King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 136 Air Rescue

Chapter 136 Air Rescue
As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Looking at the dozen or so burly men in front of him, Qin Fan couldn't help feeling that the ancients did not deceive me!
It has been six days since I came to the world of the walking dead. These days, Qin Fan's not very formal survivor base has received as many as 800 people. To be honest, Qin Fan is really satisfied with this number. According to this speed It is really not difficult to gather 1000 people within ten days of growth, but as the number of people increases, the internal affairs of the base also increase. Even if Qin Fan can provide these people with absolutely enough food and water, and guarantee that no zombies will be killed Entering the base, but there will still be some restless guys among these people who will make trouble. At the beginning, Qin Fan, who was making small troubles, also noticed it, but it seems that Qin Fan didn't care about it. It also got worse, and Qin Fan, who just came back from Zhantong World early this morning, was told that the base manager he had chosen at the beginning was killed last night...
To be honest, Qin Fan wouldn't care if it wasn't for the number of missions that required all of these people to die, but the problem is that this mission has such restrictions, and Qin Fan doesn't want to wait a month before there is only one person left in the base. A thousand corpses!

"Tell me! What's going on?" Qin Fan said a little bored.

"It's him! He quarreled with Kerry last night, and Kerry died at the place where he lived this morning. This person must have killed Kerry!" Behind Qin Fan, a white female voice with a thin figure He pointed at a strong man standing in front of Qin Fan tremblingly and said.

"Stinky bitch, don't talk nonsense. Although I have some disagreements with Kerry, I won't kill him because of this. You and that trash have never been clear, and I said you killed him?" The big Chinese said in a bad tone.

"It's you, it must be you! You are dissatisfied with Kerry's allocation of food, you can take over all the food if you kill Kerry!" The woman was hysterical and reached out to grab Qin Fan's arm and said in a pleading tone: "Kerry You appointed Kerry to manage us, and now Kerry was killed by them, you must give Kerry an explanation."

"Alas!" Seeing this pleading woman, Qin Fan sighed impatiently. The Kerry in the other party's mouth should be one of the first batch of people who came over, although Qin Fan didn't know about this matter. I didn't investigate, but I guessed a general idea. It should be what this woman said. The other party was dissatisfied with being managed by that guy named Kerry, and then secretly killed that guy in the middle of the night. Qin Fan, the leader of a group does not mean that he is appointed casually. He either needs charisma or absolute force. Qin Fan also knows that this kind of forced arrangement will actually cause accidents sooner or later, but he did not expect that he would not be able to persist for ten days.

"You said he killed someone, but you don't admit it! That's fine, I'll give you five days, and whoever finds the evidence of the murder after five days will be the new leader of the base. Do you have any objections?" Qin Fan was impatient. Said.

In fact, if Qin Fan wants to investigate who killed someone, it is very simple. He only needs to use Jinghua Shuiyue to hypnotize him and ask them one by one, and the investigation will be clear soon, but then?Kill the murderer?Isn't that one less person?Moreover, Qin Fan also guessed that the murderer was probably among the strong men in front of him. If these people come out to take revenge, Qin Fan is not worried that the other party will find him, but if he finds someone else It would not be worth the loss if you die a few more times to vent your anger, so Qin Fan thought of this procrastination tactic, as long as you persist for more than three days, when the task time is up, it doesn't matter if you complete the task by yourself and kill all these people in one go.

"No!" However, the woman who grabbed Qin Fan's clothes just stopped after Qin Fan said: "No! Absolutely not, if you don't care, they will kill us, they threatened us before you came, If you don't care, we can only get out of here."

Hearing this, Qin Fan frowned slightly, looked at the woman with a somewhat unkind look and said, "They threaten you, so why don't you come and threaten me?"

As if she didn't expect Qin Fan to say this, the woman couldn't help being stunned for a moment but said firmly, "We just want to live!"

"Okay! Then who of you is willing to leave with her! Stand up!" Qin Fan said impatiently.

Hearing what Qin Fan said, the people who were standing with that woman all lowered their heads. Now the whole world is occupied by zombies. If they go out, they may be killed by zombies anytime and anywhere. Trouble can at least survive.

"You..." Seeing that her companions betrayed her at the last moment, the woman couldn't help showing a look of anger.

"Okay! Now I give you two ways, either you leave by yourself, or you stay, don't say I won't give you a chance, as long as you can find out who killed that and so within five days, I will help him avenge him! After finishing speaking, Qin Fan turned his attention to the strong man on the other side: "I don't care if you killed him or not, if she says she didn't find any evidence in five days, you will take over here and replace the dead guy as the manager here." Or, in addition, within these five days, as long as someone here dies or disappears, whether you did it or not, I will kill you! Do you understand?"

"Hehe! You are the boss, you have the final say!" The strong man obviously didn't take Qin Fan's threat too seriously, but his tone was still submissive, so Qin Fan didn't bother to pursue it, and walked out directly.

"Boss! Do you want to be him now!" A skinny man beside the strong man whispered to the big man while watching Qin Fan leave.

"No hurry, first find out the source of their food and weapons, we have all the time!" The corner of the big man's mouth was slightly raised, but his eyes fell on the woman who had already shown despair a few times and grinned.

The voices of the conversation between the two were very soft, even the woman not far away couldn't hear it, but Qin Fan's super-strong ears could hear it clearly, but Qin Fan didn't bother to ask about such things , It's as if a few ants are plotting to dig a trap to kill the elephant. What can an elephant mean when it hears such a plan?

It stands to reason that based on the number of survivors who came to seek refuge in the past few days, it should not be a problem to gather 500 people in the remaining three days or so, but Qin Fan is still a little worried. He is worried that the people nearby will come as soon as possible. Those who are too far away may still be on the sidelines, so Qin Fan is ready to take the initiative to complete the task as soon as possible. After all, the zombies in this city have been killed by him these days, so hurry up and complete the task. He was looking for a faster place to earn luck.

This time Qin Fan directly exchanged for a helicopter. Although he has the ability to teleport, Qin Fan is worried that people in this world will not want to stay in his survivor base if they see him as something like a zombie, so Or use the conventional method to insure some.

After boarding the helicopter, Qin Fan ordered the Terminator pilot to take off directly, and then took out the large loudspeaker and started shouting into the microphone: "Survivors, listen, Xingfu Village Survivor Base Rescue activities are underway now, please survivors who are willing to join the happy village go to the roof and create thick smoke, we will send a helicopter to rescue, once again, we have enough weapons and food in the happy village, we can provide everyone A safe living environment...."

In the huge loudspeaker, Qin Fan's voice accompanied by the vibrating sound of the propeller seemed so abrupt in this world full of wailing, black smoke rose from the top of tall buildings, black smoke Among them are pairs of eyes eager for survival!
(End of this chapter)

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