Looking back, it was that Hill's huge scissors were quietly inserted there, and he picked up his Teigu at the last moment and didn't dare to pull his companion and leave directly!
"It's a smart choice!" Turning his head lightly to look towards the direction of the woods beside him, the corners of Qin Fan's mouth curled up slightly, and there was no way to hide the panicked backs of the two girls under the eyes of clairvoyance.

"Master! Don't you continue to chase?" Izumi Shimomura stood up from behind a big tree not far away, and asked curiously.

"Forget it, it's a game! Since I violated the rules, it means he won. It's a bit too much to be stubborn!" Shaking his head slightly, he walked slowly to the giant scissors and gently picked it up.

Qin Fan is really surprised that this thing can hurt him, but after so many time travels, he has seen more than one weapon that can hurt him, whether it is Diana's Excalibur or the five old stars. Guiche, Qin Fan would not be unacceptable to have one more pair of scissors.

Throwing the scissors casually into his private space, Qin Fan rubbed his tingling neck but felt slightly troublesome.

Although I have obtained the death reset ability of a demihuman, it stands to reason that any damage can be completely recovered as long as I die once, but the problem is that I can't commit suicide just because I scratched a little skin, right?Of course, the ability to reset after death is necessary to be able to use it. Otherwise, I would just play suicide casually. What if something goes wrong and I can't be resurrected?

"Hey! If only I could travel to the world of the X-Men!" Qin Fan sighed softly and said with some yearning, whether it is Wolverine or the dead man, if Qin Fan obtains the powerful recovery ability, then it will be great. I won't worry about some minor injuries anymore. Fortunately, although most of the recovery ability or medicine has no effect on Qin Fan, this kind of skin trauma can heal within two days only with Qin Fan's own recovery ability. Don't worry too much.

"Let's go! Go back and see how far Diana's side is!" Qin Fan said after yawning as he stretched his arms around Xia Cunquan.

(End of this chapter)

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