King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 134 The Walking Dead

Chapter 134 The Walking Dead
The giant tree with a height of three to forty meters is particularly eye-catching in the imperial city of the imperial capital. It has been more than a month since Qin Fan returned to Zhantong World. During this month, he has watered twice without delay. The tall and short saplings have grown to such a height at this time, and the luck value consumed every day has changed from tens of thousands at the beginning to millions now. In desperation, Qin Fan can only let a few The girls went to various parts of the world to hunt and kill dangerous species to barely supply. It is worth mentioning that when Qin Fan left Zhantong last time, he said that he would take a few girls to other worlds, but the power system of the young and Dangerous world that he entered next was too weak. Qin Fan was worried that a big incident would happen if the girls were released out of her door, so he locked them in the dormant cabin and did not take them out. Therefore, after Qin Fan released the girls, he learned that they had been living for so long. Locked in the dormant cabin by Qin Fan, the women under Qin Fan's control are fine. Esdeth's original high loyalty dropped below 40 in an instant. Although she has always followed the concept of the weak obeying the strong, But it doesn't mean that she is really willing to be a tool discarded by any strong man at will. Although the appearance does not show anything, the loyalty in the list of attendants is not fake. Qin Fan has no choice but to treat her Using Mirror Flower and Water Moon to hypnotize, as for the remaining two contract scrolls, Qin Fan still kept them and did not use them.

Name: Growing Luck God Tree (Depressed)
Description: The sacred tree watered by luck consumes 1419200 luck points every day!
Looking at the information about this giant tree in front of him, Qin Fan's face was full of entanglements. Even Qin Fan couldn't bear the luck value of more than 100 million a day. The luck value is very considerable, but the cooperation of several women can't meet such a huge consumption. The most important thing is that this so-called luck tree is a bottomless pit. It needs to consume such a huge luck value every day. It seems that there is no Exhaustively, his stocks are almost used up and it seems that there is a tendency to continue to grow. If he really needs tens of millions of luck points every day in the future, then he really can only rely on destroying the world in exchange for Qi Lucky value is the way to go.

In fact, Qin Fan has thought about giving up and continuing to water the luck value several times and let him fend for himself, but now Qin Fan has consumed tens of millions of luck points, if he just gives up like this, it means Qin Fan and others The hard work of the day is in vain, and Qin Fan really wants to know, what is the use of a giant tree that needs to be watered by millions of luck points every day, so now Qin Fan feels like riding a tiger. Can bite the bullet and continue watering.

Once again pouring today's luck value into the sacred tree, Qin Fan sighed helplessly, seeing that he didn't have a lot of luck value left, Qin Fan knew that it would be impossible to continue like this, he needed a faster way to get it. The method of luck value, or the place!

Looking at his remaining luck value again, it was barely enough for a few days, so Qin Fan decided to find a way to provide long-term luck value by himself.

"You guys don't have to go hunting for danger today, just watch it here and don't allow anyone to get close, do you understand?" This sacred tree couldn't be put into it for some reason after it left its infancy. In Qin Fan's private space, this is the reason why Qin Fan only stays here to let a few girls hunt and kill them in danger.

For Qin Fan's absolute loyalty, a few girls would of course not mean anything. After arranging everything, Qin Fan exchanged for a random traversal scroll again.

In fact, both the world of the god of death and the world of the terminator are very suitable for gaining luck, especially the world of the god of death. Using virtual bait can gather a large number of virtuals in a short period of time and then hunt them directly. With Qin Fan's ability, let alone a day Several million, even tens of millions a day can be easily moved. The key is that the total amount of voids is limited. Even if new voids are generated in the void circle every moment, the newly formed voids can't add much energy at all. Luck is not as fast as killing people, and the world of the god of death may not be absolutely safe for Qin Fan, it really seems to use genocide to gain luck. Qin Fan can send a few atomic bombs to the world of young and Dangerous It's probably not a problem to get hundreds of millions of luck points a day by just throwing it around, and it's much safer than in the world of death.

As the random scroll unfolded, the surrounding scenery was once again blurred. Qin Fan had indeed arrived on top of a row of noisy ladies. The appearance of Qin Fan's bottle mouth caused a few people around to look sideways and exclaim, but it was quickly submerged. Amidst the noise and the flow of people around.

Looking at the attire of the people around them, they all look European and based on their attire, it seems that the world is in the early twentieth century.

Frowning slightly, Qin Fan simply followed the crowd forward and didn't go far. The faint smell of the sea in the air did attract Qin Fan's attention, and when Qin Fan came to the beach, the huge passenger ship was very The representative four big chimneys made Qin Fan subconsciously think of a name.

"Titanic?" Qin Fan said to himself uncertainly, but the feeling of being connected to the world really quickly confirmed his guess.

"Damn!" Shaking his head slightly, this world is not what Qin Fan wants now. After confirming that the travel scroll of this world has been generated, Qin Fan directly exchanged another random scroll to unfold, accompanied by exclamations from around, The surrounding scenery changed again, but this time it came to a street that seemed to have just been ransacked, with scrapped vehicles, litter and dust that seemed to have not been cleaned for a long time.

"This..." Before Qin Fan could figure out what was going on, a half-legged guy on the side of the road who was struggling to crawl caught Qin Fan's attention, and at the same time, the other party seemed to have noticed Qin Fan. Fan, his hands were very uncoordinated several times, thinking about where Qin Fan was crawling, and from time to time he opened his festered mouth and let out howls that were almost only breath-sounding.

"Resident Evil!" This was Qin Fan's first thought, but he didn't feel the feeling behind the world. Qin Fan immediately said again: "The walking dead?"

Sure enough, there was a reaction this time, but looking at the zombie crawling on the ground with difficulty, Qin Fan stretched out a finger, and a white thunder directly pierced through his head, gaining 13 luck points!
Qin Fan couldn't help curling his lips when he saw the luck value he got. Killing a living person can get almost as much luck. Although zombies may be better to kill than humans, it is relatively speaking. Qin Fan really There is no difference between humans and zombies who want to use weapons of mass destruction.

However, just when Qin Fan was about to leave again, the long-lost task reminder did appear in Qin Fan's mind again.

Random task, save survivors to build a base, task reward: save 100 survivors, get ability extractor x1!Rescue 500 survivors, get ability extractor x2, contract scroll x1, save 1000 survivors, get contract scroll x2, luck collector x1 (task rewards can be superimposed) mission time limit is 10 days!
(End of this chapter)

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