Chapter 125
"Brother Fan, this is our studio, are you interested in visiting?" Liang Kun brought Qin Fan to a warehouse-like place and said to Qin Fan.

Not to mention, after living two lifetimes, Mr. Lingling has traveled through many worlds. He has never seen anything like making a movie. He looked around and saw a small warehouse that seemed quite remote. There is a big discrepancy between the kind of studios I saw on the Internet.

"Here?" Qin Fan looked at Liang Kun suspiciously.

"Come, come, come and visit. If you are interested, Brother Fan, you can also play a guest role..." While pulling Qin Fan's arm with a lewd smile on his face, he was about to push open the small door of the warehouse, but stepped down In a second, the small door seemed to be kicked open forcefully from inside, and the door panel directly slapped Liang Kun's face, and then a woman in revealing clothes rushed out from inside.

Almost subconsciously, Qin Fan grabbed the woman's arm!

"Let go, let go, let go, let me go, ugly, ugly, ugly, old lady, I'll kill your whole family!" The woman immediately punched and kicked Qin Fan when she was pulled back, but this kind of attack was nothing to Qin Fan. It's not painful or itchy, but I'm also a little impatient. The coercion is released for a while, and the original crazy woman immediately becomes listless. The trembling from the soul makes this woman seem to be seriously ill all of a sudden, not to mention struggling. Even if he was standing, he couldn't do it and fell directly into Qin Fan's arms.

"Bastard, stinky bitch, who is it!" A man with long hair wearing the round sunglasses of the Republic of China came out of the warehouse, but the three bloodstains on the guy's face were particularly striking. When thinking of the woman who ran away just now, the murderer is self-evident.

"Damn it! Dare to scratch me, bitch!" Since there were only three people at the door, Liang Kun squatted on the ground covering his face, Qin Fan's arms around the woman seemed particularly eye-catching, and the man saw him almost immediately. Immediately, he walked over and reached out to grab the hair of the woman in Qin Fan's arms.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Qin Fan at all, but grabbing the person in Qin Fan's arms in front of Qin Fan never said a word to Qin Fan. This attitude of not treating himself as a human being also made him a little angry. He didn't even need to think about raising his leg and just kicking him. Of course, with the lessons learned from Chen Haonan and Shanji, Qin Fan had a sense of restraint this time, but even so That guy was kicked and flew upside down, his legs softened and he knelt down.

"Ah! You, you kicked me so loudly?" Kneeling on the ground and covering his belly with his hands, the long-haired man said to Qin Fan with a somewhat stern voice.

"Obviously I dare! You are guessing whether I dare to kill you!" Qin Fan looked at the other party and said with a smile.

"I..." I was still dazzled by anger just now, but at this moment, I calmed down completely as if a basin of cold water was poured on it, but it was only for a moment that my face reappeared viciously and said fiercely: "You , you know who I am, I am Brother Kun, please come..."

"I'll fuck you!" Liang Kun, who didn't know when she stood up, kicked that guy's face directly, and then seemed to be still angry, followed him and kicked again, and said while kicking: "Even Brother Fan, if you dare to scold me, I will kill you!"

At the same time, the door of the warehouse was also opened, and several people came out one after another. They were all stunned when they saw the scene outside: "Kun, Brother Kun! This..."

"What are you looking at! Damn, pull him down!" Seeing the other people on the set following him, Liang Kun shouted directly.

However, the long-haired man escaped from Liang Kun's beating and seemed to have lost his temper. While being dragged, he pointed at Liang Kun and yelled: "Jing Kun, I'm so stupid! You are so ungrateful, if I am here I will take your surname to make a movie for you, if you dare to hit me, I will be stupid..."

It seems that the scolding is nothing more than that, that guy still wants to come up and tear it up with Liang Kun, but he can't break free when he is being pulled, until Liang Kun stares at him, finally shut up, but He is also a master who bullies the soft and fears the hard, but he obviously doesn't know whether Liang Kun is soft or hard. Of course, although Liang Kun is a member of the club, it is impossible to kill people every day in the company when he has nothing to do, so in his film and television company Among them, although the ordinary employees or clerks knew that the boss of the company had a gangster background, they actually didn't have an accurate understanding of how gangster the gangster was. That's why the director dared to scold Liangkun.

"Brother Fan! I'm sorry, I made you laugh. Why, have you taken a fancy to this girl?" He came to Qin Fan and said politely.

"Uh! Well, is your nose alright?" Qin Fan looked at the other party's obviously collapsed nose and asked.

"It's okay! Just wipe it off! Who is that, come here and prepare a room for Brother Fan, let Brother Fan try acting!" The latter sentence was obviously not meant for Qin Fan, and he casually pointed to a field worker and said.

There is not a single good person who comes to Liangkun to make films. You must know that there are women who are willing to make tertiary films, but not too many. Most of them need to use some means for the first time. So if all these people are really arrested and sentenced, It can be said that no one was wronged, so after hearing Liang Kun's words, the worker immediately understood, nodded and bowed to Qin Fan and said, "Brother Fan, right? This way please!"

"Liangkun! Wipe it off and come to me, I have something to talk to you!" Qin Fan didn't immediately follow the other party, but said to Liangkun who was about to leave.

"Me?" Liang Kun was taken aback when she heard Qin Fan's words, and quickly waved her hands and said, "Brother Fan, I can't do it. Hemorrhoids are very serious recently. How about I find some actors for you?"

"Go beep!" Qin Fan almost didn't lift his foot to kick over. People say that it's not easy to learn badly, but it's fast. After following these swearing bastards for a long time, Qin Fan now also likes to utter dirty words: "I It means that I’m talking to you! I don’t like men!”

"Business? Okay!" Liang Kun was obviously taken aback for a moment, but nodded quickly.

In the original book, Liang Kun seems to give people the impression that he is a heinous villain, sinister, cruel, crazy and a little nervous, but in reality?Apart from these, is Liangkun really useless?You must know that Hong Xing was founded by the old man of the Jiang family and has been in charge of Jiang Tiansheng all the time. However, Liangkun, an outsider, a young and Dangerous gangster with no roots and no family, was able to take Hong Xing's leader, only relying on insidiousness and ruthlessness. It can't be done, in fact, the moment Liangkun saw Qin Fan again, he already decided that this is a person who can be used, but after seeing Qin Fan's true strength, he was a little scared, but Xiongxiong is like this, he He will also be afraid and afraid, but the ambition hidden in his heart is driving him. Even in the face of fear and fear, he will not give up. It is precisely because of this that this kind of person will use unscrupulous means or even be unreasonable. , The hero comes from this.

(End of this chapter)

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