King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 132 The Mortal World

Chapter 132 The Mortal World
To be honest, the completion of the inexplicable and miraculous task made Qin Fan a little unprepared, but after thinking about it later, it made sense. When Qin Fan first received this task, he decided not to use extraordinary power to touch Hongxing's people as much as possible. , But later I thought that Hong Xing's people could not move, but why couldn't other people move?So Qin Fan ran around on a temporary basis, hypnotizing all the big shots including the governor of Hong Kong, Taiwan's Sanlian Gang, Hong Kong Dongxing, and Japan's Yamada group. Originally, Qin Fan wanted to increase his sphere of influence so that it would be convenient for the future Seizing Hong Xing to sit in the hall, but he didn't expect that his action was really scary, so that as soon as the news spread, not only Jiang Tiansheng, but even Hong Xing's hall masters knew that Hong Xing would definitely change after seeing it. up.

There is no way to change the sky, their Hong Xing is great in Hong Kong, but that depends on who sees it, for ordinary people, Hong Xing is the representative of lawlessness, but facing Dong Xing, their Hong Xing can only be regarded as an equal opponent However, if you are facing the Hong Kong government, let alone Hong Xing, even if Hong Xing and Dong Xing are united, they are just a few fleas on their body. Bite anxiously, wanting to kill you is nothing more than taking a bath!Plus Taiwan's Sanlian Gang and Japan's Yamada Group!To put it bluntly, if these people want to destroy Hong Xing at this time, one of Hong Xing's subordinates will count as one, let alone resist, and you will be able to escape if you are able to escape. Qin Fan who got up, both Jiang Tiansheng and the hall masters knew that Hong Xing had changed his surname, so even though Qin Fan didn't formally propose it, in fact, these people had already determined in their hearts that Qin Fan would become Hong Xing's seat, This is also the reason why Qin Fan was inexplicably prompted to complete the task.

In the hotel, Qin Fan looked at this reward with a slightly strange expression.

World scan scroll!

Effect description: The world can be scanned and teleported according to the information provided by the host!
According to the information provided by the host?If Qin Fan guessed correctly, this world scanning scroll should be able to transmit specific worlds according to his own consciousness, such as Dragon Ball, Marvel and other worlds that he has always wanted to go to. If it is really as he thought, then this The scroll is indeed good, at least more reliable than the random teleportation scroll, so now the question arises, how should I use this scroll?
Dragon Ball World?It's really good, the power system is complete, and all kinds of skills are very good!There is also the bug of Shenlong. If you can travel to the beginning of the Dragon Ball plot, you can even have several opportunities to make wishes, and you don’t have to worry too much about those bosses who will destroy the world at every turn in the later stage.

Marvel world?It is also a good choice. There are various magical superpowers of mutants, and special props such as infinite gems. If you can collect all of them, it will definitely help you a lot.

Naruto World?Needless to say, all kinds of ninjutsu, there are also nine tailed beasts, which should be useful if they are collected.

There are also full-time hunters, Inuyasha, Doraemon, and Detective Conan. In addition, fairy worlds such as Legend of Sword and Fairy and Shushan seem to be very good, etc., World of Xianxia?
Qin Fan looked at the scroll in his hand suspiciously (I have traveled through the world of film and television comics, so is it only the world of film and television comics that I can go to? If so)

Using a little force with his hands, Qin Fan unfolded the scroll and at the same time began to recall carefully in his mind.

Pale golden patterns emerged from Qin Fan's body, wandering around Qin Fan like old vines wrapping around a tree, and finally flowing into the scroll. The golden runes on the originally glowing scroll slowly gathered, as if someone used An invisible pen was writing quickly on the scroll, and as the golden runes written on it became denser, the entire scroll did become more and more transparent, until the moment the entire scroll became transparent. However, the dense golden runes on it suddenly exploded, and the pale golden light and shadow shot out to the surroundings almost instantly. The golden light covered the surrounding scenery and then the golden color disappeared. Qin Fan suddenly found that he had come to a forest .

Surrounded by dense jungle, the feet are full of fallen leaves, and a boy in ordinary clothes is holding a round bottle with a slender neck in his hand. At this time, the young man seemed to be surprised by Qin Fan who suddenly appeared in front of him, and when Qin Fan looked at him, the young man's face was obviously frightened, and he wanted to back subconsciously, but he seemed to have an injury on his foot. It was sitting on the ground with one buttocks.

"Monster, monster?" The boy looked at Qin Fan in horror and said with a trembling voice.

"Don't pretend to be knowledgeable if you haven't seen a monster, I'm human!" Qin Fan said impatiently.

"Really, really?" The boy seemed a little unbelieving.

Qin Fan
"Have you ever seen a monster kill someone?" Qin Fan said kindly.

The boy didn't seem to know why Qin Fan asked this question, but subconsciously shook his head.

"Have you ever seen someone kill someone?" Qin Fan asked again.

The boy was obviously taken aback, then shook his head.

Qin Fan grinned, and indeed suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the tree trunk next to him. A ray of lightning shot out, but it directly pierced through the waist-thin tree: "Then, do you want to see it?"

"My lord, me." The young man was obviously frightened by Qin Fan's hand, and his ordinary face was indeed full of horror.

Seeing the terrified look of the other party, Qin Fan couldn't help but look him up and down. The other party was only about ten years old, with dark skin and very inconspicuous appearance, but his eyes were agile. Lu was terrified, but if you looked carefully, you would find that the kid seemed to be still peeking around, as if he was still preparing to escape at any time.

"Your name is Han Li?" Qin Fan asked directly.

Hearing Qin Fan's words, the young man was obviously taken aback, then looked at him strangely and said, "You are?"

Although the other party didn't answer, but seeing the other party's appearance, Qin Fan was convinced, and then his eyes fell on the small bottle in the other party's hand, and then his toad eyes lit up, and he reached out and snatched the small bottle over.

The boy is just a ten-year-old kid. Although he is more vigorous than ordinary children because of his farm work all the year round, he is almost negligible in front of Qin Fan, and he has already snatched the vial away without even seeing it clearly.

The small bottle is about the size of a fist, rubbing it lightly with your thumb, a layer of dirt attached to the surface falls off, revealing the true green color inside, it looks like it is carved from emerald, but it is very beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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