King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 130 Discussing the Arguments

Chapter 130 Discussing the Arguments

"Jiang Sheng! You have to explain this matter to me. The few of us old people are veterans who lived and died together with your father. Now we are old and can't kill people. You can't cross the river and tear down bridges!" A gray-haired man The tall and thin man hit the ground vigorously with his cane, and said with an angry face.

"Uncle Yu! Look at what you said. What you are doing are all my seniors. If there are not a few of them, my Jiang family would not be today. When my father was alive, I regarded a few of them as brothers. Now that my father is gone, those few are me. Uncles, Hong Xing has me, Jiang Tiansheng, no one dares to disrespect these uncles." Jiang Tiansheng said righteously.

I have to say that this Jiang Tiansheng is not comparable to ordinary people. In the movie, he was pulled down by Liang Kun. However, if you look closely, you will find that his capable subordinates defected because of a mere 500 million yuan, and took the lead to raise their hands to betray him. , but then he betrayed Liangkun and pushed him to a dead end. Although in the plot it was because the pheasant would give more benefits to which of the two or five boys, the problem is that he betrayed for 500 million Jiang Tiansheng, it means that Jiang Tiansheng was offended to death, even a person who has no scheming knows that he can't give Jiang Tiansheng a chance to stand up, otherwise he will definitely not have good fruit for him, and then because of 5000 million, let Jiang Tiansheng please come backPay attention, what the pheasant said in the plot is to give him 5000 million to let him come back, not to catch him back!Taking such a big risk for 5000 million?Even if people make money and birds die for food, but if there is a premise of death in order to get wealth, no one will really choose to get rich, right?Maybe someone will tell him to help Jiang Tiansheng make a comeback at this time, maybe Jiang Tiansheng will forgive him for his original betrayal!But will this really happen?
If your friend put you in prison for money, and then another friend of yours gave you more money to this friend to clarify for you, would you forgive the friend who framed you after you were released?From another perspective, if you were the one who framed your friend for money, and the person you framed and imprisoned had the ability to kill you easily, would you save this enemy who hated you for more money?The most amazing thing is that in the second part of Young and Dangerous, this old man is still there and is still Mr. Jiang's right-hand man. This guy who can easily betray him for money stays by his side and entrusts him with a heavy responsibility. I really don't want to?
There are a lot of stupid people in this world, but it is definitely not a stupid person to be a big brother of the underworld, but if a person who is not stupid does something that looks very stupid to you, there is only one answer, that is This thing that seems stupid to you actually has another interpretation that is not stupid.

Since ancient times, whether it is the king of a country or the king of a copycat, all he needs to command his subordinates is four words, "Give both kindness and power!" Grace is naturally a benefit, especially for a gangster like Hong Xing. If there is no benefit, who will follow you desperately?But it’s not enough just to have benefits, otherwise people will not only not think you are the boss, but will think you are a fat sheep. At this time, you need "prestige". The prestige here can be prestige, but it is more of a threat!You need to make your subordinates afraid of you, so that they will willingly obey your orders. Mr. Jiang is very good at doing business. Under his leadership, Hong Xing's business is very prosperous, and his subordinates have also tasted a lot of sweetness. Therefore, Jiang Tiansheng has no problem at all in terms of "graciousness", but he is somewhat lacking in "power". After all, Hong Xing was brought down by Jiang Tiansheng's father. The location of the hotel is of course very good, but at the same time, there are many young and Dangerous people who look down on this gentle young master. They have never hacked or fought with them, so why should they convince you?Liangkun is just a representative, and Jiang Tiansheng has been aware of this for a long time, but there has been no good opportunity for him to stand up. It just so happened that Liangkun stepped forward at this time, so he used Liangkun to When he obtained the money from drug trafficking in private and bought the bosses of the big halls, Jiang Tiansheng signaled his right-hand assistant, A Yao, to do his best. It can be said that although Jiang Tiansheng has not really experienced a bloody storm, he is indeed a qualified boss no matter in terms of strategy or grasping people's hearts.

Now I saw a few veterans who had already retired from the arena came to find me together. Although I understood that these old guys clearly wanted to rely on the old to sell the old, but on the surface they would not show it in the slightest.

"Extremely rest assured, I have already made this matter clear, and I will definitely explain this matter to everyone!" Jiang Tiansheng said righteously.

In fact, Jiang Tiansheng is also very contradictory about Qin Fan. First of all, it is Qin Fan. Jiang Tiansheng always feels that this guy has big plans. He felt that there must be someone behind that ugly monster, but the problem is that until now he has not found out who the person behind the scenes is, so Jiang Tiansheng can only take time to see the real purpose of the other party, on the other hand, Jiang Tiansheng himself is considered a gang Among them, the one who is more open-minded, he is willing to accept new things, but helpless gang members are all old and stubborn, not to mention computers, some even don't like to watch TV, gramophones are considered high-tech in their eyes, Jiang Tiansheng knows that if the gang continues like this, it will not work, so he very much hopes that some gang members will give them Hongxing some new things, new things that can make money, so that those old guys will naturally start to try these new things after they taste the sweetness Yes, so when Qin Fan proposed to use computer special effects to make movies, he instinctively supported him very much, but when the other party didn't even use Hong Xing's money, but instead brought in a large amount of sponsorship, Jiang Tiansheng was a little worried. He always felt that there might be some conspiracy hidden in this, and he couldn't figure out what it was, but this time the few old guys came over to give him a good excuse, just to use this to find out the bottom of the other party!
"Ayao! Go and get..." However, just when Jiang Tiansheng was about to let Qin Fan find him, the mobile phone named Ayao rang first, and he answered the phone and whispered a few words After that, Ayao's expression became a little weird. After hanging up the phone, Ayao glanced at the old men over there with a strange expression, then lowered his head and said to Jiang Tiansheng in a low voice: "Mr. Fan's movie starts today....The Governor of Hong Kong participated in his opening ceremony!"

(End of this chapter)

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