Chapter 129
Seeing her boss go in, the bodyguard followed closely behind, and the woman had no choice but to follow in. As soon as she entered the door, a faint smell of fishy smell came from the warehouse, and immediately after looking around, the huge In addition to stacking some sundries in the warehouse, there is actually a special area in the middle that is specially separated. There are some carpets and a not-so-clean mattress on the floor. The surrounding cameras and lights are fairly complete. It looked like the ruffian guy was standing around the mattress, but when he saw the woman coming in, he couldn't help showing a weird smile.

"Come on! Try it out!" Just as the woman thought inwardly, there was a sudden sound of closing and locking the iron door at the back, and then the woman only felt her arms tighten, and a strong force pulled her Follow her to go forward.

"Godfather! I'm not going to shoot anymore, godfather!" The sudden turn of events was that the woman was so frightened that she burst into tears, while the fourth master on the other side turned green with anger, even if she had never seen such a scene You can also guess that it will definitely not be a place to make any good movies, right?Thinking of Liangkun's profession, what he beeped was that he wanted his daughter to make a tertiary film!

He directly pulled out a pistol from the waist of a bodyguard next to him and pointed it at the back of Qin Fan's head: "You are beeping and taking a step forward, let me see!"

Turning back slowly, Qin Fan sized up the old man holding the pistol with great interest and said, "Can Hongxing's people hit their own people with guns?"

"You beep..." Just before he finished speaking, Qin Fan suddenly raised his hand and snatched the opponent's pistol. Not to mention the old man, even the two bodyguards next to him could only see the pistol. There was a phantom, and when they reacted, one was about to pull out a gun and the other was about to protect the old man, but Qin Fan's gun went off first.

"Bang bang!" Two shots in a row were neatly shot, and a blood hole appeared in the forehead of the two bodyguards respectively...

"Ah!!!" A scream came from beside Qin Fan, but it was the goddaughter who was frightened by the sudden scene and shouted out, but Qin Fan ignored him, and just pointed his pistol at the person in front of him. The old man said with a harmless look on his face, "We, Hong Xing, can't shoot our own people with guns, can we?"

"You, what do you want?" The old man's face was extremely ugly, but after all, he broke through in strong winds and waves, so he wouldn't pee his pants in fear of being pointed at by a pistol.

"What do you want? I've come here, of course I want to make a movie!" Qin Fan smiled sinisterly, but suddenly turned around and said to the people behind: "Start work!"

A few male actors have long been terrified by the scene just now, but those who make this kind of film, except for those who are naturally exuberant, basically need some medical help, otherwise, who would do such physical labor every day? I can't stand it either.

The screams and wailing rang out by itself, but the goddaughter who had been invincible just now had turned into a shaved lamb, and the fourth master on the side had turned blue but didn't say a word.

The woman said that she was his goddaughter, but she was actually just a plaything of his. If you like it, you don't have to go all out for a woman. Even he was angry not because of this woman, but because of Qin Fan's humiliation to him. That's right, he has already thought about this matter. He will definitely make this ugly ghost pay the price when this matter is over. He wants this ugly ghost to know that there are rules in this world!
"Brother Fan! I won't bother you if you are so busy filming! Can I go back?" The old man's face was as cold as the twelfth lunar month, and the old man almost gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't watch it? You're the protagonist of the daughter!" Qin Fan said, looking at the other party.

"Don't watch it!" Without saying anything, the old man nodded silently and said nothing else.

I have to say that Qin Fan really admires this old guy a little bit. You must know that tolerating what others can't bear is the minimum standard for becoming a master. Others don't know that if someone treats Qin Fan like this, no matter whether the other party is better than himself or not, Qin Fan must have exploded long ago!

"Hehe! Okay! Then you go, I think we will meet again soon!" Qin Fan nodded with a smile, and not only that, but also went to open the small door of the warehouse for the other party himself.

He didn't say anything more, didn't even look at Qin Fan more, the old man just walked out with his head down.

"Wait a minute!" Qin Fan said suddenly, the old man couldn't help trembling, but subconsciously stopped in his tracks.

"Your daughter doesn't seem to like filming very much, why don't you take her back!" Qin Fan said suddenly.

"No!" Without any hesitation, without even looking back at the woman, the old man said directly: "After she likes filming, stay here and let her shoot as much as she wants! Old man, my body is failing, and I can't bear her torment. Brother Fan! If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Qin Fan really admired the other party more and more. Qin Fan felt the other party's anger, and guessed that this old thing would definitely retaliate, but that kind of anger that was obviously burning but did not show half of it was Qin Fan had to say it was great.

Just as Violent guessed, the fourth master Wu who left almost gritted his teeth. He hasn't suffered such a great humiliation for many years. Paper!it is good!You like to play, right? I will accompany you!

Speaking of which, Qin Fan really offended the right person this time!Apart from other things, this Fourth Master Wu can be regarded as a senior mission in Hong Xing. Although he will not ask about Hong Xing anymore because he has retired, even if Jiang Tiansheng, this Hong Xing, sits in this Wu The fourth master didn't dare to make a big deal in front of him. Compared with other professions, gangsters pay more attention to seniority. It may be because the more rules there are, the more rules are needed. Those who do not respect morals and rules are indeed Yes, and there are many who are doing well, but without exception, none of them have a good death, so the real bosses are especially concerned about the rules.

To put it bluntly, even if Jiang Tiansheng convulsed and took the initiative to abdicate to the virtuous after offending this Fourth Master Wu and wanted to be Hong Xing's seat, the other bosses would never agree, even if Qin Fan broke the jar and directly brought him Bringing a group of terminators over to occupy Hong Xing by force, that's not justified, so it has to be said that Qin Fan offended this Fourth Master Wu was a bad move, but so what?
Although he was very curious about the reward of this random task, it was just curiosity. Wouldn't Qin Fan pretend to be a grandson just because of this mere curiosity?It doesn't matter what happens if you are in a good mood, Qin Fan is best at turning tables, if it makes him feel bad, then no one will be happy!
(End of this chapter)

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