King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 127 Making Movies

Chapter 127 Making Movies
"Try this!" Qin Fan pointed to the packet of shredded tobacco and said to Liang Kun!

This pack of shredded tobacco-like stuff is not real smoke, but a special drug from the Zhantong world. It is similar in nature to similar products in this world, but the effect is better, whether it is the feeling when using it, or The speed of addiction and the damage to the body far exceed the original products in this world.

The reason why Qin Fan took out this thing was not because Qin Fan knew that Liang Kun was mainly engaged in this kind of thing, but he also guessed that a heinous villain like the other party would definitely not mind operating this kind of thing. Although making a movie is a way to make a fortune But as Liang Kun said just now, the long cycle is slow and the effect is slow, but it is not as fast as this thing. Of course, Qin Fan is not short of money, but he lacks the earning channels that can be used. He must let Hong Xing's Everyone knows that Qin Fan has the ability to lead them to make a fortune together. Movies and such addictive gadgets are black and white. Once they are all in operation, the funds obtained are absolutely beyond the imagination of Hongxing. Looking at such a large sum of money Once the money is in hand, even if Qin Fan doesn't mention it, people from Hongxing will rush to invite him to sit in the hall!
"Brother Fan, if you like smoking, I'll get you some cigars..." Although he didn't say it directly, the disgust in Liang Kun's eyes was self-evident.

"Hehe!" Qin Fan didn't say much, and rolled one for the other party by himself.

Although the development of science and technology is not very developed in the Zhantong world, there are many animals and plants in that world that cannot be imagined in other worlds. This kind of tobacco leaf is actually not too special. Even if it is not purified, the effect is much better than those of high-purity white powder. Of course, because the effect is too good, the damage to the nerves is more serious. If this kind of tobacco leaves are used for a long time, it will last for four to five years at most. It can completely collapse a person's nervous system, and this damage is irreversible. Simply put, this thing is a chronic poison with no antidote at all, but it is also because of this, there is no way to quit this thing, once addicted If you don't take it anymore, the painful feeling of brain pumping and marrow will be with you for a lifetime!
"Then thank you, Brother Fan!" Although Liangkun felt rustic about this kind of cigarette, since Qin Fan handed it to him, he couldn't refuse it, and it wasn't poison, so just smoke it.

He took out the lighter, lit the cigarette, and took a deep breath. He wanted to give the other party some face and pretended to be nice, but when the slightly blue smoke entered his lungs, an indescribable The feeling of relaxation pervades in an instant, and Liangkun feels that the whole world has become extremely clear in an instant, as if suddenly the world is under his control, and he has become omnipotent. Of course, this feeling is false, as if drinking too much People would feel that they are very powerful, they would not accept anyone except the wall, they would dare to fight against the police, at this time Liangkun felt the same, coupled with the comfortable feeling all over his body, he was completely fascinated by this almost instantly state.

"How do you feel?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Hehe! Great..." Although his sanity was still there, he drooled unknowingly when he spoke, and his ability to control his body had obviously become extremely weak.

He took another puff of the cigarette fiercely, and the small cigarette was almost swallowed up by him in one gulp.

"Huh!" Spitting out the gray-white smoke, Liang Kun simply slumped on the chair and began to enjoy it until the feeling of ecstasy faded. When he wanted to smoke again, he found that the cigarette in his hand had been burned out. He wanted to roll another one by himself, but was snatched away by Qin Fan.

"Brother Fan, let me have a good time, it's so cool!" Liang Kun said emotionally.

"This thing is very powerful. It's not good for your health to use it for the first time! Let's talk about business. Do you think this thing has a problem?"

"Damn! Of course there is..." Without even thinking about it, Liang Kun directly slapped the table and said, but in the next second, he calmed down again: "Uh...haha! Brother Fan, you may not know that we Hong Mr. Xingjiang hates his subordinates doing this thing the most, so..."

"The underworld doesn't engage in pornography, gambling and drugs?" Qin Fan looked at the other party in surprise.

"Uh... There's nothing wrong with pornography, but this poison..." Liang Kun said with a troubled face, but the expression on Qin Fan's face while talking was a bit funny.

"Oh! That's good! Pretend I didn't say it..." Qin Fan said indifferently while reaching for the pack of shredded tobacco and said, "I'm also asking for a friend, since Brother Kun doesn't want to touch this thing, just pretend I didn't say it !"

"Don't!" Seeing that Qin Fan was about to stuff the pack of shredded tobacco into his arms, Liang Kun rushed over and grabbed Qin Fan's hand: "Uh... If Brother Fan is interested in doing it, Mr. Jiang will count Fart!" While speaking, he carefully took the shredded tobacco from Qin Fan's hand.

"So you're interested?" Qin Fan said while looking at the other party with a smile.

"No problem, if Brother Fan wants to do it, my brother can take care of the bulk!" While talking, he rolled one again and held it in his mouth.

Seeing that the other party fell into a state of self-indulgence again, Qin Fan shook his head slightly. It is estimated that according to Liang Kun's pumping method, he would be pumped to death in less than two years, but would Qin Fan care?He didn't plan to stay in this world for two years at all. He was going to leave after the mission was perfectly completed, and it was not certain whether he would come back in the future. As for those people who died or went crazy because of this kind of smoke, Qin Fan wanted to say that the former world Everyone in the world knows that smoking beep poison is harmful, but you still have to try it, so even if you die, don’t you deserve it?

"Then it's settled. After I go back, I will ask someone to send you some goods first. The money will be settled after you sell it. I will get my share of the money. You help me set up a film crew with your company. I want to make a movie!" Qin Fan said bluntly.

Liang Kun, who was about to light a cigarette, jumped when he heard this sentence. It wasn't because Qin Fan wanted to make a movie. In his opinion, making a movie was nothing more than Qin Fan wanting to have fun, and he didn't care whether he made money or not. It doesn't matter, but Qin Fan's previous sentence really surprised him, goods first, money later, is there such a good thing in this business?

"Brother Fan, how much can you provide?" Liang Kun subconsciously put down the lighter, stared at Qin Fan and said.

"How much do you want?" Qin Fan asked instead.

"If every venue is scattered, it will cost more than ten kilograms in a week, right?" Liang Kun said tentatively.

"I don't know how many people there are, but you have absolutely no problem with this amount!" Qin Fan said indifferently, this kind of thing can be exchanged directly from the system, not to mention dozens of kilograms, he can also exchange dozens of tons Can get it: "Okay! You can continue to enjoy, and the rest will be discussed when the goods arrive!"

Seeing the other party lit the cigarette again, Qin Fan knew that the other party would not remember if he continued to talk, but fortunately he patted the other party on the shoulder and walked out, leaving only the room full of clouds and mist, but his face showed dementia The pretty-looking Liangkun let out a meaningless moan...
(End of this chapter)

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