King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 126 Making Movies

Chapter 126 Making Movies
A lounge in the warehouse, just a mattress thrown in the corner looks very simple, but with the hot-dressed girl on the mattress, it makes this simple room look a little different mood.

"If you keep pretending, I don't mind beeping the corpse!" Qin Fan said looking at the woman whose eyes were still closed and her body was still stiff after being thrown on the mattress.

Hearing what Qin Fan said, the woman seemed unable to pretend anymore, and quickly opened her eyes to look at Qin Fan: "You, you, don't come here! I, I, I tell you, if you dare to touch me , I, my boss will not let you go!"

"Who is your boss?" Qin Fan looked at the other party and asked casually.

"I..." After hearing Qin Fan's words, the woman couldn't speak. You must know that she was originally sent by her boss to make a third-grade movie. If she said that her boss would cover her up now, she would not Believe it, just gritted your teeth and said directly: "I, I, I tell you, I have Ai, Ai, AIDS! You, if you dare to touch me, you, you will die!"

"Oh! What a coincidence, that's great. Just now I was worried that I would feel sorry if I passed on the disease to you. Now it's all right. Anyway, you also have the disease, so we don't have to worry about who infects whom! "Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Ah..." Hearing what Qin Fan said, the girl was completely dumbfounded. She had thought about her dangerous situation, and thought that the worst result might be to be beeped in turn!But she never imagined that it was possible...
"Wow~~~~" Unable to control it anymore, the girl just burst into tears and burst into tears. The desperate energy is really... quite funny!

"Oh, it's nice to see you cry," Qin Fan simply sat on the bed and said with a smile.

"Wow...uh!" Hearing Qin Fan's words, the girl stopped crying like a duck suddenly pinched her neck, and then looked at Qin Fan with a bitter face and said, "Big, big, Brother, I, I see that you are a good person, and, actually, I don’t have Ai, Ai, Ai, Ai..."

"Hehe! Just kidding, don't worry. I still have high requirements for women. I don't like you as a vulgar fan. Tell me, what's your name?" Qin Fan said with a slight smile .

Hearing what Qin Fan said, the girl curled her lips subconsciously, as if it would be weird to say that you, an ugly ghost, could be admired by others, but she didn't dare to say or disbelieve her and quickly echoed: "I, my name is Xixili , Brother is right, I am such a vulgar and vulgar fan brother, how can you like me, then, if there is nothing wrong with that, I, I think I will leave!" While talking, he got up and was about to go out , Qin Fan didn't stop him but said with a smile: "Are you sure you want to leave?"

"Uh..." Hearing what Qin Fan said, the girl immediately realized that she was still in the wolf's lair, she smirked a few times, then ran over and said, "Brother, brother! You, can you see if you can see me?" Should I go out? I, I must thank you very much!"

"That's it! Don't say I won't give you a chance, you choose yourself, either I will let you go out now, or follow me in the future! Which one do you choose?" Qin Fan still looked at the other party with a smile and said.

"Uh...hehe! Big, big brother thinks highly of me, I, of course I am willing to follow big brother, but I, I am really in a hurry, see if this is okay big brother, let me go back first, wait, wait, wait..."

"Okay, okay! Let me take you out!" Qin Fan didn't want to say anything more. When he heard the other party's stammering tone just now, Qin Fan guessed that the other party should be the heroine of Young and Dangerous. Qin Fan He still wanted to keep the other party by his side, but since the other party didn't want to, Qin Fan didn't bother to use magic tricks to deal with an ordinary person.

Today's Qin Fan is no longer the hungry and thirsty nerd at the beginning. With the gradual increase of women around him, Qin Fan also has to pick and choose. If the other party has any special abilities or is really beautiful Qin Fan Maybe there will be some tricks. Although this little stutterer looks good, it is just above the standard line. In fact, this woman is not as good-looking as the actor in the movie. Qin Fan has no interest at all. Forced into the harem.

Of course, if the other party took the initiative to stick to Qin Fan, he wouldn't mind having an extra woman, but since the other party didn't know what was good or bad, Qin Fan didn't want to bother! (Mysterious voice: where do you come from so confident that you think there will be women who will back you with your face?)
After sending this little stutter away, Qin Fan directly approached Liang Kun, who had a band-aid on his nose, and Qin Fan also said straight to the point without politeness: "Brother Kun thinks that making such a small movie is better than a serious movie." Make more money?"

Liang Kun didn't expect Qin Fan to ask such a sentence suddenly, looked at Qin Fan suspiciously and said uncertainly: "Brother Fan, this big movie is to make money, as long as we can invite those big-name stars, one movie will make money." A few million is not a problem, but now there are many associations making movies, the Sanlian Gang, and Dongxing are all staring at this piece, and it may not be so easy to cut the meat!"

Before crossing, Qin Fan had heard that the entertainment circle in Hong Kong in the 90s was very chaotic, and various gangs almost went to the set with knives to grab actors, such as Andy Lau, as long as they could be invited, it didn’t matter what the film was. How bad the script is and how bad the filming is, all movie fans pay for it. Although there are no four heavenly kings in this world, there are similar big-name movie stars. Marriage talk in Chengdu is even better than Qin Fan's earth before he traveled, so Not to mention strong actors using knives, there are also guns. Many times the director found out that the actors inside had really chopped up while filming, and quickly stopped, only to find that it was not the actors who did the killing, but Come over to this kind of farce of strong actors' gangsters!So Liang Kun said that it is not easy is already relatively conservative.

"Don't worry about this, isn't it a strong actor? If anyone dares to come and snatch me, I will kill him, or it will be over!" Qin Fan said indifferently.

Hearing what Qin Fan said, Liang Kun immediately thought of the back figure holding the iron fence to challenge a hundred, and immediately said: "Brother Fan, if you are willing to make a move, of course there is no problem, but if Brother Fan wants to make quick money, I still suggest shooting." For some tertiary films, the money comes in quickly and no one is jealous, and Pai’s big movies not only have a lot of upfront investment but are also slow to pay back, the gain outweighs the loss!"

To be honest, Liangkun didn't want Qin Fan to make a movie for no other reason than to offend others!Of course, Liang Kun is not afraid of offending people, the main reason is that he does not seem to offend people because of making movies. Although Liang Kun has opened a film and television company, the entire Hong Kong underworld knows that Liang Kun makes tertiary films, but his main business is not Making money by making small movies, otherwise he would not have the money to buy Hong Xing's other hall masters and even finally usurped the class and seized power to become a sitting hall. The voice of his real money is drug dealers. Those bosses offended and affected his "serious business"

"Crack!" Qin Fan threw a pack of gray-brown tobacco-like stuff on the table, Qin Fan looked at the other party with a smile and said, "Try this!"

(End of this chapter)

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