King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 115 An Ning Road

Chapter 115 An Ning Road

On the bumpy carriage, Qin Fan with a weird face sat in the carriage and slowly kneaded the letter in his hand into powder.

"Can you predict the future? This world is really amazing. Not only can you freeze time, but you can even meet the future. I don't know if there is any ability to teleport or resurrect from death!" He threw the broken pieces of paper out of the window, Qin Fan said with great interest.

Not long ago, when Qin Fanxian didn't know what to do, he suddenly received a special letter, signed by the leader of Anning Road, inviting him to talk about something, but there was nothing special about it. What he cared about was what the Anning Taoist leader called him!Stranger...
"Actually, whether he can really foresee the future is just a rumor. The leader of this peace road is very mysterious. It is said that he is a descendant of a combination of human beings and dangerous species. His strength is unknown, but he seems to be a leader. Charm, has a high prestige among the poor, and it is only a rural rumor that he has the ability to foresee the future. In fact, there are many similar legends, such as he can heal injuries, and even bring the dead back to life. They are all rumors. There is no basis!" Sai Liu, who was driving the carriage, turned to Qin Fan who was in the carriage.

"Anyway, be careful!" Qin Fan pressed his finger on the small communicator on his ear and said, "You two, can you hear me?"

"Audible!" The voices of Diana and Estes came from the earphones.

"Very good! You just follow behind, and I will notify you if necessary!" Qin Fan ordered directly.

Anyone will be afraid of the unknown. Although Qin Fan already has the ability of sub-human immortality, there are so many strange abilities in this world. He can even pause time. God knows if someone has the ability to seal or something like that. , if you seal it up and lock it up for hundreds or thousands of years, then there will be a lot of excitement.

Just when Qin Fan was considering whether to release a few liquid metal robots to explore the road, the carriage stopped suddenly, and then a male voice that Qin Fan was somewhat familiar with came out: "Several guests, the leader asked I'm here to pick you up, please get out of the carriage and go with me!"

Holding a huge scythe, it looks like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy is standing in front of the carriage. The boy looks a little immature, with a scar on his face slashing from the corner of his right eye across his entire cheek, making this picture look a bit delicate There was a bit of sternness on his face.

"It's you" x2
Qin Fan and the young man showed surprise almost at the same time. Needless to say, Qin Fan's appearance is too recognizable. Once you take a look at it, you will never forget it. Although the young man has a scar on his face, Qin Fan can still recognize it. , it was the guy who seemed to be going to be a soldier that he met shortly after he came to this world. (How did he come to this peaceful road?)
Speaking of this matter, I still blame Qin Fan. Originally, when Tazmi came to the imperial capital, Leonai would steal all her money and finally had to sleep on the street, which triggered the next series of stories, but Leonai was caught by Qin Fan. The "fat sheep" was lured away, which caused him to seriously deviate from the original plot. Not only did he not participate in the night attack, but he became a member of the Tao of Peace by accident.

"Uncle! I didn't expect that the guest invited by the leader this time would be you." Tazmi said with some surprise.

"Big, uncle..." Frowning slightly, Qin Fan sighed, but his eyes fell on the huge scythe on the other's back.

A weapon with such a weird shape would only be carried by an idiot if it didn't have special effects.

"Is this Teigu?" Qin Fan looked at the other party in surprise and said, "Are you an envoy of Teigu?"

"Hmm!" Tatsumi took out the huge scythe and waved it casually twice before saying without any intention of hiding it, "His name is Adayos, and he is my partner!"

"Oh!" Qin Fan looked at the huge scythe with great interest, and then shook his head. Although he was very curious about Teigu, he and the other party knew each other more or less. I can't save my face, I seem to be looking for an opportunity to hit the opponent's sap.....
Tazmi shivered for no reason, and then said with some lingering fear: "Why is it so cold all of a sudden? By the way, come with me, the leader is waiting for you!"

I have to say that the leader of An Ning Dao sent Tazmi to meet them, which somewhat relieved Qin Fan of his guard. Although he was not very familiar with this kid, he still knew him more or less.

"Why did you join Anning Road? I remember you said you were going to join the army?" Qin Fan asked casually while following the other party.

"The empire's army has long been corrupted. There is nothing to do there, no flattery, no success at all..." Tazmi said with a frown
"So you joined them? But I heard that Anning Road seems to be all poor people, and every one of them can't afford to eat. I remember you said that you want to get ahead?" Qin Fan was a little puzzled Said.

"I was too naive before. In fact, helping the villagers is not just about money. If this corrupt country is not completely changed, even if I bring back a lot of money, the villagers will not be able to live a good life. Uncle, you may not know. Our Anning Road is ready to take off, and it won't take long to completely overthrow this corrupt empire!" Tazmi said seriously.

"Oh?" Qin Fan was a little surprised to hear the other party say this: "You Anning Road are also with the revolutionary army? Are you in the same group as the night raid?"

"No! We are different from the revolutionary army. Although we are doing the same thing, we are not in the same group. Although the revolutionary army is stronger than us, we have something they don't have in An Ningdao, which is the determination of the leader , each of our brothers is willing to sacrifice their lives for An Ning Dao and the leader, so although our power is not as large as the revolutionary army, I believe that we will be able to overthrow the emperor in the end, and we must be An Ning Dao." Tazmi said I was brainwashed to speak in my honorable way.

"Oh!" Qin Fan looked at the other party's look of being poisoned by a pyramid scheme, and he was a little noncommittal. Although he didn't know about the Anning Road, according to Sai Liu, although this organization was also somewhat snobbish, it was in the eyes of the officials in the imperial capital. There is no comparison between Li and Revolutionary Machine. Of course, in this world where strength is the most important thing, it cannot be ruled out that the leader of the peaceful way is powerful. You must know that with the strength of Esdes, it is impossible for one person to fight against an army of [-]. What is it, if the strength of the An Ning leader is far superior to that of Esdeth, then he is indeed qualified to compete for the throne, otherwise he will be a little overwhelmed.

(End of this chapter)

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