King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 113 Three pieces of Teigu

Chapter 113 Three pieces of Teigu
"Moke Botmo? It can freeze time?" Listening to Esdesi's narration, Qin Fan also knew that he was killed by the opponent's skill just now!

Time and space, no matter which world they are in, are extremely special attributes. Freezing time with extreme coldness can be said to have broken the category of ordinary freezing attributes. I am afraid that even the wishful magic weapon used by the snake spirit in the gourd baby can't help it Do you want to achieve such a BUG effect?It's no wonder that I died inexplicably at that moment. Now that I think about it, if it wasn't because I had acquired the ability of demihumans, I'm afraid I would have directly GAME OVER at that moment!But then again, if I didn't have subhuman abilities at the time, I would never have dared to fight the opponent so swaggeringly. I'm afraid I would have used the speed force to subdue him as soon as I came up. Anyway, the opponent can seal time for a short time. His ability is indeed a bit perverted, and Qin Fan is even considering whether to use the contract scroll on the other party to ensure that the other party will not betray him.

"Then let's talk about the effects of these three Teigu! They are all used by your subordinates, you probably don't know?" Qin Fan pointed to the three Teigu that he had just snatched from the Three Beast Warriors.

Those three guys wanted to defect immediately after seeing Estes submit to Qin Fan, but Qin Fan didn't like the three of them and asked him to leave, but he didn't want the three guys to say nothing, and they still wanted to be with him. Qin Fan showed it in front of him, and it turned out... If it wasn't for Estes pleading, the three corpses would have been cold, but if it wasn't for the stubbornness of these three, Qin Fan really didn't find out that except for the one with the ax The other two were also Teigu envoys, so after throwing the three of them on the street, Qin Fan snatched the other two Teigu as well.

"Two big axes, Belwak! Ax-shaped Teigu, you can throw them at the enemy after they are separated. Unless exhausted, one of the flying axes will follow the enemy until it is injured!" Holding the giant axe, Ai Sides introduced Qin Fan.

Although he didn't use the contract scroll and the mirror in the mirror against Esdeth, Qin Fan was surprised to find that the imperial general's loyalty to him was as high as 80.00% through the attendant system. The reason why Sides uses the ability, but Qin Fan really doesn't understand why this powerful woman who is not weak and can even seal time for a short time has such a high loyalty to herself, a person she met for the first time. Charmed?Ok!Qin Fan admitted that the last sentence was a joke...
In fact, Qin Fan wouldn’t be so strange if he knew a little bit about Esdes’s character. As the daughter of the patriarch of the Baluts tribe, Esdess was in a world where the weak and the strong preyed on her since she was a child. It is a matter of course for the strong to dominate the weak and even decide the life and death of the weak. Since she is not as strong as the other party, she has no complaints about being the other party's slave. This is what she thinks and does. Hundreds of thousands of alien races have become demons in people's eyes, that's because she is strong and those alien races are weak, but now she has become a weak man and a female slave, of course she will not have any complaints, but she is loyal to Qin Fan is only based on the fact that she is weaker than Qin Fan. If one day her strength surpasses Qin Fan, then of course this so-called master-slave relationship can be reversed!
"Military music dream, scream! The Teigu of the flute can affect the audience's emotions by playing more than a dozen kinds, and the secret skill ghost can strengthen oneself!" Estes pointed to the clarinet and introduced it to Qin Fan. arrive.

"The last ring's imperial tool is called Water Dragon Possession, Black Marin! It can control any liquid it comes into contact with!" Putting the last ring on Qin Fan's hand, Estes stepped aside respectfully.

"Manipulating liquids?" Among the three Teigu, Qin Fan is most concerned about this Teigu that can manipulate liquids. He wears it on his finger, and Qin Fan directly exchanges it for a bottle of mineral water and squeezes the drink bottle hard... .
"Bang!" There was a muffled sound and the water splashed away, and then the transparent liquid slowly splashed around as if it suddenly entered a slow-motion lens, but after a transparent water flower that bloomed less than half a meter, it seemed to be rewinding again. Slowly gathering and finally forming a small water polo above Qin Fan's palm.

Teigu in the Zhantong World will choose users based on the first use. The higher the fit, the stronger the effect of Teigu, and even develop corresponding secret skills. However, even if the fit is not enough, it is not impossible to use it. Teigu.

The main materials of Teigu are taken from different dangerous species, and using Teigu is like controlling a dangerous species. You can use a gentle method to cultivate feelings with the corresponding Teigu so that it can cooperate with you in battle. Of course, you can also use A tough attitude directly enslaves, but the latter is not easy, and many times it will backfire against its master if it is not done well, but this is not applicable to Qin Fan, at least Qin Fan did not feel any discomfort.

"The effect is very ordinary!" Feeling the water polo in the palm, the water polo instantly turned into a water blade and slashed towards a table not far away...

"Wow!" The water blade didn't split the wooden table into two like Qin Fanyu did, but smashed the table to pieces like a hammer.

"It's boring!" Seeing this effect, Qin Fan curled his lips, and casually threw the ring and the other two pieces of Teigu to Diana: "Look, if there is any way to press them on for her!"

"This is not difficult! Master, I remember how many devil fruits you still have in your hand?" Diana said to Qin Fan suddenly after taking the three pieces of Teigu.

"Devil fruit? You want to use the power of the devil fruit to transform her body?" Qin Fan looked at Diana in surprise and said, "Can this be done?"

"Theoretically, it should be possible. The materials you gave me even have related modification methods. Many of the ideas in it are very novel. I want to give it a try!" Diana said directly.

"The information I gave you?" Qin Fan was taken aback when he heard Diana's words. At that time, he could find it in the exchange table, but all the information related to the transformation was exchanged and handed over to Diana directly. As for what was in it Qin Fan himself didn't take a closer look, but when he heard Diana say this, he thought that among the pirates, there seemed to be a talk about human body modification, that Qiwuhai Bartholomew Bear was transformed into a half-machine in the end. The existence of the bear, and even began to mass-produce later, but the laser shooting moves used by the transformed bear are similar to the effect of the yellow monkey's shiny fruit, which is probably caused by the use of the fruit's ability!
"Here you are! Please study carefully to see if you can eliminate the side effects of the fruit's ability. After all, the side effects of not being contaminated with sea water are really too big." Qin Fan simply handed over the remaining three devil fruits to Diana, Anyway, this thing is dispensable for Qin Fan, so it’s not a pity to give it to Qin Fan for research. Two cherished phantom beasts, one natural type, and three devil fruits were just thrown out by Qin Fan for use. Doing experiments, I don't know what it would be like to be known by people in One Piece World.

(End of this chapter)

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