King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 112 Esdes

Chapter 112 Esdes

As the daughter of the patriarch of the Baluts clan who lives by hunting dangerous species, Estes has been indoctrinated since she was a child with the idea that only the strong can survive, so much so that she takes it for granted when his father and his clan are killed by alien races. , So Estes always thought that the only reason she could live was that she was strong enough, but at this moment, she suddenly had doubts about whether she was strong.

"Boom!" The huge lump of ice exploded directly, and Qin Fan's figure was slowly revealed in the sky filled with ice debris.

"Huh! It's so cool, you have superpowers? I didn't expect that there are superpowers in this world. Have you ever seen someone like you? Do you know who has the ability to heal wounds quickly?" Catching some crushed ice, Qin Fan said with great interest.

Qin Fan didn't know that Esdesh's ability also came from Teigu's power, but Esdesh's Teigu was special. Her Teigu was called the Essence of Demon, which was a liquid Teigu that was similar to blood. Teigu, the user must drink Teigu directly to integrate it into his body, and the effect of Teigu is somewhat similar to the effect of frozen fruit in pirates, except that he cannot element himself There is no weakness in fear of sea stones and sea water.

Qin Fan didn't know anything about the opponent's Teigu, so seeing that the opponent didn't use any weapons, he thought that the opponent didn't use his own Teigu. As for the ability to freeze himself, it was a skill similar to super powers, so he thought Have this question.

Facing Qin Fan's question, Estes did not give an answer. Qin Fan's strength far exceeded her expectations, but she was not unsure of killing him. If she used that trick...
"What's your name?" Esdeth suddenly put away his attacking posture and said.

"What? Are you ready to recognize the master?" Qin Fan said after shrugging his shoulders indifferently.

"Hehe! I just want to confirm, which one do you choose between death and surrender?" Esdes said with a chuckle.

"'re quite confident! Since you asked this way, it's not bad to die once, after all, you've never died before!" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Really! That's really great..." In Qin Fan's consciousness, Esdesi's words didn't even complete the whole world, but it was directly shrouded in darkness.

Moko Botmo!One of Esdesh Teigu's secret skills, it can seal everything around for a short time to completely stop...
The ice sword was pulled out from the eye socket of that ugly face, the opponent's body skin was extremely hard, even ordinary Teigu weapons might not be able to hurt it, but since humans have weaknesses, the opponent's skin is hard enough but Eyes, ears, mouth and nose are not as strong as other places, and the eyes are one of the most vulnerable places. If you directly use a weapon to pierce the eyes of a human being, you can easily pierce the opponent Brain, death is so easy sometimes!
The corpse like a rag bag slowly fell to the ground, Esdeth looked at the ugly face with a blood hole on his face with some emotion and shook his head slightly, he should have stabbed the opponent in one eye just now and stopped , it may be because the opponent is too strong, and I have a limit on the number of Mokobotama, so... But since it is already like this, there is no regret...
"Bang!" Just when Esdes was full of emotions, she suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing from her back. The consciousness cultivated through battles made her make the most correct decision at the very moment. It's just that even though he avoided the arm that hurt him, it was broken vigorously...

"Master!" Three figures of colleagues appeared in front of Esdesh, they were the three beast warriors under Esdesh, but in front of the three, Diana, Shimomura Izumi and Sai Liu faced each other with grim expressions. And stand.

"How dare you..." Diana looked at Esdeth standing behind the three beast warriors with a distorted expression and said emotionally.

"Unforgivable!" Izumi Shimomura also stared at Estes with murderous intent.

"Damn it!" Sai Liu also looked at Esdeth with a ferocious face.

I don't know why, being stared at by the three women like this, Esdeth suddenly felt like being watched by three dangerous species. The piercing pain in her right arm made her clearly feel that the bones in her arm had broken. The woman just shot For a moment, she didn't even see clearly, how could this woman be so fast?Not only her but also the other two are not simple, the body of the guy with black head and black pupils seems to be strangely becoming transparent, that strange shape doesn't look like a human being at all, although the other one doesn't look special, but inside The essence of the devil is to tell her that the other party should also be a Teigu envoy, who can subdue three such powerful women, what is that guy...
"Huh! Where's the person?" Estes looked in shock at the place where the man who should have been killed by her should have been, but at this moment there was no one there.

"You really killed me!" A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded from behind Esdeth, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Almost subconsciously, she wanted to dodge, but before she could move, a short and thick arm was already on her shoulder: "That sword hurts!"

"You..." Fear!Estes has never felt this kind of fear from the bottom of his heart. He has already killed the other party, but why...
"You won!" The extremely tense body suddenly relaxed. Although he didn't want to admit it, Esdes knew that the opponent's strength was far superior to his own, no matter whether he was hit by Mokobotmo or not. It really hit right, but since the blow at that time failed to kill the opponent, it meant that it was impossible for him to kill the opponent.

"Oh!" Qin Fan, who was originally thinking of teaching the other party a lesson, was slightly taken aback when he heard the other party say this, and then looked at Esthers with some differences and said, "Are you admitting defeat?"

Taking a deep breath, Estes knelt down on one knee in front of Qin Fan, stroked his chest with his left hand and lowered his head, and said, "It's only natural for the strong to dominate the weak. Since you have defeated me, in order to survive, I can only become Your slave, from now on, you are my master!"

Kneel down to see Estes!The three beast warriors also bowed down to Qin Fan. Although they didn't say anything, they clearly expressed their submission, but Qin Fan didn't appreciate it.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in men, you three can leave!" Qin Fan waved his hand directly and said as if chasing flies.

(End of this chapter)

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