King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 133 Fighting Tegushi Again

Chapter 133 Fighting Tegushi Again

"Is this also a Teigu?" Looking at the huge mech-like thing in front of him, Qin Fan said in surprise, but he was even more surprised by the other people present.

The invasion of the revolutionary army and the night raid team took advantage of the opportunity to throw the entire imperial capital into complete chaos. If it hadn't been for the power of the last supreme emperor, I am afraid that the revolutionary army might really succeed this time. When both sides have suffered heavy losses and their own cultivation, but such a person suddenly appears, no one will feel that this guy is here to drop by?
"It's you?!" None of the people present had ever seen Qin Fan, but Qin Fan's appearance was so recognizable that as long as someone briefly described it, they would recognize him immediately after seeing Qin Fan himself, so after seeing clearly After Qin Fan's appearance, everyone present recognized Qin Fan's origin without exception. After all, including the minister's son Xila, most of the people here were summoned to deal with the person in front of them.

"Yo! It's great that everyone is still alive. I don't know who is the Teigu envoy among the few present? I am collecting Teigu recently. If you can give me your Teigu, I may be able to let it go. I pass you!" Qin Fan said lightly in a frivolous tone.

"Really? The people present are all Tegu envoys, are you sure you want them all?" Sheila, who had a broken arm, grinned slightly. When he came back this time, he heard that he was going to deal with an ugly monster. The old man was very distressed. It is said that he really wanted to see how strong the guy who captured all the strongest in the empire was, but he didn't expect that when he just came back, he unexpectedly found that ugly monster was hiding. No matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find any trace of the ugly ghost in the imperial capital. He didn't expect this guy to run out by himself at this time.

"Really? That's really great. Is there anyone willing to hand over the Teigu?" Qin Fan still said with a smile.

"Idiot!" A contemptuous voice came from beside Sheila, and indeed there was a crescent-shaped vacuum slash towards Qin Fan from the air.

"Hey! I knew it!" Sighing slightly, Qin Fan's figure did disappear in an instant. Qin Fan has been practicing teleportation ability these days when he is idle, so although the speed of teleportation is not as fast as The point of synchronization of thoughts, but it is barely enough to be used in battle!

"This weapon should be a Teigu handle? Does it have other effects besides cutting out the energy blade just now?" Qin Fan appeared directly beside the man and asked.

"Damn it." It seemed that he didn't expect that Qin Fan would suddenly appear by his side. The man immediately slashed his blade horizontally and wanted to attack Qin Fan again, but Qin Fan's body was like a phantom. Slash disappeared again and then appeared on the other side of the man.

"Why, is there no other effect? ​​Or do you think it's not time to use it yet?" Qin Fan said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Noble Chariot." The sonorous voice came from the other side, but it was the man dressed in rustic clothes who suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist, and following his words, he instantly put on a gorgeous black battle armor.

"Oh, is this the Teigu that attacked the dead guy at night? You got it?" Qin Fan remembered that Leonie once said that someone in their team had a Teigu that could be turned into armor, and it seemed to have invisibility. As a result, that's why he asked this question, but he didn't know that he had confused the two kinds of Teigu.

"Where are you looking, idiot." A cold voice came from beside Qin Fan, followed by a series of sparks as the sharp blade cut directly on Qin Fan's shoulder.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I was a little distracted just now, but you can't do this. If you don't show your real skills, you will die!" While talking, Qin Fan did indeed stretch out a finger, and a thunder flashed. The man The lower abdomen was directly pierced by the lightning.

"Damn it!" At this time, the guy in the black battle armor rushed over, but before he could attack Qin Fan, Qin Fan reached out and grabbed him by the neck.

"It's a bit troublesome, can you take off the armor yourself? I don't know how to undress a man!" He pinched the other party's neck and said with some embarrassment.

"Why, how is it possible?" Will, who was pinched by the neck, really didn't believe that he was caught by the opponent in the first sight. Not only that, the huge force from the neck made him unable to use the slightest ability to resist. Being strangled by the other party like a young child, he couldn't even resist.

"The earth roars!"

"Ball of Corrosion!"

On the other side, a girl in a dress held a microphone and yelled loudly, and the clown-looking man next to him did indeed throw a ball at Qin Fan.

Qin Fan's figure disappeared again, and almost at the same time, Qin Fan's indifferent voice came from the other side: "Hey, hey, you have some motivation, okay, otherwise you will really die!"

Accompanied by Qin Fan's words, Will, whose neck was pinched by Qin Fan, and the neck of the armor suddenly felt like metal was cracking all his life, and the next second his whole head was indeed twisted to an angle that a living person could not reach: "Look ! Dead!"

"Sheila!" The girl who didn't make a move suddenly shouted at the one-armed man who was also staring at Qin Fan with no tentacles.

And the other people present also looked at Qin Fan solemnly, and indeed no one was doing random tentacles.

"What's the matter? Do you think I won't really kill you or do you really only have this ability?" Looking around at the people present, they did see faces with obvious fear: " Hey! Forget it."

Sighing slightly, Qin Fan's figure disappeared again. However, unlike the disappearance just now, this time the disappearance was not silent. At least everyone heard a series of thunder and lightning explosions at the moment Qin Fan disappeared, and The sound of balls falling to the ground.

"Plop" x3 The three headless corpses were as soft as rag bags, Qin Fan casually put the Teigu he found from the three into his private space, and his eyes did fall on the last two people in the room.

"What is the Teigu of the two of you?" Qin Fan's indifferent voice made the two of them feel as if the blood in their bodies had been frozen for a moment.

fear!This is the most primitive feeling of being a creature, even a bug would have it.
(Damn, damn, damn, I absolutely can't die here, so I won't be slaughtered like a beast by this disgusting guy, live! Live! Live)

The strong desire to win seemed to restore Sheila's ability to move in an instant, and a gossip-shaped magic circle was formed under the call, however.
"That's his teleportation Teigu! Stop him!!!" The exclamation came from the mouth of the woman next to him.

"Bitch, how dare you?" Hearing that woman's voice, Sheila's vicious gaze fell on the woman who was pointing at her at this moment. Sooner or later, she would tear her body to pieces.

Looking back quickly, Sheila thought viciously (huh? I shouldn’t be jumping backwards, why does it feel like my body is flying.)

The headless corpse fell into the slowly disappearing gossip pattern, and the unexcused head did fall heavily not far away. Qin Fan looked at the one who knelt down respectfully to him with some puzzlement. The girl looked puzzled.

"I'm just a temporary helper recruited by them. If you want, I can pledge my allegiance to you. I also know where they store the Teigu. If you need it, I can take you there to get it at any time!" The girl said respectfully. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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