King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 114 Upgrade Sailiu

Chapter 114 Upgrade Sailiu
"What? General Esdes was defeated? And he was captured by the opponent?" Sitting on the high throne, the young emperor, who looked only about ten years old, looked at the minister below in shock and said in surprise: "General Esdes is a hero who is as famous as Bude. How could such a strong man be defeated?"

"Hmm! I didn't think of that either!" The minister who brought the three beast warriors also had a gloomy expression on his face. He was actually the one who made the decision to recall Esdesi, but even he didn't expect that the general Bingshan Shura, who was buried alive by 40 alien races, would also lose. It was really a bit of a mistake!

"Minister! What should we do now? Do we need to let General Bude take action?" The little emperor said with some concern.

"No need! Your Majesty, I have already sent someone to call my son back. That kid has collected a lot of good things outside, and he should be able to use them!" Minister Ornest waved his hand quickly and said.

Although General Bude has never interfered in politics because of the training group, the problem is that the other party has military power and is powerful, and he is still an old-fashioned person. Minister Ornest doesn't like dealing with him very much, so he would rather get his son back I don't even want General Bude to make a move.

"Oh..." Hearing what the minister said, the little emperor had a look of suspicion on his face, but the suspicion soon disappeared, and he said directly: "Forget it! Since it is your decision, I just need to believe it." Alright, let's make a decision like this! By the way, what should we do with the three of them?"

"As the general's subordinates, their masters were captured, but they ran back unscathed. Not only that, they also lost the precious Teigu gifted by me. It's useless to keep them. Just pull them out and kill them!" Minister He waved his hand indifferently and said.

"Wait a minute, the three of us survived because of General Esdes, if we must be executed, please let us die on the mission of rescuing General Esdess!" The three beast warriors did not expect the minister to To execute them, he immediately pleaded.

"Who said they were going to rescue that woman?" Minister Ornest said disdainfully: "As a general of the empire, if he fails on the battlefield, he should die, but he has become a prisoner. I don't think she has any need to live!"

Seeing this, the three beast warriors wanted to say something, but the minister impatiently waved his hands and asked the guards to come out and pull the three beast warriors out.

Seeing the three beast warriors being dragged away, the minister's face became more gloomy, and he took out a chicken leg-like thing from his arms and bit it hard: "One by one, I always make me like this!" I'm so upset that I'm going to gain weight again!"

Of course, Qin Fan didn't know what was going on with the minister. He was busy dissecting Sai Liu with Diana right now!
In Dr. Fashion's laboratory, Sai Liu still served as the "researcher" and was placed on an operating table. At this time, his hands and feet had been dismantled and his torso was also cut open. The internal organs have not been completely removed. At this time, the coexistence of flesh and metal in Sai Liu's body is very strange. Coupled with the head that calmly cooperates with Diana to answer questions, the picture is indescribably weird.

"Miss Diana is really amazing! It's amazing that she can do this!" Esthers sighed sincerely as an audience of the transformation show.

"Of course, I don't even look at whose slave girl she is!" A certain ugly, toad-like guy was standing in front of Estes at this moment, with a pair of short hands dishonestly looking at the other side. walk on the body.

Esdes, who was not affected by the beauty of the mirror, showed a clear look of anger on his face, and Qin Fan also noticed that with his dishonesty, the other party's loyalty was also declining regularly.

Because the Flower in the Mirror can not only change the five senses, but also change people's cognition, so the people who have been caught in the Flower in the Mirror not only willingly become Qin Fan's servants, but more importantly, in their cognition, Qin Fan's appearance is not ugly, Qin Fan Fan will not feel disgusted with everything they do, and it is precisely because of this anti-human cognition that no matter how Qin Fan treats the women, their loyalty will not change in any way, but Esther Si is different, she is sincerely surrendering to Qin Fan's strength, and she will not complain even if she is killed by Qin Fan if her skills are not as good as others. Esdeth's original loyalist degree in the [-]s dropped by nearly [-] points.

Of course, Qin Fan also noticed this, but he didn't stop because of it. On the contrary, he increased the strength of his hand a little bit. He wanted to see if the opponent's loyalty would continue to decline if he continued to do this. , and to what extent the other party will completely turn against him.

Qin Fan, who has already died once, is now convinced that he has the ability to reset the death of a subhuman, so he is not worried at all about Esdeth's attack on him again, at worst, he will just try again.

Sensing the... this guy's more and more dishonest hands, Esdeth's body trembled slightly and was obviously on the verge of eruption, but he calmed down again after a few seconds of hesitation.

I don't know if it was because he was afraid of Qin Fan's strength or for some other reason, but Estes finally gave up his resistance. Although the loyalty in the attendant list has not recovered, it has not continued to decline, and it seems to be stuck at more than 70 points up!
"Master! I'm going to inject the energy of the devil fruit!" Diana interrupted Qin Fan's research without losing the opportunity, and said.

The golden fruit is contained in a special container, and the other end of several metal pipes connected to the container is inserted into several reserved interface card slots on Sai Liu's body.

"The secret that devil fruits can make people have abilities is not the fruit itself, but a special energy added to the fruit. They enter the human body after the fruit is eaten, and exist in the human body in a parasitic manner. , Feed with the soul until the death of human beings, and after the soul is three-dimensional, they will follow the soul out of the body and devour the soul to find the next host! At the cost of the soul in exchange for power, this is also the origin of the name of the devil fruit!" Diana was operating the complex instrument While explaining to Qin Fan.

"Wait a minute! You just said parasitic? Could it be that the devil fruit is alive?" Qin Fan said in surprise.

"That depends on how the owner defines living. Devil fruit is not intelligent, but it has likes and dislikes like a living thing. After the death of the host, the devil fruit will choose the fruit it likes to attach itself to. This is the best proof. !" Diana said while putting her hand on a lever and said again: "Master! I'm going to start!"

(End of this chapter)

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