King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 110 Transforming Sai Liu

Chapter 110 Transforming Sai Liu

On the outskirts of the imperial capital, in the secret gathering place of the night attack team under the huge cliff...
"Hurry up! Hill is injured!" The petite Ma Yin supported Hill, who had no blood on his face, running back. Gathered over.

"What's going on? How could Hill be injured so badly? Where's her Tegu?" Najie Xitan, the leader of the night raid team, asked with a frown.

"I'll call the doctor!" Chi Tong hurriedly turned around and was about to leave.

"Don't!" Hill grabbed Chi Tong: "It doesn't matter my injury, let's leave quickly, that guy is very strong, I asked Ma Yin to come back first and she refused to say anything, that person is obviously okay We all stayed but let us go on purpose, I'm worried..."

"Lubbock, Leone, you two, go take a look around, Chitong, go to the doctor, and wait for Hill to get better!" Najiexitan ordered directly.

"It's all my fault, Hill was injured only to save me..." Ma Yin said with tears in her eyes as she slumped on the ground.

"What happened? The person you assassinated had strong guards?" Najie Xitan said, frowning.

"The assassination was very successful. We met that guy on the way back. He was a disgusting ugly monster. He was the one who injured Hill..." Ma Yin began to tell the story of their encounter with tears. The experience after coming to Qin Fan.

At the same time, Qin Fan also returned to Dr. Fashion's research room.

It took only half a day for Qin Fan to leave. Even if Diana inherited Dr.'s fashion talent, it is impossible to complete the transformation of Sailiu in such a short period of time. When Fan left, he had already started to operate on Sai Liu!
I have to say that Dr. Fashion is indeed a genius. He has extraordinary knowledge in human body modification, and with the genetic material extracted from some unique and dangerous species in this world, he can easily solve the problem even in some high-tech facilities. It is difficult to solve the problem of foreign body rejection even in the plane, and even directly transplanting metal metal into the body will not produce any rejection reaction.

"How's it going? How's it going!" Diana looked up at Qin Fan in surprise, "Master, you're back! The operation went well, 50.00 %[-]'s bones have been replaced by the metal bones made by Oliha. This metal is not only very hard but also has good magic power conductivity. It can well combine the core of the creature Tegu. There has been no rejection!"

"Hey! So ruthless!" At this time, Qin Fan saw the inhuman Sai Liu who had been completely dismembered on the operating table. Although Qin Fan killed a lot of people these days, what is this kind of vivisection? It's really the first time I've seen it.

"Master...Master! Jean, I'm really sorry for letting you see me like this!" Sai Liu, who had already cut all the skin open, was like a skeleton with flesh and blood hanging on it, and actually spoke!

"He, isn't he unconscious?" Qin Fan looked at the other party in surprise and said.

"Well! Since many transplants require the cooperation of the main body, we didn't let her fall asleep, but the master can rest assured that since all the nerves have been removed, she won't feel any pain!" Diana said indifferently.

"It's not a question of whether it hurts or not!" Qin Fan looked at Sai Liu, who couldn't see the slightest human appearance at all, and was stunned. Let's not talk about whether it hurts or not. Even if it is removed, normal people will collapse even if they don't feel anything, right?Speaking of which, this woman would agree to that perverted body modification before she was hypnotized. She really is not a normal person!
"Master... don't worry, I'm fine!" Sai Liu, who was like a skeleton, replied.

"Stop talking! Just listen to Diana!" Qin Fan shook his head and didn't intend to continue to watch the transformation process of Lie Qi here. He just turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped, and took that man from his private space. He took out the huge scissors: "That's right! This is the Teigu I just got. You can see if you can use it, and I will leave the rest to you!" After speaking, he glanced at the Sai on the operating table. Lyu involuntarily shuddered and hurried out.

Sai Liu's transformation process took three days, but when Qin Fan saw Sai Liu for the first time three days later, he had already returned to his original appearance!

That's right!It was exactly the same as before the transformation. If Qin Fan hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed it. He had been dismembered not long ago. If he didn’t tell him, he wouldn’t have recognized the corpse of some animal. However, in just three days, the girl However, he could already stand in front of Qin Fan as if he was a normal person.

"Healed so quickly?" Although Diana introduced to Qin Fan before the transformation, there is a special dangerous species in this world, and the body fluid it secretes has a very good inhibitory and repelling effect. The limbs of two people and even the limbs of different creatures can be transplanted together without rejection, but even so, Qin Fan did not expect Sai Liu to recover so quickly. Didn't it mean that after plastic surgery, it would be swollen for several days?According to Diana's plan, all the bones in Sai Liu's body need to be replaced, which is much more powerful than those operations such as cutting bones and padded noses, but Sai Liu doesn't look like he has undergone surgery at this time.

As if seeing Qin Fan's doubts, Diana said directly: "The core of the beast-shaped Tegu has a high degree of fusion with her. After writing her original genes, the core can help her recover on its own!"

As she spoke, she seemed worried that Qin Fan would not understand. Diana signaled to Sai Liu directly, but she saw the girl stretch out a finger. The normal nails stretched at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Sai Liu did not Concerned about gently scratching his face with his nails, the nails that grew out broke through the white skin easily like a sharp knife, forming a wound with deep bones visible, but as the nails left, the wound disappeared. It heals at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Now her body, except for the brain, has been replaced by mechanization and has been modularized for future upgrades. If possible, the owner can collect some dangerous materials of Teigu or king level. You can continue to upgrade for her!" Diana said confidently.

It has to be said that Diana seems to have undergone a great change after absorbing Dr.'s fashionable scientist talents. At least she would never be so calm in the body modification of another person before, but Qin Fan is very concerned about this There is not much psychological burden. Firstly, Sai Liu originally wanted to carry out body transformation, which can be regarded as a help. Second, Qin Fan completely followed the transformation idea of ​​the female version of Wolverine, but it is more fashionable than the original Dr. The transformation direction of stuffing some weapons into the human body is much stronger. Although today's Sai Liu has undergone human transformation, it is almost the same as Wolverine on the whole, and can basically be regarded as a half mutant!
(End of this chapter)

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