King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 116 An Ning Taoist Lord

Chapter 116 An Ning Taoist Lord

"Are you the leader of the Tao of Peace?" Looking at a man in his early 20s sitting casually on a stone in front of him, Qin Fan couldn't help but think to himself, he really is the type he hates the most!

"Sit!" Facing Qin Fan's unabashed expression of displeasure, the leader of Anning Dao was very calm and said, pointing to a piece of bluestone next to him.

Qin Fan looked around at the surrounding environment and couldn't help curling his lips: "It is said that your believer in Anning Road built you a very nice church, why don't you meet there, and insist on running to this poor place!"

"Tazmi! You go down first!" The leader didn't answer Qin Fan's question, but said to Tazmi.

"Yes!" He bowed respectfully to the leader, and then Tazmi left directly. Qin Fan could see that this kid had sincere respect for the leader.

"The church your Excellency mentioned was built by Berik, and he is also the one who often lives there. I usually seldom go there!" the leader said with a smile.

"Berrick?" Qin Fan was a little puzzled by the name the other party said, but Sai Liu reminded him in a low voice: "It's his assistant!"

"Assistant? Is that different?" Qin Fan didn't understand why the other party said that, and looked suspiciously at the leader who didn't look very old.

"Berrick belongs to Minister Ernest!" the leader said without any fluctuations in expression.

"What?" Qin Fan was really surprised now!After being in this world for such a long time, Qin Fan certainly knows who the minister Ernest is talking about. It can be said that the entire emperor does not know who the emperor is, and he does not know the minister Ernest. There are really not many people. It can be said that Minister Ornest belongs to the existence of covering the sky with one hand in the entire empire, but the assistant of the rebel leader on the other side is the Minister of the Empire?what is this?Undercover?

"Hehe! Don't be so surprised. I founded Anning Dao just to help those civilians in need. Rebellion has never been the teaching of our Anning Dao!" the leader said lightly.

" won't tell me that you are also under that minister?" Qin Fan felt that the matter was getting more and more complicated.

"Of course not!" The young leader shook his head slightly, slowly stood up from the stone, then looked into the distance with emotion and said, "Minister Hornest wants to use the Anning Road to control those who want to rebel against him." The civilian organization and the revolutionary machine also want to use Anning Road to fight against the powerful empire, I am nothing more than a rabbit pinched by two vicious dogs, there is no way to escape, let alone resist!"

"I didn't understand. You just said that the minister wants to use you to control the civilians. I understand that your assistant belongs to the minister. If he controls your An Ning Dao, it is equivalent to controlling the civilians. But how do the rebels use you? Huh? You also have something to do with the rebels?" Qin Fan asked a little puzzled.

"Your Excellency may not be clear that although the current empire is corrupt, its strength is not weakened. Don't say that the congregants of our Anning Road are ordinary civilians who have not received any military training, even if it is a military force like the Revolutionary Army. Nor is it the current imperial opponent." The leader of Anning Road said seriously.

"What exactly do you want to say? Since you feel that you are not opponents in An Ningdao, then don't rebel, and no one is forcing you!" Qin Fan didn't like the other party's way of speaking, so he paused for a moment and then Said: "Are you trying to say that you didn't mean to rebel, but were instigated by the revolutionary army?"

"Your Excellency is really smart!" The leader nodded and said.

"It doesn't matter whether you are smart or not. The important thing is that you took me all the way here and told me what you are doing? First, I am not from your An Ning Road, second, I am not from the Revolutionary Army, and third, I am not from the Empire. Whoever uses who among you, who doesn't want to be used by whom, has something to do with me?" Qin Fan said very dissatisfied.

"Is it related to your Excellency that the people who attacked at night suddenly disappeared a few days ago?" The leader of Anning Dao suddenly looked at Qin Fan and asked.

"So?" Qin Fan didn't deny it, but asked directly.

"The leader of the night attack is also the leader of the revolutionary army. She fanned the Taoists of An Ning and united with other races. Her purpose couldn't be clearer. You feel that she wants to overthrow the imperial dynasty, so she will ignore this special existence of yours. Is it?" the teacher said seriously.

I have to say that the other party is worthy of being the leader of Anning Dao, and he is really good at persuading people!Because of Leone's relationship, Qin Fan still has some understanding of the Night Raid organization, and he also knows that the leader of the Night Raid is indeed the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and as the leader said, the purpose of the Revolutionary Army is to rebel. Although I didn't clearly stand on the side of the empire, I found fault with them again and again. It is estimated that the people in the night attack team have long regarded themselves as enemies, and in this world where individual strength is enough to control the battle situation, The other party really needs to carefully consider the existence of this powerful enemy. In other words, unless he surrenders in the past, the other party will definitely find a way to get rid of him before attacking the empire, but so what?
As if seeing the change in Qin Fan's expression, the leader of Anning Road said with some disappointment: "Your Excellency doesn't seem to care about the assassination of the night raid!"

"Would you believe me if I said I'm looking forward to it?" Qin Fan said half-jokingly.

After taking a deep look at Qin Fan, the leader nodded and said, "I believe it!"

"Uh..." Qin Fan was a little surprised this time, but the surprise was soon replaced by curiosity: "I heard that the leader of Anning Dao has the ability to foresee the future. I wonder if it's true?"

"Hehe! I just can see things that others can't see!" The leader smiled slightly, although he didn't answer directly, he acquiesced.

"Oh!" Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan became interested. If it weren't for the fact that he no longer had the ability extractor in his hand, Qin Fan might really have extracted the other party right now, but even so, Qin Fan was still thinking about it. It's not like knocking the other party out just like those demihumans and putting them in the dormant cabin as a reserve of abilities, and when I have an ability extractor in the future...

However, just as Qin Fan was thinking about knocking the other party unconscious immediately, the leader of Anning Dao suddenly stretched out two fingers from his eyes, went straight to Qin Fan and shot at him!

The sudden change made Qin Fan stunned, but it was Sai Liu, who had been guarding by the side, who suddenly made a move. Five sharp nails were drawn randomly like sharp blades, and the two severed fingers fell directly to the ground. Qin Fan looked at the leader again. , but only saw two blood-red holes appearing impressively on the handsome face of the Anning Taoist leader...
(End of this chapter)

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