King Kong Gourd Frog

Chapter 137 Luck Collector

Chapter 137 Luck Collector

"Ding! The task of saving the survivors and building the base is completed. Due to the completion of the task ahead of time, an additional Luck Collector x1 is added!" After getting off the helicopter, Qin Fan was surprised to receive the prompt from the system that the task was completed in this way, and There are even extra rewards for finishing ahead of time. If he had known this, he should have worked harder. If he had resorted to unscrupulous means, it would probably not be a problem if his speed doubled. The task of the terminator was handed over to the terminators, and he walked directly into his villa and began to carefully count the gains this time.

Needless to say, the contract scroll and the ability extractor, the key point is the luck collector. Qin Fan was a little curious when he got it for the first time.

Name: air transport collector
Effect: Any living body will generate an indeterminate amount of unstable luck value from time to time, and the unstable luck value will disappear with time. The luck collector can collect the unstable luck value of its prayers within a certain range, and absorb The total amount varies with prayer piety.

"This kind of collection?" Qin Fan frowned slightly. At first, he thought that this thing could replace his own luck collection, because when the women in Qin Fan's attendant list were hunting other creatures, Qin Fan You can also receive the corresponding luck value, but it is limited to being in the same world. Qin Fan thought that with this luck collector, even if he and the girl are not in the same world, the girl can still hunt and help him collect luck. Fortunately, now it seems that he is thinking too much.

Qin Fan is really a little disappointed with the function of this luck collector. Qin Fan has tried it. He kills an ordinary human being with a luck value of about ten points. Killing the opponent directly is only a little bit of luck. It can be imagined How many points can the other party get from praying for the future, even if it is ten points a day, there is still a limit, even if you gather 1 million people, you can only provide yourself with tens of thousands of luck points a day. With the watering of the sky, the luck value needed for his money-pit tree has increased to less than 200 million per day. Tens of thousands of luck points are really dispensable for going to Qin Fan now.

"Ah!" Although a little disappointed, as the saying goes, mosquito legs are also meat, and Qin Fan is not short of such a waste of time. If it is really as he expected, providing tens of thousands of luck points a day, what should I say? If you can get a dozen or twenty luck collectors in one breath, you can add up to a lot. Although I only have two at present, it can only be regarded as nothing!

Thinking of this, Qin Fan didn't hesitate anymore. He remembered that there seemed to be a small church in the villa area that could be used as a place to collect luck. Qin Fan immediately set off and walked out, but he just opened the door and went out. Hearing the noisy sound outside, Qin Fan, who originally wanted to go to the church to install the luck collector, couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound.

But on the open space, a dozen strong men were besieging five other people, and the man who was asked by Qin Fan to settle accounts with him if someone died in the base was grabbing a woman's hair at this moment, laughing. Watching his subordinates beating those people, the woman whose hair was grabbed by him was the one who accused him of killing that day.

To be honest, Qin Fan had expected that this woman was definitely not the other party's opponent. He asked that woman to find evidence of the other party's murder just to delay the time, because Qin Fan had already figured it out. He is going to directly exchange a few nuclear bombs to cleanse the city. In this way, he should be able to provide himself with a large number of luck points in a short time, so it doesn't matter to Qin Fan how the people here make trouble, but because of this luck collection Qiqi still needs living people to provide luck value, so Qin Fan doesn't plan to give up this base in a short time, so...
"What are you doing!" Qin Fan quickly walked over and shouted.

"Boss! You came at the right time. The unlucky guy named Kerry was actually killed by this woman and her accomplice. This guy was guarding himself and stealing food, but Kerry found out, so they partnered up to kill the unlucky guy. , now all the stolen goods are ready to be handed over to you!" The strong man holding the woman's hair said with a smile, while talking, he did not forget to flirt with the people behind him, and they immediately understood Come out with a few packets of chocolates and throw them on the floor!
Qin Fan looked at the people on the ground who had been beaten so badly at this time, not to mention turned white, who probably had difficulty breathing, and the woman seemed to have been beaten badly, and her whole body was limp at this moment. It was only because the strong man grabbed his hair that he didn't fall completely to the ground.

Qin Fan missed a few people, and then his eyes fell on the ground in front of a guy whose mouth and nose were bleeding, stretched out his hand to feel the other person's pulse, and Qin Fan said very calmly: "This guy is dead!"

"He deserved what he deserved. When we arrested him, this guy still wanted to resist. We had no choice but to teach him a lesson!" The person who spoke was one of the most vicious people who had just attacked him, and it seemed that he was not the first It seems that there is no discomfort in beating people to death one time. It seems that this kind of thing is very common for them, and they even have a joking smile on their faces when they talk.

Come to think of it, not to mention the end of the world, even in the normal world there will be some existences who don't take the king's law seriously. Looking at the appearance of a few people, I guess they are not good birds before the end of the world.

"I remember I said that I will kill you as long as there is a dead person in the base within five days, do you remember?" Qin Fan said with no expression on his face.

"Hehe! Boss, what you say is a bit unreasonable. I also want to help you find the murderer. If these guys resist, can't my brother fight back?" The man in the lead was stunned when he heard Qin Fan's words. After a moment, he smiled and spoke again.

"Then I don't care, I have already said what I said, you must die! If any of you kill him now, I don't need to hold you accountable for killing him just now, otherwise you will all die!" The latter sentence is obviously correct Speaking of those guys who just hit someone.

Quiet, not only the strong man and his subordinates, even the people who just ran out to watch the excitement because of the fight all looked at Qin Fan with crazy expressions. There was no way, because of Qin Fan's own order, those Terminator All guarded around the base to prevent zombies from rushing in, so in the eyes of these people, Qin Fan is now a bare-handed commander, even if someone has a gun but is not around, what's the use?
"Hehehe! I kind of think you're funny, boss! You don't really think that someone will kill me just because of your words, do you?" The strong man looked at Qin Fan with a silly look on his face, The meaning of teasing between words is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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