King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 111 3 Beast Warriors

Chapter 111 The Three Beasts

"Will the night raiders really pass by here?" Qin Fan looked suspiciously at the villages and towns outside the carriage that looked like slums.

Ever since Qin Fan fought against Ma Yin and Hill last time, the entire night raid team seemed to have disappeared suddenly. Finally, there was news of a night raid recently. The woman ran out, but Qin Fan felt unreliable after she came out.

Night raids belong to a specialized assassination organization, and the main targets are government officials and businessmen. Even if the night raid team is afraid of themselves these days and dare not take up missions in the imperial capital and go to other places for activities, the problem is that the targets they pick cannot be such A commoner who sees eating as a problem!It seems that even if these people are not killed by the killer, it is probably difficult to survive this winter, right?Would the night raid team come here specifically to kill people?
"I also received a report that recently some officials who resisted the minister were killed by members of the night raid team. This road is the only way for an official who has a very bad relationship with the minister to return to the imperial capital, so I deduce that the night raid The team will definitely be on this road..." While driving the carriage Sailiu, he explained to Qin Fan in the carriage why they were going here, but he stopped suddenly in the middle of the conversation: "Master, there seems to be some situation ahead !"

"Is there a problem?" Qin Fan opened the curtain on the carriage and looked out, without Sai Liu's guidance at all. With Qin Fan's eyesight, he quickly saw that there seemed to be something wrong one kilometer away from them.

"Interesting! You go slowly, I'll go and have a look first!" Qin Fan's figure disappeared immediately while speaking, but at the same time, the three people who were standing one kilometer away among dozens of corpses were his colleagues. On Qin Fan who appeared out of thin air.

"Wow! What are you doing?" Qin Fan saw at the first sight that the youngest of the three was cutting the body of the woman next to him with the knife in his hand. He seemed to be skinning her, but it was worth it. The thing to mention is that the woman seemed to be still twitching slightly with his movements, and she didn't seem to be completely out of breath, but with Qin Fan's sudden appearance, the blade in the little man's hand visibly trembled, but it just happened An artery of the woman was drawn, and the blood flowed quickly, but the woman was finally relieved.

"Ah!" I was surprised at Qin Fan's sudden appearance, but when he saw the woman died, the man's face showed obvious regret, and then he threw the half-skinned human skin on the ground like this, and then seemed When someone interrupted the game, he frowned and looked in Qin Fan's direction: "Hey! He saw it, should we kill people to silence it?"

On the other hand, Qin Fan could clearly see the paper with the Night Raid logo scattered on the ground, and looked at the three people in front of him with some surprise: "You are members of the Night Raid? Didn't you say that there were only two men in the Night Raid? How could that be?" Three popping up? New ones?"

"He seems to know the information about the night attack! Do you want to catch her alive?" The young man who had just skinned the woman said again.

"Anyway, we can't let him leave. Be careful, everyone. He might also be a Teigu envoy. Don't give him a chance if you take action together!" The man who seemed to be the oldest rushed towards Qin Fan as he spoke.

At the same time, the man with the giant ax on the left stretched out his hand and split the giant ax in two and threw it at Qin Fan. The other guy who had just been skinned also rushed towards Qin Fan.

"What are you doing? Are you going to turn against me if you disagree? But since you are a member of Night Raid, it's just right. The last time I let you go for the sake of beauties, those two thought you would gather people and come back to take revenge on me. I didn't expect that. After running away, I dare not continue to show up again, it seems that I will not give you some motivation! It happens that I am not interested in men, and it will be an eyesore if I keep you!" Qin Fan easily dodged the giant ax flying towards him, and at the same time Electric lights flashed all over his body and disappeared instantly.

It has to be said that with the blessing of super speed and force, Qin Fan's current speed is a bit too fast for the three on the opposite side. It is almost a face-to-face meeting. The neck of the big man who just threw a huge ax was already pinched by Qin Fan.

"Click!" Qin Fan stretched out his other hand to catch the giant ax that flew back and said in surprise, "Could this be Teigu too? Sure enough, everyone who attacked at night was a Teigu envoy!"

Qin Fan looked at the half giant ax in his hand with great interest and said.

"Wait a minute!" Among the three, the middle-aged man who looked a bit like a noble butler suddenly shouted. The speed in just a split second had already made him fully aware of the absolute strength displayed by the ugly ghost in front of him. , This can be compared to the master's Mo Ke Botmo: "Your Excellency may have misunderstood, we are not members of the night attack team, in fact, the assassination in their name is entirely to lure them out!"

"What?" Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan obviously showed a surprised expression, but then said suspiciously: "Then who are you? Are you ordered by someone?"

"This... I'm sorry we can't tell you the specific details..." When it came to this, he seemed to be worried about Qin Fan's dissatisfaction, the middle-aged man quickly added: "But if you want to know, you can go back with us to see the master !"

There is a reason why the man said this. First, in his opinion, Qin Fan is not a member of the night raid team, and does not conflict with their mission. Second, the opponent's strength is very strong, at least stronger than them. Subduing will be a good help, and the last and most important thing is that he doesn't think Qin Fan will be their master's opponent. In fact, he doesn't think there is anyone in this world who can defeat their master.

"Is your master a Tegu envoy?" Qin Fan asked abruptly.

"This..." No matter which world it is, it is very impolite to inquire about other people's strength, but it is not a secret whether they are Tegushi, so the other party just hesitated slightly after hearing Qin Fan's question After a while, he said, "Yes! That's all I can say."

"Okay!" Qin Fan put the other party down directly, then clapped his hands and said, "Let's go with you!"

"Us?" The man was taken aback when he heard Qin Fan's words, but soon Sai Liu said that the carriage he was driving had already driven over.

"Master!" Sai Liu jumped off the carriage directly, and knelt down on one knee to declare her relationship with Qin Fan. Diana and Izumi Shimomura also got off the carriage together, but they didn't kneel down to Qin Fan like Sai Liu, maybe It is because of the relationship between education and their own living environment. Although they also regard Qin Fan as the main priority, they will not take the initiative to bow down to Qin Fan unless Qin Fan asks for it.

"Then! Let's go, are we going back to the imperial capital?" Qin Fan looked at the three men with a smile and said.

(End of this chapter)

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