King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 135 Survivor Base

Chapter 135 Survivor Base

Looking at the mission information that suddenly appeared in his mind, Qin Fan's expression did become a little weird. Qin Fan was very curious about the Luck God Tree. No matter what, Qin Fan didn't seem to give up, but this mission has a time limit , This made Qin Fan a little tangled. If he did the task here, it might delay his collection of luck points, but if he gave up the task, let’s not talk about how much the three contract scrolls and three ability extractors are for Qin Fan. The attractiveness of the Luck Collector at the back, which Qin Fan has never seen before, makes Qin Fan salivate. Just by the name, this thing is used to collect Luck, and now he is short of Luck points. Things can really speed up the speed at which you can collect luck points, so even if it takes ten days to delay, it’s okay, it’s a big deal to go to the god of death to collect enough for ten days...
As the saying goes, sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood. Qin Fan just thought about it for a while and immediately decided to do the task first. Now that he had made up his mind, Qin Fan didn't hesitate any longer and started to prepare immediately.

Since it is necessary to build a base, it is of course necessary to choose the location of the base. Although it is said to be a construction, in fact, Qin Fan just needs to find a place that is convenient for him to house 1000 people. Although he does not know the surrounding environment very well, but With a random glance through his clairvoyant eyes, Qin Fan immediately locked on to a target, and then because he had already seen the destination, Qin Fan indeed teleported there directly with a movement of his mind!

This is a small group of villas. Although the land area is not very large, it is definitely not a problem to accommodate two to 3000 people. Moreover, although there are no walls around the villa group, there is a wide green area. Without cover, as long as there are enough weapons, it can also be well defended.

After choosing the location, the next step is of course to renovate. Since Qin Fan has limited time, he is too lazy to go outside to find any materials and manpower, so he directly exchanged thirty T-1000s to serve as coolies, and then directly exchanged them for steel and iron mesh, and let the Terminator take the whole The villa area is fully fenced.

Although the Terminator is a killing machine, it is also a good construction worker. As long as they have enough energy, they will not tire at all, and they are even more powerful than humans. In such a large villa area, if thirty or fifty ordinary people want to It might take ten days and half a month to fence it off, but according to Qin Fan's opinion, with the speed of these terminators, it is estimated that all the fences can be fixed in one night at most.

After finishing everything, Qin Fan exchanged for an armored vehicle again and asked a Terminator to act as the driver and Qin Fan drove out directly.

Since the base alone is not enough, Qin Fan still needs to find a thousand survivors to complete the task. Although Qin Fan has a clairvoyance eye, it is easy to distinguish the living among countless zombies. If he is asked to confirm one by one Qin Fan guessed that he would be too busy to die, but fortunately Qin Fan thought of a stupid way, that is to advertise.

"Don't miss it when you pass by! The newly opened Xingfu Village Survivor Base has been preliminarily completed. We sincerely invite all survivors to come. We can provide sufficient mistakes and protection. The end of the world has come, please come to Xingfu Village! Our location "In the loudspeaker, Qin Fan's voice was like the owner of a two-dollar shop repeating this sentence over and over again, but one survivor didn't see it, and thousands of zombies followed the armored vehicle as if they were in heat. So Qin Fan set up a machine gun behind him and started shooting wildly.

You know, if it is an ordinary armored vehicle, even if it is equipped with weapons, the bullets are limited. Even if there are many bullets, the barrel can’t stand it. Come on two grenades, let alone kill tens of thousands of zombies along the way, and earn 30 luck points. It seems that it is not difficult to have a luck value of 80 million.

At the same time, many survivors in the city also heard the shouts from Qin Fan's loudspeaker and the almost non-stop explosions of machine guns and grenades. For Qin Fan's seemingly crazy propaganda method, these Most of the survivors were very surprised, but at the same time they indirectly believed in the authenticity of the survivor base in Xingfu Village. If there were not enough weapons, how many bullets would be fired from the continuous machine gun fire for such a long time?Hearing the sound and weapons such as grenades, it is obvious that the base of this happy village has a regular army stationed there. If they can live in such a base, at least the security issue may be guaranteed, among other things?There is only one problem left, and that is how to get to this happy village.

Of course, Qin Fan didn't know until his seemingly nonsensical propaganda did cause a lot of waves in the whole city, but after this day, Qin Fan was surprised to find that this method of massacring zombies seemed to be able to collect a large number of zombies. luck value.

Zombies are so sensitive to sounds for some reason, and Qin Fan is beating drums and gongs to advance, but all the zombies who hear this sound start desperately wanting to gather at the place where Qin Fan is, and Qin Fan's weapons can deal with this dense crowd. The loss of the group is very easy, often a bullet can even penetrate the skulls of several zombies, and shooting those zombies crazily along the way is like a banker who has been hit by hail, it is falling one by one, this is still Qin Fan didn't dare to go to places with a lot of zombies because he was worried that the armored vehicles would be crowded. Qin Fan doubted that if the armored vehicles drove to the places where the zombies were most dense, gathered the zombies and bombarded them with rockets, it would probably be thicker in one day. A million luck points may not be impossible,

As the sky was getting darker, Qin Fan directly left the armored vehicle without oil aside, then loaded the driving Terminator into his private space, and he teleported back to the group of villas where he was planning to build the base.

After a day of construction, the area around the villa was completely surrounded by barbed wire, and the zombies in the villa were also killed by the terminators one by one and thrown out. It is worth mentioning that Qin Fan's promotional activities today were not in vain. When Fan came back, he was told that more than [-] survivors had found this place, and they were all arranged in a villa by the Terminator.

Although there were only twenty or so, it was the first day of publicity after all, and Qin Fan was already very satisfied to have so many. To show his friendship, Qin Fan went to meet these people in person and brought them a lot of food at the same time. and water, and then let them choose their own place to live, and tell them that they can do whatever they want in the villa area except that they are not allowed to go out.

Qin Fan didn't know how to manage the base in the first place, so he didn't seem to know, anyway, his mission was completed by bringing in a thousand survivors within ten days, and he didn't bother to care about what would happen to the base after ten days.So Qin Fan directly asked these twenty or so people to choose a leader to manage them and distribute food for the time being. Later people can also be handed over to them for management. Qin Fan only pays for safety protection and food supply, and for Qin Fan's Although several people were puzzled by this proposal, of course they would not have any objections. Anyway, as long as Qin Fan can provide them with enough food and clean water, other things are not important to them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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