Chapter 119
"I don't agree!" In the headquarters of the night attack team, several main members had different expressions at this time.

"Leone! You should be clear, that guy first snatched your Teigu, then intercepted and snatched Hill's Teigu, and even defeated and captured Esdesh, his strength has far exceeded our imagination , if we can’t think of a way to deal with him, no matter whether it’s our night raid team or the revolutionary army, we will be powerless to resist!” Sitting on the leader’s chair, Najie Xitan said solemnly.

"BOSS! That person not only snatched our Teigu, but also made an enemy of the empire. The Four Rakshasa Ghosts are in his hands!" Leonai couldn't help but said.

"It's because of this that the empire agreed to form an alliance with us temporarily!" Lubbock said standing next to Najehitan.

"But why are we cooperating with this damned empire? We can definitely cooperate with that man to overthrow this corrupt empire!" Leone said angrily.

"That's impossible! That man is too powerful! Once we cooperate with him, the revolutionary army will definitely become his vassal. Even if the revolution succeeds, it will only become his wedding dress. At that time, you think he can build a country that we all have The expected new capital? I am afraid that another empire will be born at that time, and it may become even darker and more corrupt!" Najie Xitan frowned and said: "We can only take this opportunity to unite with the empires of the empire. Let's take action together and completely eliminate that person, only in this way we still have a glimmer of hope of victory!"

"I don't agree either!" Chi Tong said suddenly: "Everyone should be very clear about my previous identity. I became a companion with you because I couldn't bear the empire's actions. If I were to serve the empire again... I would rather quit!"

"I don't agree to cooperate with the empire either!" Brand also raised his hand and said: "Isn't the reason why we set up the Revolutionary Army because the empire is hopeless? If we really want to cooperate with such an empire, then we What's the difference between them and those lackeys raised by the empire?"

"Calm down! We are just cooperating with the Teigu envoys in the empire, not really cooperating with the empire. I know you may not be happy, but for the suffering people of the empire... "Najie Xitan hadn't finished speaking, but Leonai's cold voice interrupted it directly.

"I think it's for you!" The cold voice made the atmosphere in the room tense in an instant.

"Leonai!" Ma Yin yelled softly, and then took a deep breath, with a helpless expression that didn't match her age: "Hey! I know you're unhappy , we all know that when you were born in the slums, you experienced a lot of bad things when you were a child, but I want to say that as a mixed race, I have experienced absolutely no less than you! I also hate this country, but what is it to just hate What? Our purpose is to change this country, but we can only do this if the revolutionary army and the BOSS are in charge of this country! If you really cooperate with that man as you said, even if he agrees and overthrows it with us Empire, but when the time comes he doesn’t want to change, he wants to do the same thing as that emperor and that minister, so what shall we do then?”

The girl's words made everyone present fall into silence. It is a common human problem that when faced with things beyond their control, they often want to choose to destroy them. The power shown by Qin Fan is too powerful, so powerful that two people who are supposed to be The existence of the mortal enemy actually chose to join forces, but when Qin Fan got the news, it was already three days later!
"Are you planning to join forces with the Teigu envoy of the empire to deal with me?" Qin Fan looked at the blond girl in front of him with some surprise.

Ever since using the mirror to hypnotize the other party, Qin Fan actually had little contact with him, and even almost forgot about it later. Unexpectedly, this woman suddenly ran over early this morning and told him such a thing.

"Well! It was Najie Xitan's decision. They are too afraid of your power. Ever since they heard that you captured Esdesh, they have regarded you as the biggest obstacle to overthrowing the empire. Now they are even more willing to fight with you. The people of the empire cooperate, I don't know what they think!" Leonai said with a gloomy face.

"Actually, I don't care about this matter, but I'm curious. Are there any powerful Tegu envoys in the empire? I know that there seems to be a general named Bude who seems to be very powerful, but I heard that guy It seems to be an old antique, would he be willing to cooperate with you killer organizations?" Qin Fan said with some differences.

"It's not General Bud, but some veteran Teigu envoys specially recalled by the empire, Chitong's younger sister Heitong is also among them!" Leonai explained: "I also heard that the minister's son has rushed back to the imperial capital , and brought several guys who are suspected to be Tegu envoys, who may also be members of this alliance!"

"Are you forming an alliance?" Qin Fan nodded thoughtfully and then said, "Okay! You go back first, I know about it!"

"Master...Master!" Leonai did not leave immediately after hearing Qin Fan's words, but said with a struggling expression: "I know that you are collecting Teigu, Master, and I can help you to attack the members' Teigu at night. but, but can you ask the master not to hurt them?!"

"Uh...haha!" Hearing what the other party said, Qin Fan was slightly taken aback, but then chuckled lightly: "Are you worried that I will kill your friend?"

Leonai didn't answer Qin Fan's words, but the worried expression was self-evident.

"Okay! You don't need to worry about Tegu's affairs, you can just be my eyeliner with peace of mind. As for your friends, I promise you, I won't hurt them unless necessary!" Qin Fan's words were actually careful. When I think about it, it is almost the same as no guarantee. What is meant by what is not necessary is not all a matter of Qin Fan's words. However, under the influence of the mirror, Leonai did not hear the problem at all. On the contrary, she heard Qin Fan's words. Leonai's guarantee was very funny, and she respectfully gave it to Qin Fan and left happily.

"Master! Do you want to prepare?" Diana asked cautiously as she watched Leone leave.

"Preparing for what?" Qin Fan said indifferently, "Do you really think their alliance will last for a long time?"

"Not for long, but..." Diana hesitated to speak.

"I know! You want to say that as long as my enemy is still there, their alliance can be maintained, but what if my enemy is gone?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Master is leaving?" Diana was taken aback when she heard this, but she didn't expect Qin Fan to give such an answer.

"Why don't you leave? Didn't you see that I'm about to become a public enemy of the world? Good people treat me as a villain, and bad people also treat me as a villain, okay! I'd like to see how I, the villain, disappear. Be yourself!" Qin Fan said indifferently.

Hearing Qin Fan's words, Diana couldn't help but frowned. Diana subconsciously felt that Qin Fan's way of escaping from such a situation was very bad, but she had to say that it was a good idea. Choice, whether it is the empire or the revolutionary army, this time in order to deal with Qin Fan, it will inevitably gather as much power as possible, but the target of this power is suddenly gone, and the gathered power has nowhere to vent. When the time comes, the excitement may be great up.

(End of this chapter)

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