King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 131 Mission Completion

Chapter 131 Mission Completion
In the TV, a white man was smiling and shaking hands with a short and fat man in front of him with a swollen nose, wide mouth and swollen eyes. The newscaster was broadcasting in fluent Cantonese.

In front of the TV, Jiang Tiansheng looked at the screen in the TV with a serious expression, but remained silent for a long time.

"How could this boy have anything to do with the Governor of Hong Kong? Didn't I hear that the Governor of Hong Kong also likes to watch movies?" The old man surnamed Yu who just said to Jiang Tiansheng's prostitution just now frowned at this time. To be honest, he Come over to give the platform to Fourth Master Wu. Although he has some friendship with Fourth Master Wu, the main reason is because of interests.

The only thing old guys like them want to live well is their reputation in the arena. The bosses of all parties will give some face. Now that Fourth Master Wu has been slapped in the face, if they don't stand up, then others People will think that senior big shots like them are just some outdated antiques. At that time, no one will listen to them, and trouble will follow. That's why they are so united. They sent them together to explain to the current boss Hong Xing, but there is a premise for all of this, that is, the guy named Qin Fan is just a stunned young man who just appeared in the world. It is most appropriate to kill chickens and monkeys, but if this stupefied head is not a chicken, but a tiger...
"Fourth! What's the origin of that kid?" An old man said to Fourth Master Wu who had the same ugly face, but there was a little questioning in his tone.

"It's just a stupid boy who just debuted, and I don't know what kind of shit luck he got..." Looking at the ugly grinning face on TV, Fourth Master Wu's expression was ugly.

"Is it really like this? Don't make fun of us old people, we can't stand it at such an age!" An old man said.

"What do you mean by that! Ah Sheng is here too, you can ask Ah Sheng if you don't believe me!" Fourth Master Wu said with some dissatisfaction.

"Several people, I think this matter should be done first! Don't worry, no matter what, I will definitely ask Afan to clarify the matter!" Jiang Tiansheng said calmly.

"No!" Unexpectedly, Fourth Master Wu suddenly said, "Jiang Sheng, that kid made someone rape my goddaughter in front of me. If this is the case, I, Fourth Master Wu, How can you have any face? Jiang Sheng, I will ask you this matter and you don’t care about it!"

Taking a deep look at the other party, Jiang Tiansheng said again word by word: "I said I will give you an explanation!"

He seemed dissatisfied with Jiang Tiansheng's answer, but Fourth Master Wu didn't say anything in the end, he just let out a cold snort and walked out directly. Also won't be staying.

"Mr. Jiang?" Watching those old men leave one by one, Ayao who was on the side seemed to want to say something but was interrupted by Jiang Tiansheng's wave of his hand.

He needs to calm down a little bit. Although he is Hong Xing's office, he is in charge of half the sky of Hong Kong's dark world, but the underworld is the underworld. The reason why they are so rampant is not because they are powerful and cover the sky with their hands. As a concession, the mainland government can't control it. Well, the UK doesn't want to take care of it, so it gave them the soil for these side-by-side developments, but if the government really takes action against them...
Looking at the ugly face on TV, Jiang Tiansheng couldn't help but recall that when he was discussing this guy with the person in charge below, someone guessed that he was a soldier king sent by the mainland to rectify the dark forces in Hong Kong. If this guess is true, then It seems that everything has become logical, the real person behind the other party, the other party can directly contact the Governor of Hong Kong, all this seems to make sense, but if my guess is true, then what should I do? how?
"Mr. Jiang..." A Yao's voice once again interrupted Jiang Tiansheng's chaotic thoughts, and he tilted his head to look at the other party with a little dissatisfaction, but he saw that A Yao, who had always been heavy, was looking at him in disbelief. The orientation of the TV.

"What's wrong?" said almost subconsciously, and at the same time turned his head to look like a TV, but the picture on the TV made Jiang Tiansheng stand up from his chair suddenly.

I saw a group of people cutting the ribbon together in the picture, but apart from the ugly ghost and the Governor of Hong Kong who surprised Jiang Tiansheng, there were several people who made Jiang Tiansheng unbelievable.

Luo Tuo, the boss of the East Star, Lei Gong, the boss of the Sanlian Gang, Kazuo Kusakari of the Yamada-gumi... all the gangsters attended together, and looked at each of them. For Hong Kong, no!It should be said that the entire Southeast Asia is an extremely important face, Jiang Tiansheng suddenly sat back on the chair with some powerlessness.

Jiang Tiansheng knew about the opening ceremony, but Qin Fan didn't invite him, so he didn't go, but now it seems that all the big gangsters in Southeast Asia are gathered, but he, Jiang Tiansheng, has nothing to say, what is this?Don't bring yourself to play?

Speaking of this matter, Jiang Tiansheng felt a little strange, so many bosses came to his chassis, but he didn't receive any news. Jiang Tiansheng suddenly felt that he, Hong Xing's boss, had disappeared in name only.

"Ayao, am I getting old?" Jiang Tiansheng asked suddenly.

"How could it be, Mr. Jiang, you won't be in your fifties this year, you are in your prime!" Ayao said.

"Yes! It's 49!" Jiang Tiansheng sighed slightly and then looked at the ugly face on the TV that was hard to forget: "Young people today are really amazing! Yao, call Afan soon and ask him to come home, and I will treat him to dinner!"

"Uh... yes! I'll call him right away!" Ayao was also frightened by the pictures on the TV. As a gangster, he wouldn't be able to recognize those people on the TV. Throwing a bomb at the scene of the Ugly Ghost movie started, it is estimated that even if the gangs in Southeast Asia were wiped out, why did so many gangsters run over to give them a small young and Dangerous platform for Hong Xing?A Yao couldn't figure it out, but there was no doubt about it, Hong Xing was about to change his mind!
"Don't be so anxious. Even if you call now, I'm afraid you won't be able to get through. Call later! If he doesn't have time, he can whenever he has time!" Jiang Tiansheng said calmly.

"Yes..." Ayao didn't say anything more, he understood Jiang Tiansheng's mood very well at this time, as Hong Xing was sitting in the hall, these gangsters appeared together on Hong Xing's chassis without notifying him, this undoubtedly showed that He adopted an attitude, that is, in the eyes of these gangsters, he no longer recognized Jiang Tiansheng as the boss of Hong Xing. If Jiang Tiansheng has an opinion, then his Hong Xing sitting in the hall will be done. If he is sensible, he may be able to retreat unscathed. If he is not sensible...
"Ding! Random task, complete the task as the leader of Hong Xing, task evaluation: A-, task reward: world scan scroll x1" Qin Fan, who was far away at the filming scene, received this abrupt message inexplicably, and suddenly I don't know what to say!

(End of this chapter)

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