King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 118 Rakshasa 4 Ghosts

Chapter 118 The Four Ghosts of Rakshasa

"How about trying this trick!" As Sai Liu's voice fell, the blood-red disc flew directly to Linglu. Compared with the blood blade just now, this time the disc was much slower, and there was almost no suspense for Linglu. He turned sideways to avoid the bloody disc's attack, but his face full of weakness did not show the slightest bit of rejoicing. He glanced at the opposite horse's head, and without saying anything, the two immediately turned around and fled in opposite directions. go.

"Don't you think it's too late to escape now?" Sai Liu smiled slightly. She didn't let go of her raised palm, and she didn't see any other movements. The bloody discs came from the Raksha four ghosts named Zhu Tian. One of the corpses gushed out quickly, and the bright red corpse became white almost in the blink of an eye, but all the blood was completely drained by Sai Liu in an instant, and hundreds of bloody discs were divided into two. Luffy went to the two girls who were running wildly at this time, but neither Suzuka nor Matou-face showed the slightest panic.

Compared with the attack just now, the speed of the Scarlet Discs this time is really too slow. Even though the number is astonishing, even if both of them have suffered serious injuries at this time, this Chengdu attack is not enough to keep the two of them.

Seeming to have seen the hope of escape, the two women tried their best to speed up their escape while avoiding the blood-colored discs flying towards them, hoping to escape from each other's sight before the other party realized that this kind of attack could do nothing to them. However….
"Damn it! What's going on?" As they avoided batches of blood-colored disks, the two women felt that something was wrong, because although there seemed to be a lot of densely packed disks, there were only dozens of them. It can't be more than a hundred, but why do the two of them feel that the attack on Yuanpan has survived hundreds of times? This kind of endless attack also made the two of them a little exhausted, not to mention that both of them had serious injuries at this time.

"Pfft!" Finally, a blood blade cut across the horse's head's calf and instantly disappeared into a blood-colored mist, and the horse's head was involuntarily flawed because of this attack.

"Puff puff puff!" There was another series of sounds of sharp blades piercing through flesh and blood, accompanied by the dexterous dodging of the horse's head in the blood mist, and it became more and more difficult. A few wounds, then a dozen wounds, and finally dozens of wounds. The wounds also changed from scratches to cuts. It was like a chain reaction. In an instant, the petite body had been broken into several fragments and slowly opened. Scattered in mid-air, Suzuka on the other side seems to be better than Matou, but it is limited, the attack is too dense, no matter how perfect her movements are to face this endless attack, as long as she is There is no way for a person to guarantee that she will never make mistakes, and once she reveals even the slightest flaw, what greets her is endless cutting.

In the distance, looking at the two bodies in mid-air that turned into blood mist and minced flesh, Esdeth showed a look of surprise on his face: "What a special attack method, this is caused by using the tracking effect of Tegu Belwak of?"

"That's right! The effect of the ax following the enemy is very special, but it's okay to deal with these kittens and puppies, but it's not enough to deal with real masters. For example, if the target is you, just use the ice shield to block all attacks It's actually not that difficult!" Diana said casually after shrugging her shoulders.

"Really!" Taking a deep look at the woman who also surrendered to that guy, Esdeth's eyes showed a rare look of fear.

What the other party said just now is not wrong, that kind of attack is good against those second-rate characters, but it has little effect on existences like myself, but the crux of the problem does not lie in this, but in that it is Tegu's ability , the other party can actually integrate Teigu's ability into that woman's body in a short period of time, and it is also the ability of several Teigu, such a talent can only be described as terrible.

Looking back at the leader of Anning Dao who had obviously died, Qin Fan sighed slightly, no matter whether the other party was bragging or his ability to foresee the future could not predict his own results, now that this person is dead, so he Even if he has an ability extractor, it may be useless, but Qin Fan really doubts whether the other party really has the ability to predict the future. You must know that even if he cannot foresee his own death due to various reasons, what about Tazmi?Can't even predict the life and death of people around you?If this is the case, then this foreseeing the future is useless!
Speaking of which, the other party called himself a foreigner in his heart. In fact, it may not necessarily be that he foresees something. After all, Qin Fan is indeed a new face in the imperial capital. It is not difficult to find out whether he is from the imperial capital. Therefore, the so-called foreigner Maybe it simply refers to people outside the imperial capital. If this is the case, then you have a guilty conscience.

Although a little disappointed, it's not completely useless to come out this time, at least I got a new Teigu!
He picked up the sickle-shaped Teigu and waved it casually a few times. It seemed that there was nothing special about it. He turned around and saw Shimomuraizumi Qinfan standing behind him with the sickle in his hand.

The sudden change made Izumi Shimomura startled, his body subconsciously entered the state of elementalization, but one arm was cut off and fell to the ground, but it quickly turned into a puddle of grease and merged into the ground.

"Huh?" Qin Fan looked at the sickle in his hand strangely. The attack of the sickle is nothing special, and it doesn't have any effect. It's just that he just cut Shimomuraizumi's neck but was cut by the sickle. There was nothing in the place where I passed, but Shimomura Izumi's arm was cut off.

This time Qin Fan swung the sickle vigorously against the ground, and sure enough, as Qin Fan thought, the blade of the sickle crossed the ground, but it sank directly into the ground like a phantom, and the position that was seen was not at all disturbed. Instead, the appearance of destruction was that a striking scratch appeared out of thin air next to the position where the scythe hit.

This scythe is very strange, it does not cause damage to the cut position, but forms a random damage around the cut. Although there is no special effect, this strange attack mode can sometimes be surprising!
"Okay! Since the damned and not damned are dead, let's go back too!" Qin Fan Langsheng said to the girls, putting the sickle Teigu in his private space.

(End of this chapter)

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